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Everything posted by d8thstar

  1. just to report back, i tried it all, renamed the image to the platform name, that wasn't it (and I have plenty of images in the "Banner" folder for a platform with crazy names and they show fine) i tried refreshing ALL the image caches, nothing. i then found a "cache-BB" folder and in that folder was the bad image on the wrong platform. so i copied the correct image from the correct folder, put it into this cache folder, renamed it to what the cache name was and bingo! no idea what was happening here but it just hated that image... EDIT: Good Lord this is weird. my above workaround worked, until i refreshed the cache images and then it reverted back to the wrong image, EVEN THOUGH the correct image was in the platform/banner folder. so i did my work around again and for those two images, i changed the file properties to "read only" and now the image is sticking.
  2. i thought of a renamer, i'll give it a shot!
  3. hi all, not sure if this is the right place to post about banner box theme issue i am having. i have two platforms that no matter what i do, i cant update the blade. i have put the correct image in the LB/images/platforms/nec pc engine CD/banner folder and within LB, the image shows in the right hand side info window. but when i go into BB, the image that is showing is for the turbografx cd. same thing is happening for my wiiware platform, the wii banner is showing, even though the wiiware banner is in the folder. and yes, within BB, I have refreshed the cache, each individual section and even all images. this isn't user error (i dont thnk) in that i have updated a bunch of banners and they all are showing correctly. you can see in the image "folder", the path to the image and the image itself is of the pc engine CD. in the "LB" image, you can see pc engine cd selected to the left and all the way to the right, you can see the correct pc engine cd image. but the banner in BB is of the turbo CD... this one is driving me nuts guys!
  4. LB is great, it found all my amiga stuff and matched up art even with the version number after the game title, e.g. "AlienBreed v1.3 0998" but the games still who up in my game list with the version number. is there anyway to get LB to ignore that extra text? thanks!
  5. awesome, thank you guys! curious, if i only have two banners at the top level, can i get it to just show two instead of the two duplicated over and over to fill the screen?
  6. hey cbeats, thanks for the response. i’m at work and will give it a shot when i get home. sp would i go into the big box theme? not sure what you meant with “theme them to NOT wrap around” thanks again!
  7. is it possible to not wrap around back to the start of a menu/wheel? i have a box set up where the top level are girlfriends games and another banner for my games. but this two banners repeat across the whole screen. i think if i could turn off a wrap around, that might fix it? thanks!
  8. the arcade categories seems to be missing "CGD Required" and "Vertical games" curious if anyone can take a stab at 'em? sorry, i have zero design skills to try myself I also have a request, I'll send you $20 if you want to do one banner... I have a playlist under handhelds for Nintendo Handhelds. Anyone want to make $20 and come up with a playlist banner? Thanks for reading!
  9. first release note, sort platforms by different options? all of my platforms got reordered. not sure what happened. i even went in and tried renaming them numerically, 010, 020, 030, etc. and that is still not doing anything. keep up the great work guys!
  10. i have successfully added game pass, app opens, i can use my xbox controller to navigate and select. in LB, i can even quit with my quit shortcut, select+start. but when i launch game pass in BB, the quit command no longer works. any thoughts?
  11. so i'm trying to create a banner for my girlfriend. i tried the creator but i am completely lost. watched the YT video and am lost. anyone willing to help create one? just looking for basic white text on black background "Delia's Games" thanks all!
  12. i’m a design less person, don’t have a creative eye maybe the pic of dana plato from the cover of night trap as the primary image? i dunno
  13. i’m so not a creator, was wondering if anyone would want to tackle a banner request? looking for a FMV banner. i know very niche but hoping someone could help? thought is to add all FMV games and the. for each game, select the custom platform.
  14. d8thstar

    sega cd 32x

    only bump, any thoughts?
  15. ok got it working. if anyone else runs into the issue, i imported skipping clones, even though LB has recommended next to import clones. after that, all good
  16. ok so i got this version running outside of LB and i have set up LB per the instructions above. when i try to launch robotron (i have the merged rom set), LB errors that it couldn’t find rom robotronun.zip the merged rom is simply robotron.zip and that’s what was imported. so not sure why it’s looking for a different rom. i tried loading alternate versions, same thing. thing is, all those missing roms are in the merged robotron.zip rom. am i importing incorrectly? will this only worked with unmerged roms? so close i can taste it EDIT: if i go into the edit metadata and select the correct rom, robotron.zip, it now works. but i really don’t want to do that for 4k roms another example, defender won’t start cause its looking for defenderb.zip. changing that to defender.zip, game now starts
  17. hi guys, As I go thru my collection to streamline as much as i can get onto a 1TB SD card, I would like to set up a platform for FMV games. Those games take up a lot of space and I'd like to get them all under one umbrella, no matter the platform. Reason being, as an example, I can have the best version of night trap on there and not have to remember, if I want to play that, I need to go to the 3DO section. Just thinking out loud :)
  18. d8thstar

    sega cd 32x

    i imported 32x cd games into it's own platform but when i try to select an emulator, it only let's me select "custom emulator". and i am super green on android to know what the emulator package info is. any thoughts? thanks all for holding my hand as i ask rookie questions
  19. lol, sorry, i got excited
  20. oh that great! it’s the last emu i need on this unit and i’m pulling my hair out on mame! curious if you might have an estimated date for the beta? i won’t hold you to it, just curious
  21. apologies, new to android. i changed the platform name but the blade still says wii. is there a blade for the menu that says wiiware?
  22. what am i doing wrong? i pointed to my rom folder, entered this info, starting a game says it can’t find the rom in the folder that i pointed to. i’ll my roms are merged might that have something to do with it?
  23. i’m new to the android game… anyway to get LB to access usb sd card? i’m running pimax portal which i believe is running android 10?
  24. hi guys, it would be awesome to have wiiware titles as a separate platform. thanks!
  25. hi all. i have lb running on my pimax portal, love it! launch box can see the internal memory and the sd card. then i tried plugging an sd card into a usb-c reader. android OS can see the drive and i can copy files from it to internal or the internal sd card but lb doesn’t seem to see that usb-c sd card. any tricks to get lb to see the port?
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