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Oh, ok that`s totally my fault then. I scrolled up and down several times and obviously overlooked that. Now that you mentioned it, it almost jumped at me. Maybe you can transfer this to Monkeys then? I think it (and me also, lol) belongs there much more then here. Only if possible for sure. Or you could just delete this, Up to you and your possibilities. Thanks in advance. Edit: I found the Moderation Actions drop down button at the top, but am unsure if i can (or am allowed to) use it, and what it will exactly do.
Hi, like you can see i'm not really active in the forums. Mainly because i can't remember that i ever ran into any problems using Launchbox. But if i'm not totally wrong, there was a (i think it was called) General Chat or something like that, back in 2017? The reason i'm asking this is, that i was on the search for a place to post how happy i am with LaunchBox and to thank everyone behind this Software and Forums for their fantastic work. And i would like to thank the support team that helped me today, with a question i had about my License.xml file, really fast (In this case thanks to Brian, so courteous.) This Noob section was the most fitting one for this question i think, even that maybe it's not really the right place for this. Anyway, i just had to say this. Worth the risk to get punished for posting in the wrong place. Thank you!
Thank you sooo much for this hint. Solved all my problems in a second. I wonder why i wasn't able to find this for over one year and hope this will not be considered a necro post, or what it's called. And i got a litlle question: Is this methond affecting the input latency somehow? Or doesn't it affect it at all? Am just a DAU, please be patient.
Sure. No clue why this happens. Maybe in other languages this happens too?
I just changed the language to english and noticed this. Some things stay german. I don´t know if this is a known problem allready. https://picload.org/image/rlgagirl/pic1.jpg I also don´t know yet, if there are other things that stay german when we switch to english. But i´ll have an eye on it. Thank you.
I´m sooo blind. Thank you.
Hi. i´m german and when i install LaunchBox i choose English as language. But after the installation is done LaunchBox starts in german automatically. How can i switch to english language? I couldn´t find anything about it. Maybe i´m to old, dumb or blind, no clue. Thanks for your help.
@Opak 2 little spelling misstakes found in LB: Ansicht --> Spiele-Icons bei Mouse'h'over Ansicht --> Heranzoomen oder Hineinzoomen (statt Hereinzoomen). Thank you for your great work.
Danke für dein Verständniss Opaklopper. Sozialkompetenz ist ein Buch mit sieben Siegeln für mich als leicht autistischen Misanthrop. Aber du hast natürlich recht. Jetzt erkenne ich es auch. Ich hätte besser bei meinen üblichen Formulierungen bleiben, und solchen "slang" vermeiden sollen. Ich versuche dadurch manchmal etwas menschlicher zu wirken. In Zukunft werde ich meine Posts nocheinmal gegenlesen und das ein oder andere Smiley einbauen, um solch einem Missverständniss vorzubeugen und freundlicher zu wirken. Noch einmal zum Verständniss: Auch wenn ich mich mal unhöflich ausdrücke, ist es nie böse gemeint. Ich weiß es einfach nicht besser und verstehe keinen Subtext. Ich möchte bloß behilflich sein, da ich mich in dieses (noch) Frontend verliebt habe. Danke nochmal, Retro Gamer. EDIT Kannst du den anderen bitte meine Situation erklären? Ich weis nicht ob ich mich im Englischen akurat erklären kann. Ich würde es vermutlich nur versaubeuteln. Danke
Both of you got me totally wrong: I was mad about the frustrating situation NOT ABOUT YOUR WORK!!! And by the way, i know what translating software means. I translated several tools myself. Even if my fluent english and grammar sux, if it comes to accurate translation, i can be "almost" perfect like "Opaklopper" (Wirklich gute Arbeit bisher. Und du kannst ja nichts für hochgestochene englishe formulierungen, die einem die Übersetzung schwer machen.). So a big "THANK YOU" to the community spending their time and nerves to translate this masterpiece! But this is not the matter. Jason. Please point at the sentence where i was negative against your community next time. I´m consused. Nothing in this post is meant negative eighter, just in case you read something beneath the lines. If so, please point at it so i can learn out of it. Maybe i should let you know about my autism, sometimes people are alot kinder when they know about it (sometimes not). Anyway, thanks for your time friends.
The german translation to prioritize EmuMovies over LBGD/Wiki, while importing games, is still wrong. It´s still saying: "Grafiken von der LaunchBox Games Database und Wikipedia priorisieren" = Prioritize LBGB/Wiki instead of: "Grafiken von EmuMovies priorisieren" = Prioritize EmuMovies Once again. this problem is home made. The english sentence sux, what makes the translated sentences suck also. "Prioritize Media over LaunchBox Games Databes and Wikipedia" instead of "Prioritize EmuMovies Media"? Now tell me, which sentences propably causes prpable translation problems? I wouldn´t be so mad abot it, if it was a non critical sentence. But downloading GigaBytes of media only to see you downloaded the wrong stuff drives me crazy. Can´t you just change the english source sentence to resolve this anoying problem once and for all? Sorry for beeing mad about this. And thanks for your otherwise great work.
I noticed the same problem with downloading media, like @flores9 . The thing is, it´s not only the PlayStation Platform and the Game V2000. There a more games for (maybe all) other Platforms. And when these games are selected, and it´s their turn in the row of downloading media, alot of selected games after this game, either don´t download the videos OR the front box images OR everything. I can´t give you a list of these problem games, cause i didn´t wrote them down. But i know that every of these Platforms have at least 1 official game (NTSC/USA) that made problems for me. Game Boy, Game Boy Color, NES, SNES, Game Gear, Master System, Genesis. 2nd thing is, when i did the download process once more for the same platform and all games selected, but select "replacing only missing fields", alot of the missing media get´s downloaded then. But still not everything. After 3-4 download runs with all games selected, there are few games left, that makes these problems. For these games, i had to downloaded the media manually. (I had wrote the Titles down, if i knew this wasn´t my DAU's fault.) Sorry for my crazy english. Hope this helps a bit and don´t confuses you instead.
While import process, on the last page, there is a checkbox (checked by default) for this feature.
Sure, let´s wait for their answer. But i´m pretty sure it´s priorizing EmuMovies when it´s checked. "Prioritize (EmuMovies) images over LaunchBox Games Database (images) and Wikipedia (images)." This should be the full sentence in english to be more clear for the translators. I wonder if the other translations have the same misstake. Or maybe 2 checkboxes where only 1 can be but have to be selected. 1. "Prioritize EmuMovies images" 2. "Prioritize LaunchBox and Wikipedia images" I think that would be perfect and alot easier to understand for DAU's like me. And depending on, if we have set up a EmuMovies account in the options, the default setting could switch to EmuMovies or not. Please enlighten me, if my thoughts are wrong. Am a bit tired atm.
Hi. OK german is better for me. Also der englische Text sagt aus: Priorisiere Bilder "über" LaunchBox Games Database und Wikipedia. Was soviel bedeutet wie: EmuMovies Bilder sollen Priorisiert werden. Das Übersetzungsproblem ist durch das "over" im englischen Satz entstanden. Nochmal im Klartext: So sollte es sein: Checkbox markiert: Lädt mit höchster Priorität EmuMovies Bilder runter. Checkbox nicht markiert: Lädt mit höster Priorität von LaunchBox und Wiki runter. Macht allein deswegen schon Sinn, weil nicht jeder bei EmuMovies angemeldet ist.