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  1. thanks for this very nice update. it is very appreciated. Is it any way to add a new platform / will this be a new future one day (like Amiga 1200 for example) ?
  2. hello, I hav e it on my 405V with the latest GammaOS (and was working also with previous software). it works great, especially with the latest beta. As easy to install as any other android application.
  3. same here and by the way, thanks for fixing the scrapping issues. it now works GREAT !!! update : sadly, crashed my system and corrupted my sd
  4. thanks for the update but same here, cannot hit the ok button and/or it does not work
  5. Fantastic update going to test all these new nice features ! Thanks for the support ! Curious to test this new RetroArch functionalities !
  6. Issue #8355 SUBMITTED
  7. Greta news for the B2. Thanks for the teasing To answer to your question I'm leaving LB does what it has to do without touching anything. It crashes when I'm adding a new folder an/or when I run a "download all missing media". Sometime I even try to go step by step only downloading some medias (not all media at the same time) but as soon as there is more than 100 roms to scrap the chances of crashing are increasing rapidly. Any log anywhere that I could send you ?
  8. @faeran thanks for taking the time to answer. I'm glad you read everything we post 🙂 I'm sure everyone will be happy to see that they got an answer. I'll make the request in the appropriate section. For the watara, I was able to fix the issue. Actually the roms need to be zipped. if not it won't work. strange but it is OK now. Please find the big instability with the scrapping issue and already that will be a big step forward (I must have been lucky with FB scrapping + when you try MULTIPLE times, sometimes it works...) I'm sure Beta 2 will be great !
  9. @faeran why asking for feedback if you don't answer to our messages. We are willing to participate to improve the Android version of Launbox (and there is a big room for improvement)....
  10. hello, that would be great to have a little feedback to all these request
  11. reported here. Bug - still in new beta : - I tried to add Watara Supervision. Scan is OK, I have the import message process OK, no problem but the system is never displayed. Tried multiple time without any luck so far. scrapping : it seems to work a bit better in this beta - I was able to scrape my entire Finalb folder. but it crashes (launchbox close and goes back to andoid) after trying another system (megadrive, Snes...). still very unstable but better feature requests: - could you split mame and FinalB instead of all going to Arcade section ? - could you add a "refresh folder" feature when adding new games to an already existing section. - could you also add Amiga 1200 and CDTV and MD SU - when adding a favorite game - could it be included directly in the corresponding system section (for ex. in, megadrive if it is a megadrive game) instead of one bulk with all system mixed favorite section. - when auto downloading missing media could you add an option to also download videos ? - possiblity to copy / paste (and then use) the video / media from pc ?
  12. Thanks for the new beta. I'll try it out and reports bugs and idea for improvement. If I may, 2 of the bigges issues I would like to be fixed if possible is the scrapping issue - crash every time their is a lot to scrape - and the import of media from pc by directly copying folders to the android folder - if possible of course and if clear enough. Expect that it is a great piece of software. Thank you again Ps: I will also reports others bugs and ideas for improvements:)
  13. Hello, could you please add these new sections to the next version please. thank you. best regards,
  14. hello, as long as I have a large library (gameboy, arcade, and many others) launchbox media downloading keeps crashing. Most of the time on the video dowload and sometime on the other medias too. This is very anoying and drive me crazy . I tried to restart, reboot, delete the database and restart. All my roms are on my SD and I have no issue with the SD The functionality seems very unstable thanks for your support.
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