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Everything posted by Marope

  1. And the issue continues coming into Dec. It seems they are not even attempting to fix the issue. Emumovies was a waste of money, period. 7 days trying to get 174 roms done, that shows there is a real problem. I have tested every point from my side all the way through to Emu and everything is fine till I hit Emu itself, What are they running there servers on? A 486 dx 4 Bahaha! It's Emu and they are failing hard now, everything was fine last April, but now it's not worth using.
  2. Just a simple export, like the one used for Android export. But please fix the Arcade export, I don't need 41567 mame rom files transferred to my retropie. It would be nice to have something that will export what we choose not what it thinks we chose. I know - but because mame's stuff rely on multiple files,,,, most of us know that and can easily add the missing stuff manually. Just a simple export...
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