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  1. Yeah I thought so too, figured I'd post it here in case someone else is struggling with it.
  2. Been using beta for a little while, right now on 8.2 beta 10. Been working at it for the better part of the day... Upgraded to premium, no issues. Put a donation in on emumovies, work fine... until I tried updating my 2600 collection and getting some movies downloading, bam! Malwarebytes shuts off Launchbox, and quarantines it. Had to reboot, unquarantine, and add the exe to exceptions. Ran it on virustotal, no issues found... Malware.Ransom.Agent.Generic
  3. Thanks again for your help! I finally got it working. What I did is I deleted the Gambatte_GB.cfg and ran a game again from LaunchBox. Retroarch created a file for me with the Gambatte_GB.cfg filename, with default settings. I then opened up Notepad++ with the text comparison plugin, parsed that one with my regular retroarch.cfg, found the input settings, changed those, rewind + fast forward bindings, stuff like that. Then I added my overlay and now it's all working!
  4. OK so yours work but yeah, a lot of things are off for screen ratio and shaders... so I used Notepad++ to sort alphabetically both files to see what could be different that 1)makes it crash, 2) to fix borders/shaders to the ones i have. First I saved my config file sorted.... and for some reason I decided to try it... well.... now that it's sorted, it doesn't crash anymore... Odd! Edit : it doesn't like when I change my overlay though...
  5. Ok so to troubleshoot further, I launched retroarch to be sure that i can launch the game from there... and I can. Oddly enough though... i decided to update the gambatte core, and now it works from LaunchBox! So that works... Now to have the custom config... I did like you mentioned in a previous post. I took my retroarch.cfg from my retroarch folder, and saved a copy in my config folder. I named it Gambatte_GB.cfg I didn't touch anything in the file so it's the same as my current working retroarch config. I went to my retroarch associated platforms tab and edited the line to look like the screenshot below. Now retroarch crashes if I launch a gameboy game from LaunchBox. I have also updated RetroArch just in case and still having the issue. I can post the content of the config file if you like.
  6. Thanks for the help by the way! Here are the screenshots requested :
  7. Here you go and thanks!
  8. Sorry to wake up this old thread but i'm trying to follow the instructions and I think I got everything right, but retroarch keep crashing! I want to assign different overlays for GB/GBC with Gambatte (and eventually do Sega CD/Genesis/32x/etc)... Did like you said, took my retroarch cfg and saved it in the cfg folder. Then in LB I edit the retroarch config and when I go into the associated platforms, and add the command-line parameters, and retroarch crashes each time... as soon as i change it to -L "cores\gambatte_libretro.dll" -c "config\Gambatte_GB.cfg" It crashes. And yes... there is a config file called that exact name in my config folder. What else could cause it? Does retroarch still support that feature? EDIT : I think I screwed it up myself... at first I only saw Game Boy Color, so I added Game Boy at the bottom on it's own line... now Gameboy AND Gameboy color games won't launch, even without the -c parameter.... they launch fine when launched directly from retroarch.... I have no idea what's going on... Thanks!
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