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  1. Retro808's post in PC Games Not Importing - Asking For Emulator Configuration was marked as the answer   
    In LB find the game then >Right Click >Edit >Edit Metadata and Media. Go to the "Emulation" tab and uncheck the box there. 
  2. Retro808's post in Displaying Additional Metadata was marked as the answer   
    You would need to custom code a theme. You can just copy the Default theme folder and then paste and rename it to whatever you want. You can then edit that new theme. Go into the \Views folder and edit the respective xaml file. Its been a while since I have messed with LB themes but the spot you want might be in the BoxesContentView.xaml file. I am not 100%.
  3. Retro808's post in Search for Metadata does not find Samurai Shodown was marked as the answer   
    If you imported the game into a Taito Type X platform make sure you set the "Scrape As" for the platform to "Taito Type X". This will bring it up. Normally all arcade boards are scraped as "Arcade". 
  4. Retro808's post in Fade in out 2 Question was marked as the answer   
    What you want is possible but would require a custom “Startup” theme. Startup themes can be coded to show various media and metadata. 
    In our downloads section you can see some examples of existing Startup themes. 
  5. Retro808's post in Game Icons in Folders 1 not displaying was marked as the answer   
    Is that a Platform, Playlist, or Category? Depending on which then you need to file the image in the right spot. 
    In the \Images\Platform Icons folder there is a specific folder for "Platform Categories", "Platforms, and "Playlists". Right click on Gun Games in LB and Edit. Top of the edit window will confirm what it is. It will either say Edit Platform Category, Edit Platform, or Edit Playlist. Then be sure to put the icon in the right folder.
  6. Retro808's post in License Name Change was marked as the answer   
    It was a typo. Should be support@unbrokensoftware.com
  7. Retro808's post in Issues with activating license was marked as the answer   
    Contact the team at support@unbrokensoftware.com
    They can help get license issues sorted there. 
  8. Retro808's post in Xemu download available, won't download was marked as the answer   
    Just tested and no issues from within the Xemu exe updating. You might have to download directly from the emulator site. LB does not have anything to do with that. It is not one of the emulator we manage with update notifications. 
  9. Retro808's post in Removing storefronts like Amazon Games from the interface. was marked as the answer   
    Just to complete the thread for anyone who may have future questions...
    No. If you do not link those storefronts in the Manage Storefronts settings in LB they would not show up. How could they? LB would not know you have any games from those store fronts to import. 
    Nah, it's a truth. 
  10. Retro808's post in When I try to import a rom /game from launchbox I get this message "There was an error while importing the game: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.", how can I fix it? was marked as the answer   
    I deleted your other 2 posts about the issue. Please do not post the same issue multiple times. If you do not get an initial response to your first post just bump the post. 
    Try force updating the Games DB Metadata. 
    In LB >Tools >Download >Force Update Games Metadata
  11. Retro808's post in Mame Quit button was marked as the answer   
    Yes, both in LB and BB there are controller mappings for this (BB even has a section for keyboard mappings). In LB it is the option for "Exit Game" and in BB it is the option for "Close Active Window". 
    While you are in the options for LB I suggest taking time to look around in there at all the available options to further refine your LB settings. 
  12. Retro808's post in Mame - Stuttering Audio was marked as the answer   
    In LB: >Tools >Manage >Emulators and edit Mame. In the box with the Command Line remove only the portion below and see if that helped.

  13. Retro808's post in Custom Playlist Clear Logo Not Showing was marked as the answer   
    If the images are showing up in LB then try going into BB and refreshing the image cache. You will find the option to do this in the settings. 
  14. Retro808's post in how to get gamepads to be associated with games was marked as the answer   
    If you are talking about in game play LB/BB has nothing to do with that. You set your in game controls in each emulator directly. 
  15. Retro808's post in Mr was marked as the answer   
    Only issues would be launching the games to play if you are missing those dependencies.
    You can import them for now just to get the games and media set up. You can always correct the emulator later.
  16. Retro808's post in MAME Roms & CHD location inside LB or rather outside was marked as the answer   
    Makes no difference. LB does not read anything when launching games to play. It sends a command line to Mame and tells it to launch the specified game. 
  17. Retro808's post in How to setup Launchbox with ROMs on a separate harddrive? was marked as the answer   
    Just import the roms from where they are. You can either open a Windows folder where the roms are and drag and drop into LB to import or sell use the import rom/file option in the LB import wizard and it allows you to select the rom folder. 
  18. Retro808's post in Hide "Licenced to" on the topbar was marked as the answer   
    This is correct. There is no option to hide the name. Small price to pay for not really having DRM on the software. 
  19. Retro808's post in Nintendo Famicom Disk System import was marked as the answer   
    You can just delete the other line in the Associated Platforms tab for Nintendo NES. Click on the cells and delete the contents. If you have Retroarch already set up to your liking no need to have LB do it. I do not use the automated feature for emulator downloads. Prefer to manually set all my emulators up. 
  20. Retro808's post in Launchbox on Raspberry Pi? was marked as the answer   
    No. You currently need Windows or Android. 
  21. Retro808's post in How do I populate this image with Pictures/videos was marked as the answer   
    There are different things going on here. 
    1. The Unified themes (all versions) for the area left of the text list or wheel list uses images stored in image folders within the theme for the background, the video border, and the platforms clear logo that would be at the top. So you would need to add custom images. The image would be named after the platform and then placed in the corresponding image type folder located in \Launchbox\Themes\Unified & Ultrawide\Images\Theme\[Image Type]\
    2. For any  box art/cart art (in your case the magazine cover) that would normally display in the area between the video and the game list on the right once you have added those images to the correct LB image folders be sure to go into BB settings and refresh the image cache. Typically those image would be located in \Launchbox\Images\[Platform Name]\[Image Type]\
    3. The video within the frame you would need to add a custom video to the \Launchbox\Video\[Platform Name] folder. 
  22. Retro808's post in Edit Launchbox new default theme? It's possible? was marked as the answer   
    Yeah, the check boxes you reference are for metadata that would show up in the text details portion. Those new little windows I believe are a completely different line of code and would need to be manually edited. 
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