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  1. Hello everyone. How hard it would be to develop in-home syncing of RetroArch saves (because its literally one folder, and much convenient than multiple emulators). Like when you come home and connect to home Wi-Fi LaunchBox would detect it and sync saves with desktop LaunchBox retroarch, maybe even manually would be a great thing to have. Would be a huge game changer for me, Thanks for everything, LB devteam
  2. Is there any possibility on making Conroller configuration for emulators? Maybe first for RetroArch and others emulators will be covered by community by plugins?
  3. Im sorry if i missed something but "Control Definitions with Overlays/Icons" means we would be able to set controls for emulator, or just pre-created images for controls?
  4. Than addon is much better than the official one, full integration in Kodi is great, would love some progress here! Unfortunately with latest kodi build there is an issue if you start a game in will infinitely launch that game.
  5. Will issue with Dual-monitor setups be adressed? When you have two monitors with different resolutions Big Box will use only primary monitor resolution. Maybe add an option with Fullscreen? Not a windowed borderless fullscreen. Thanks.
  6. Hi, thanks for feedback but with my setup (R5 2400G + Vega11 IGPU) in AMD Control Panel setting is also called GPU Scailng but that does not make any difference at all still only 1/4 of the second screen (TV) is being showed up
  7. Same with Dual Monitor setup of mine - 720p monitor and 1080p TV. BB on TV coers only 1/4 of the screen space.
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