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Posts posted by Drodrik

  1. 2 minutes ago, Jason Carr said:

    Ha, that's funny. I'm guessing it has to do with the plugin image being so big. I'll see what I can do. :)

    HAhahahaha yes it was funny, I think this is due to the menu takes the original size of the images, I erase that plugin, nevertheless the menu is still bigger due to retroarch netplay logoimage.thumb.png.a43afc89521ab5b88b23af0eda749a9d.png

  2. 35 minutes ago, Jason Carr said:

    New beta is out guys. We now have a new right-click menu, some minor updated styles, and various fixes. It should now at least work for a daily driver even though there are still quite a few missing features (most prominently for the moment a missing main menu).

    image.thumb.png.fdd6a5fa33e8cd4be5f0db4bc43e9f99.pngHi jason and thanks for this beta, I do not what happen my right click menu is so big! :o 

  3. 5 minutes ago, Lordmonkus said:

    I think the volume adjust controller automation in LB is for LB volume, not emulator volume so maybe that is sending some weird command to RA giving you that message.

    In my case the controller automation adjust the volume in general for all the system, I know it must be the S.O

  4. 32 minutes ago, Lordmonkus said:

    Yeah, works fine for me. Did you mess with any of the input hotkey binds in Retroarch at all ?

    I thought that so I download Retroarch again and put it on an new folder with the default configurations, but I received the same null message when I tried adjust the volume, could be my controller or my SO? I have an Xbox 360 wireless controller and windows 7 Home premium

  5. One of my favorite features and very useful most of time, is the possibility of control the volume level with controller automation, 

    The problem is with Retroarch, if I try to use adjust the volume with control automation while I'm playing , Retroarch shows a bottom/left message that says "null", afterward the control does not respond anymore, so I must close the game, this happen both Launch Box & Big Bog.

    Do you have the same problem? Is a config problem? thank you guys



  6. Ohh boy! this is amazing! the interface is tons much faster and also more enhanced, excellent combination between performance and style, the only thing is the image size I like the organization in the previous launchbox maintaining the name on the same file for all the elements, for image with differents sizes, like in the image, We really appreciate the @Jason Carr work


    • Like 2
  7. On 19/2/2018 at 3:23 PM, Lordmonkus said:


    Get your votes in now, just remember that the poll results will determine the order things get added so everything barring some unforeseen problems will make it in eventually before the next poll.

    Edit: Just to clarify, features with really low votes may not make it in before the next poll but they could get carried over into the next poll.

    No doubt my favorites  :

    1. Pause screen like the rocket launcher pause, with manual, walktrougth, the time played, the times played : 

    1.2 Game time counter,  take screnshot, take video, save, load, view manual, serah in wikipedia, search in youtube, search walktrougth it would be incredible!





    2. Retroachivements full integration , can navigate inside the achievements like in their emulators


    Resultado de imagen para retroachievements emulators


    3. Control definitions that allow show the platform control (It should be added for a paused menu as well, but it would be faster with a control automation definition same for the manuals)


    GameBoy Advance Setup (X360).png


    4. It would be amazing put a lot of songs in a folder, and them be played aleatory navigating in this platform, with customizable parameters like ( play aleatory, play in order, play all song, play 2 minutes per song etc)fd


    5. TIme play tracking, very interesting, like rocketlaucher, it would be implemented with his filter most time played games, etc:



    Resultado de imagen para played time rocket launcher pause


    5. Custom default images per platforma game, very useful for those games without artwork, it would be show an image like this


    Resultado de imagen para snes generic cartridge


    6 (THIS IS NOT IN TE VOTE LIST) I think it would be crazy amazing have a platform details menu in big box, for example in the platform selection menu have an option for "View platform details..." like the game details but per platform,like this image bigbox.PNG2.thumb.jpg.c1397fd7ba616b6f253022bf612b7f7a.jpg



    • Like 1
  8. On 7/7/2017 at 6:57 AM, Norfair said:

    Hi, I have some questions about alternate titles.

    1. Is the region field mandatory now when adding an alternate title? I did add an alternate title without a region. The change was accepted, but the game doesn't display the alternate title. 
    2. What region should be set when there isn't a specific region attached to the alternate title?
    I have an example:
    Game: LostWinds: Winter of the Melodias
    Alternate name: LostWinds 2
    "LostWinds 2" isn't attached to any region. MobyGames categorizes this as "Informal title"

    According to the guidelines the facing name is North America in this case, because it was released there. This is why I did set North America as the region for the alternate title. Is this correct?

    3. What region should be used for Rom Hacks?
    I've added some Rom Hacks to the Games DB and did set "World" as the region. Is this correct?

    Yes is very important to assign the region in every alternate name, for me must be mandatory, this because if you have a game with an alternative name , but in the the Db this alternate name does not have region, the scarper won't recognize the game and won't download the artwork and metadata, and the game shouldn't be correctly merged.

  9. 11 minutes ago, DOS76 said:

    If you go into the additional app you can edit the name and it will show as whatever you type in but if its a lot of games its a PITA to do so. I was discussing this the other day with someone else and would definitely like to see this improved upon as what does come up as the name is usually nondistingushing and you have no clue what you are choosing from

    Yes it would be a waste of of time, I'm not sure but i know remember that before the alternative games had his complete names, Am i wrong?

  10. 2 hours ago, eatkinola said:

    I have the same problem with latest beta 8b9, get this error when trying to open either LB or BB:


    Yes i do not what happened, so do not worry you can open your updates folder and install the 8 beta in the laucnhbox directory.

  11. 56 minutes ago, Jason Carr said:

    Alright folks, beta 9 is out with the following:

    • Retroarch Netplay is now available in Big Box as well via the game details menu
    • Alpha-numeric navigation in LaunchBox is now working for the list view as well
    • Fixed: The game details sidebar in LaunchBox was not remembering its sizing when closed and restarting LaunchBox

    I'm hoping to have the release out on Wednesday or Thursday. We'll be working on fixing any remaining bugs, but no new features until the official release.

    It's so awesome now we can open net play in bigbox!! 

    • Like 1
  12. 50 minutes ago, Jason Carr said:

    Alright folks, beta 9 is out with the following:

    • Retroarch Netplay is now available in Big Box as well via the game details menu
    • Alpha-numeric navigation in LaunchBox is now working for the list view as well
    • Fixed: The game details sidebar in LaunchBox was not remembering its sizing when closed and restarting LaunchBox

    I'm hoping to have the release out on Wednesday or Thursday. We'll be working on fixing any remaining bugs, but no new features until the official release.

    Thanks a lot for those changes! , So i installed this beta no I cant open launchbox or bigbox, I reinstalled the previous beta and I can open it, but I not get install this beta  

  13. 56 minutes ago, Aevans0001 said:

    I wonder how hard it would be to  make these member functions work in both bigbox and launchbox.  I mean I like the look of bigbox, but there really isn't a reason why as a purchaser I shouldnt be able to access some of the same features in launchbox also.  

    Yeh that's right, I know there are a lot of more important request than this one jejeje, so this little changes make the BIG differences compared with other frontends like PDF reader for example, create subfolders, play music in the games details!, a lot of customizable filters!, can view the reverse of the box, auto merging, the awesome DATABASE B| and etc...  I came here for this little options,

    Those are good options for take a better position from another softwares, due that all this apps have the same purpose, organize your library! the question is which make it better?

    I follow your advice to create a bitbucket, I'm going to try my luck with @Jason Carr with this entry jejeje, if you want to vote, it should be ok, thank you


  14. 8 minutes ago, Retro808 said:

    I may be spitballing here but I think one of the reasons BigBox may not have it is that BigBox is more for cabinet style maneuvering which in many cases do not use keyboards as standard in their set-up. Typically arcade controllers and gamepads. If you notice LaunchBox and BigBox are navigated in two different ways. LaunchBox navigates mainly with keyboard and mouse (for pc set-ups) and the controllers style navigation is mainly in BigBox (arcade cabinet style navigation). May be why Jason put the feature in Launchbox and not BigBox. Jason could put it in BigBox someday, but I would recommend making a bitbucket ticket so the community can vote on it and Jason can see how much the community may want it. 

    Yes that's right, so if a person that have bigbox does not mean that he has a cabinet, like me :| I just have my pc, gamepad and keyboard jejeje, a selectable option should be ok

    • Like 1
  15. 15 minutes ago, Aevans0001 said:

    this is already implemented in big box, go to the rom list and press left and it pulls up the *,#,A-Z.  I don't think he can implement it without because of the other hotkeys.  For instance I have a hotkey programmed for f and some controllers use letters to search.  

    Yes i know, so you are talking about the gamepad navigator, not keyboard alpha jumping, both are great, You have reason wit the another keys, I think it shoul be an activatable option, In my another frontend gameex said for example:

    Enable letter select: YES/ NO : Enable jumping in the list by typing the first letter of an item. For some arcade controls you may want to turn this off as certain controls can be mapped to letters, which could cause inadvertently jumping in the list.

  16. On 9/2/2018 at 6:00 AM, Retro808 said:

    These functions do exist. 

    BigBox has had for a while the ability to move your controller (for example move left if your game scroll is up and down) to pull up an alpha numeric list and then you simply scroll to the letter or number and BigBox jumps to the first game of the selection. 

    In Launchbox the latest beta now lets you hit a keyboard letter and Launchobx will jump the the first game in that selection. 

    That right, but for my is much more faster to tap -metroid  in bigbox that looking for the game with the gamepad navigator, especially if a have a collection of 3000 Snes Games,and the performance can be slower, I used to had this option in worst frontends, it seems rare that a piece of software like bigbox does not have the same.

    The good new is that jason has implemented this function just for the first letter in launchbox, probably he is going to implement the same for bigbox, and with more characters

  17. Hi everyone, I'm really noob in moderation terms :D Ok,  I have a question about compilations, if i receive a compilation with 3 different discs, for example "Call of duty: black ops collection" Can I reject it for duplication?

    On the other hand if i receive a compilation but this is Just an special disc with different games for example "Devil may cry Hd collection", May i treat as a new game?


  18. 11 hours ago, Typhon said:

    I hate to ask this, as I suspect it would not be as easy to implement, but I would like it very much if the 'alternate names' get imported to the Data\Platforms XML files, and stay there, for the sake of Retro Achievements games, instead of depending on the Metadata.xml file. It could be one field containing all of the names, separated by a semi colon, the way genres already are.

    I do not like the idea of Retro Achievements functionality being dependent on data that can and will change, due to community ignorance. This is a solution that would still encourage users to keep the alternate names accurate (for RA functinality), but at the same time, allow their own personal setups to be safeguarded once the data is imported (and possibly edited by the user) correctly one time.

    Here is a screenshot of what I have in mind. If you went this route, you could also include a 'scrape as' field for the 'Alternate Names' tab, which would solve the problem of Retro Achievements classifying a game under the wrong platform (e.g. Game Boy instead of Game Boy Color).

    Example 1


    Example 2


    I'm now a little paranoid about updating Launchbox, knowing how it all works.

    Oh that's interesting, it is necessary to find a solution for this o.O, are you using the database plugin?

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