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Everything posted by qupe75

  1. Thank you Paulina for these they are great, Hoscarconh, is there any chance you could make yours so that they match with these videos?
  2. wouldn't you leave out Typing of the Dead as it's Japanese? Can Shoot Out Pool be configured? I can do everything bar play the shot at the minute. Thank you for all your work on these settings
  3. No worries. It's been ongoing for me for the past week so justed want to say it's still ongoing
  4. Nope Launchbox downloads work but emumovies just keeps searching and times out
  5. Is this fixed yet? Mine basically takes ages trying to connect to Emumovies and times out
  6. Thank you as always :)
  7. Could I ask for this please? I uploaded the game details to the database - https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/details/159831
  8. Hi could I ask for the Cut-Throat Coast logo this new mod please? It doesn't exist in the database yet. I can upload the Game Details now. I would say the Banjo Kazooie logo needs to be before this as it's title is Banjo Kazooie: Cut-Throat Coast but I can manage that. Edit: I have uploaded the game details awaiting approval.
  9. Thank you as always. I'll get it uploaded as the game is on all those platforms and I own the Dreamcast version (basically a no thrills NES port). It's a little basic to be fair.
  10. Could I ask for this one please? The logo is for NES, Dreamcast and Switch
  11. Thank you. I have added the front box art and a quick cart to the database too
  12. Any chance of this one please? I will upload the box and cart now
  13. Thank you Seaview. I'll try sort the game to the database
  14. Any chance of this one please? It's NES Homebrew
  15. Thank you Rodrigo
  16. Thank you. Sorry to ask for another so soon but any chance of this too please?
  17. Could I ask for these please? Firebugs is in the database but some issues and Rapid Racer (the Pal version has different music)
  18. thank you as always
  19. any chance of this one please? The game has a better soundtrack and some extra changes to the NTSC version
  20. Thank you as always
  21. Could I ask for this one please? Another one of Kurko's Mods.
  22. lol teach me to rush something... cheers Seaview
  23. Hi Seaquest can I ask for a smoother version of this logo please, the two on the database have issues I have screens and the front cover of my version and the disc, I did kickstarter this. I can't upload to the database currently so upload here what I've done so far. The road trip edition has the music CD that's the only difference. I won't clog this page going forward it's just so if you felt it warrants it these can be uploaded as I can't for some reason at present.
  24. Thank you.
  25. Hi Seaview I was wondering if you were able to do this at all? I have edited a cart for it from the hack pack in case anyone wants it Kurko is doing some great mods
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