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  1. Yep, I left it running in the background and came back it was done. Could do with a better progress bar I think, it totally looked stuck for 40-60 minutes.
  2. Same here today, its stuck on downloading the bezel pack for MAME. Did you leave it in the end?
  3. I'm a premium user. Can you recommend a theme that doesn't stretch the images in list view and stacks them instead?
  4. In list view, when you pull over the Game Details bar, the screen shots stretch (see screenshot below). Is there a way to define a width limit so the screen shots will be side by side? Thanks.
  5. Hi, I had a look at Simple Arcade Multifilter but couldn't work out how to remove just duplicates - did you work it out?
  6. Yes, same here for MAME 0.106 and it's set.
  7. How does LB do this automatically and where is it backing it up to? Thanks.
  8. Great, I'll give this a go, thank you.
  9. Hi, I have LaunchBox installed on more than one device but want them to use the same favourites playlist, is this possible? It would be really nice if I lose a hard drive or something , when I reinstall LB my favourites are still there. Thanks,
  10. Can I ask a quick question on back of this? What data source is our collections being audited against? I'd like to see the full list of details of collections, thanks!
  11. Hi all, I'm not really up to date with what LaunchBox can do with Cloud saves - but all I want is my custom 'Favourites Playlist' to be saved in the cloud automatically. Is this function built into LaunchBox? If not and I point DropBox or whatever Cloud service to the Playlists folder, I'm worried that I have LaunchBox installed on an external drive and the drive letter changes from time to time, will DropBox still find the playlist to sync? Any help with saving Playlists to the Cloud will be appreciated!
  12. Thank you - for some reason I didn't get a notification that anyone had responded to my question (I usually do) - I just randomly checked my old question and here you are with the answer! Really appreciated
  13. Hi, I probably didn't explain that well in the subject, so here's a better go: I have a recent MAME full set and when I import to LB it strips away all the clones and regional versions and leaves me with a nice lean set. So what I'd like to do is just save the ROMS that the MAME importer selected into a new folder, so I have just them in one place, is that possible?
  14. Yes, it's really helpful - I had no idea LB could do this and for every system too - brilliant.
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