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Everything posted by kiddanplay
Hey everyone. Me and my step brother have been working on netplay within RA and have got everything up and running including Final Burn. One issue that we have noticed though. With Sega, NES, SNES we are able to be in the launchbox menu and start the netplay session we are also able to go into Bigbox and begin the netplay sessions as well. We have ran into an issue with Final Burn. For some reason my step brother can not host a game through launchbox or big box but if he goes directly through Retroarch it will allow him to begin a netplay session. currently as a work around we are having him start the session and then while im in LB or BB i can join him with no problem... Is there some setting we are missing or is this a known issue with the final burn core not being able to host directly in LB or BB?
That was the deal! Thanks alot for the help! odd little issue thats for sure
Hey whats goin on! So i had to do a uninstall and reinstall of the Dolphin EMU today and i have everything up and running but i have an issue that i havent ran into before. When i start a rom through LB the game will start as normal but in the background and the UI stays in the foreground untill i click the background and bring the game to the front. Is there a setting or something that i am missing in the emulator settings that is causing this issue? Obviously on my cab i dont want to have to click to bring the emulator to the foreground all the time.
nice! thanks for the help with that ...i guess i will just have to trial and error some of these based on the playability before i remove them. Some of the other naming structures i am seeing arent as straight forward in the rom set. Yall have been a huge help tonight thanks for everything guys! Glad to have some amazing mods in the community!
hey boss... couple more questions. I just got this pack and im curious about a couple things 1) Can you elaborate on the following system names? MSX? SGX? TG16? i assume PCE is PC-Engine as well? 2) i imported "the simpsons arcade" and in this pack there were a total of 7 different files. some ended in the following 2p, 2p2, 2p3, 2pa, 2pj,4pa I started each one and i see no difference in them at all. Is there a reason i need to keep these duplicate files or can i remove them and only keep the main simpsons file imported? it looks like there are a couple of these in this set and i dont want to have a bloated LB with games imported that i dont need but i also dont know if those naming conventions have anything to do with the playability of the game in any way. Thanks man!
PD Roms?
yeah dude those CHD's are insain takes a 50G romset and turns it into 500 real fast!
Well sheit lol looks like i have to do some more downloading
Well damn now i feel like a total noob LOL... which core do you recommend as the best to use...the standard FB Alpha core or another version of that core
Yeah, i watched this video and it worked great to get my stuff all set up but im trying to see the correlation between this video and FBA in conjunction with what i asked above. If i use FBA do i have to initialize the netplay portion outside of LB/BB and in the emulator itself since it is not retroarch? or after i link the emulator to my mame catalog will those host/join sections be overridden and allow FBA to make the netplay connection.
makes sense... so i was just looking at it. After we get this set up do we have to use it standalone as an emulator and start the netplay independently outside of launchbox/bigbox or does it integrate into LB/BB?
Nice, What is the game support like in terms of number of games supported? Does it support CHD required games? How about lag...Pretty laggy?
Got it solved! This was the issue! Now were just having an issue with MAME specifically... I posted a new topic on this in the forum
Hey everyone...After a decent session last night i was able to get NES, SNES, and Genesis working with no problems on RA Netplay. I am curious if anyone has use Netplay for MAME with Retroarch is so can someone give me some guidance as to what core they are using and some settings? Both me and my Brother have tried using the Mame 2016 and regular Mame cores in RA and they both launch the games individually but do not launch through netplay. Really hoping to get our MAME cabs linked to play some arcade classics together...Thanks
ok now im really weirded out... my step bro did a port forward and it worked we are able to connect directly through LB but now i have NO controls...which is weird...when we play in RA i have controls for everything but once we connected i lost them...once we disconnected i have them back...LOL
Yes, We are using Super mario kart. I sent him my copy of the ROM and he deleted his other and reupped to LB to ensure we were on the same one. We are both on RA 1.7.2 both on updated SNES9X Cores as well
Hey everyone, me and my step bro are trying to utilize Netplay in retroarch and are having one hell of a time. We have tried man in the middle, i have tried to host and given him my IP (from whatsmyip) and he can not join. I have tried using a VPN and given him the IP and he can not join. He has tried to host and done the same and i can not join. BUT if we have a publicly viewable game in standalone retroarch then i am able to connect and play when i join his game and he can connect and play when i start a game as a host. So we have the functionality and it is working in standalone Retroarch but for some reason when trying to utilize direct IP of the other person either through LB or BB or Retroarch we can not connect directly to each other. Any ideas? really racking my brain on this. Thought my IP might be blocking something so we tried the VPN but neither of us can figure out exactly why we cant connect directly as it is preventing us from using LB or BB the way we would like to. Thanks everyone
Question: is it possible to run BigBox in a windowed mode? I'm getting my twitch channel setup and focusing on retrogaming but i would like to run bigbox in windowed mode for a little bit to show off in my stream. Any possibility in doing this?
sorry guys just got back from a business trip. So basically when i am in bigbox and i click on a game it will start cemu but there is no way to have it physically load the specific game without my loading the specific image manually? i just want to make sure im understanding correctly. If thats the case im cool with it i just didnt know if i needed to do something different for it to load and begin playing the game like the other emulators do Thanks again.
Finally onto my WII U games. I have CEMU linked up and i have the proper RPX files for the games in their respective folders with the 4 sub folders "code/content/meta/system" That being said during the upload through launchbox wizard i am pointing to the "code" folder as it contains the RPX. Outside of launchbox i am able to start CEMU click on the RPX and load with no issues. When inside launchbox if i click on a specific game and try to play it launchbox will open CEMU properly but the game itself does not launch even though it is pointed at the specific RPX. Any ideas as to why the "link" seems to be broken between starting CEMU and the physical launch of the game?
when i did the bulk edit i made it the default emulator but for some reason there was some conflict going on even after changing...but your right :-) lesson learned...although it was alot easier just deleting and reuploading and not having to download everything again to make the change :-) well played launchbox...well played lol
yeah honestly i didnt have an emulator downloaded but i wanted to get the games all imported due to the time that takes with downloading artwork and what not so i had it set to the Fusion emulator as a way to just get the games imported then when i did the bulk change to dolphin for some reason it wasn't taking properly...guess thats what happens when you try to be smarter than the smart system :-)
Yeap...that worked...had to delete out everything and reimport everything from scratch... weird. but either way thanks for the help!
Should i try deleting all the games and starting from scratch with dolphin set as the preset or should i try downloading a previous version of dolphin?
wish i had a screen recorder to show you exactly what it is doing