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Everything posted by JuanHeSi

  1. I think its a very welcome comment, a lot of us are using the libretro platform, steam and windows 10 after all
  2. Welcome to the club hehe... I read somewhere that you can stop the update service on windows 10 but not from the ordinary menus of the control panel (nor system settings)... at least i havent found how to do it using "normal user intended methods". Well not everyone has problems with the updates, whe got the short straw but I think at least there are workarounds... its just that they are harder to find when really needed . The good thing is here in the forums we usually find the solutions working together, and usually the people does not limit the talk about launchbox... this is a very nice community if you ask me
  3. Hi there, just found a forum about a game that a lot of people had the same problem as you describe, when goind to full screen in that game, pc and tv switch to the lowest refresh frame as posible, capping the frames per second of the game. The solution was to remove the lower refresh rates from the valid refresh rates available in the control panel of the graphics adapter. Theres a catch, this was on 2016 and windows 10 pro I think. Could you try that if the emulator does not let you remove lower refresh rates? I will keep trying to find more about it.
  4. First, love the pic , now could you try to connect the pc to the tv using a different port? If you are using hdmi try a vga or displayport cable (not sure if the tv in the pic support display port) that way we could see what the problem is sensitive to... Again, if you can, you could send me the emulator zipped with allthe config files to try and replicate the problem in my pc (got a nvidia 1050 and a very lower processor than yours on one pc, and a 1060 and corei5 on another one, both on win 10 creators update, I know theres a lot of difference on the specs, but maybe we can find some trigger to the problem). Just for curiosity, can you turn off or disable the cinema mode of your tv? Its an option that allows the using of 24 frames per second when framerates from the source approx to that. In my case it happens when i'm watching movies on media player classic on mi lg tv via hdmi (such feature i had to activate on both the media player and the tv). I will try to assist you as much as possible and I really think at the end you will be able to sort it out.
  5. Well if you like you can post me a pm with the zipped emulator with your configs and I may try tonight to reproduce the problem and if by chance I step over a solution I will share it with you. Another thing in the other forums talk about full screen problems with g sync. Would you mind sharing with me your specs? Do you have an nvidia graphics card? You could try connecting it to a tv instead of a monitor, and try full screen over hdmi or vga or display port and share if theres any difference?
  6. Hi there, windows 10 creators update kind of broke some things in my pc too (win 10 pro 64 bit, launchbox 7.9), the full screen problem is pointed in some forums outside launchbox as a common problem. In my case the startup video transition to the big box windows kind of froze, and had to use alt + tab to let the big box app to get focus and work normally (in the end changed the video engine to windows media player instead of vlc, but it worked really good before the update). Please Try enabling "disable full screen optimization" on the compatibility options for the emulator or app exe file properties (right click then properties then compatibility tab). It looks like the creators update made some additional features to how full screen works and some games and apps in general that use full screen are having issues with this. Please dont take my word as a universal truth as I am no expert on windows 10, but this maybe or maybe not help you to solve the problem. This is information found on outside forums but I truly hope that you can solve your problem.
  7. Well I´d would like to share that with game mode off and using windows media player instead of vlc, things got back to normal... at least I think so . It appears windows 10 creators update brings some changes to the way full screen works, and some programs or emulators or games got broken on this mode (at least some forums assure that they still work in windowed mode). Just to be sure I checked the "disable full screen optimizations" compatibility option in the properties windows of the bigbox exe file. Thanks a lot to @keltoigael for bringing the question on which engine and thanks to @cammelspit for a topic on a similar problem to talk about it. As Always thanks a lot to the mods, admins and contributors to the topic for helping out as soon as posible this forum is a great place for us newbies!
  8. Hi there, Im using vlc for launchbox engine since the install. I will try turning game mode off (I think that came by default on with the creators update this weekend) later tonight and get back to this thread to share if there are any better results
  9. Well I dont know if its related, but since a win 10 update this weekend (sorry the little devil just wont stop updating without my approval ) big box (running launchbox 7.9) starts horrible slow and background video just wont play like it´s dead but alt tabbing solves the problem... I did not change anything at all (I even tried to stop antivirus but is just the same). By the way last week when everything was all right I was using a very long video for start up (James Baker´s arcade classics intro) due to my loading time (like 20 seconds or so), but when Big Box ended loading it was all a smooth experience. I´m very happy with launch box / big Box, and I really think it´s Windows fault right now I had to stop using startup videos... but I´m still happy with the experience. You guys are awesome! PD: Running windows 10 Pro 64 bits, full Mame, Snes, Nes, Genesis Romset and the Beautiful City Hunter Theme on Launchbox 7.9
  10. I know Its an old topic, but wanted to say thanks, I had the same problem of black screen because of bad dumps of these bios in retroarch (that worked with another emulators) It´s such a cool thing that here in the launchbox forums we noobs get such detailed info .
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