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8-Bit Processor

8-Bit Processor (3/7)



  1. I never understood why we never put you forward, your prods would be a real showcase for both the community but also Unbroken software and again here... Surprise that you are not more people to encourage you here for the crazy project... (especially after the master piece Zelda Ultima) The realization is just Outstanding! Really . It looks so professional. What the hell are you working with!? Congratulations in any case, I will follow this with attention
  2. GREAT ! Thanks !!!
  3. Hello ,I have tried a dozen files of different sizes, I would say from 40 mo for the smallest to 350 mo for the heaviest but nothing goes. The only one that I can upload is screenshots on the forum
  4. Hello and happy new year everyone! I have been trying for several weeks to upload files to the forum but impossible each time I am confronted with an "error -200 servor error", thinking that it came from my connection, tested elsewhere with another connection and other pc, I even tried with my phone in 5G! Always this error -200 .. Are other users having the same problem? Thanks for your help !
  5. Hello retro, would you have done by chance a little tutorial for the installation. Indeed I copy paste the file in the overlay folder and rename by putting the name of the system .. The problem is when I make my settings and that I change the support the overlay remains the same (example I make the settings for the game boy everything is fine I record I switch to megadrive and there it is always the game boy overlay) In short I had to miss a step ! How do you go about assigning an overlay to each system? thanks for your help !
  6. It's a old hyperspin video but nice edition !
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