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Everything posted by kuipou

  1. kuipou


    the official gamecube wii u adapter in native mode
  2. kuipou


    It might be a first world problem but here I go : Currently my setup works with Launchbox / Bigbox people grab the 8bitdo SNES30 for the SNES NES GB GBC GBA GEN this is great and they use it for the menu though for the Gamecube they use the gamecube controllers in native mode however the problem with that is that they have to use the keyboard to move in bigbox instead of the GC controller i love native mode but would anybody have an idea on how they could use the controller in Bigbox
  3. can you show me how
  4. ok but how did you make the platform logo being able to be shown at the sametime as the game wheel?
  5. more the seconnd one im trying to modify StationEmulation by viking to have the selected platform logo at the sametime but it fails
  6. hm maybe i ex plained wrong ill draw some thing quick
  7. Is there a reason why there is no theme with a platform logo and the game clear logo wheel at the sametime like for example the SNES logo on the left and all the clear game logo on the right
  8. Hello i've been trying to put the clear platform logo on the right like in Game view one while having the platform name while having the clear logo games can you help me? (Bonjour jessaye de faire en sorte que les clear logo pour la platforme slectioner affiche meme si on es dans le mode 2 avec les autres game clear logo pourriez vous maider?)
  9. Could you make this video without the voice and the bigbox tag in white please?
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