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Everything posted by kiddanplay

  1. i have it set as the default emulator and i also did a batch edit on all gamecube files to ensure they were set to dolphin as well
  2. using dolphin 5.0
  3. sure do. no boxes checked.
  4. except my emulator path is set different as my emulator is housed on a different drive so its not in the launchbox folder specifically? should i put it in there to try?
  5. sure does
  6. Hey everyone ... i followed the launchbox tutorial on this and im having a bit of an issue. When i start dolphin and manually load a game it fires up with no problem outside of launchbox. When i am in launchbox and double click on a game dolphin starts up...i see a black screen like it is going to load a game and then the black screen goes away and nothing happens. I'm sure this is an easy fix just dont know where to go to fix it. I have tried in regular launchbox and big box as well and have the same issues. I am trying 1 game specifically not random games but again outside of launchbox i can load with no problem and play the game inside of launchbox...no launch Thanks
  7. well then :-) that took care of that... i actually dont mind that view you have on yours it was my second runner up :-) thanks for the assistance that MP3 box was driving me nuts and i couldnt figure out for the life of me where that was...probably because i was digging for settings on that wheel opacity that didnt exist lol
  8. kiddanplay

    layout help

    Ok i have pretty much got my launchbox looking the way i would like it to look. Only problem is for the life of me i cant figure out how to adjust the last couple things and i have looked everywhere. I will attach screen shots of exactly what i'm talking about and walk through each of them specifically forgive me as this will be a lengthy post of multiple questions. 1) for the picture "layout issues" and "folder" - This is 2 part ...Part 1, If you look at the "folder" image you will clearly see i have the wheel art present. I have the full pack recommended on the cityhunter 2 theme page and they are all in the folder yet for some reason only a few of them are actually showing up...We can use dreamcast as the example for this...i have the dreamcast wheel image in the pack but for some reason it gives the default one... What could be causing these to not show up correctly? Part 2 of question 1: Notice at the bottom where it shows the MP3 playing? i have playlist of MP3s for background music which i love that functionality but is there any way to prevent that box from showing up? its super annoying to keep seeing it pop up...would like to have that continue to play my music and never pop up...i dont need to know what song is playing. 2) for the picture "Issue 2" when i choose a console or arcade system for some reason the image at the top "consoles" shows up. How do i prevent that from showing up at all? it only happens when i stop on a system for some reason. 3) for the picture "issue 3" when i finally decide on a console such a 32x i get a full screen animation and video which i LOVE...but my wheel goes away. Is there any way to keep that wheel in place and just lower the opacity while that animation and video is playing? Thanks for putting up with me and the questions
  9. 2 questions: 1) When starting bigbox i am greeted by "arcade, Consoles, Computer" is there any way to get rid of this wheel completely. Basically i would like to log in an see all my systems right away? 2) when i go to a system say "mame" for example...Is there a way to develop a sub wheel within the mame system for say "arcade classics, Shooter, Fighting...etc" therefore if i was in the mood to play a fighting game i would click on the fighting wheel and be able to see all the games i have put into the fighting "playlist"? Thanks
  10. Nice, So much easier of a interface than HS was...
  11. Also, i have another question while i have you around... When uploading i didnt upload the "Bigbox cinimatix theme trailer" in liu of downloading the emumovies theme...Is there any way to go back and redownload those theme trailers manually?
  12. So by deleting those Platforms it will not delete the games?
  13. Question: I just uploaded my MAME files and we all know how long and time consuming that be. My question is...i had it mad subfolders when i uploaded them thinking it would make subfolders such as "shooting, Arcade, racing, etc... but rather than by genera it did it via system. Is there now any way to manually condense those systems to arcade without having to reupload those games individually to the arcade folder? Example: i want to take "Capcom Classics" "capcom play system" "capcom play system II" and "capcom play system III" and move those into the "Arcade" folder to clean up the interface instead of having "fake" systems showing Thanks
  14. outstanding. Thanks for the quick reply!
  15. Hey everyone... I had a previous HD from a HS setup and I am now setting up LB. I already have all downloaded metadata and video snaps for all my systems. Currently LB is installed on my C drive and i have all my roms and metadata living on my D drive for my new build. Is there anyway to link those video snap folders to LB without having to move the physical data to my C drive in the LB folder? I'm using a Solid state for my C drive and one 8TB for my rom drive and therefore dont want to crowd my solid state with all the metadata. Thanks
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