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Everything posted by midas

  1. Same here. It authenticated during the test yesterday when I was setting up my new PC, but not today. FTP and web working normally.
  2. I think I've found the problem: Starting in Launchbox 13.15 something appears to have changed with how it passes characters in a file path to the emulator. In all of my testing I'd either just copied the folder with the MvC2 CHD over to the new installation, or--when trying CHDs from different sources--replaced the file that was there (even changing its name but not its folder). In my fresh 13.20 install however, I'd only placed the CHD file in the Sega Dreamcast folder rather than having it in a subfolder for the game. In continuing testing this morning I happened to notice what appeared to be double spaces before (USA) in the folder name. I removed the extra space, updated the game's launch path, and the game launched fine. So it looks like although Launchbox can see the extra space (it's visible when viewing the path in the launch location) it's not passing that on to Retroarch when telling it to launch the game. This is shown in the log console I posted before, where it said it couldn't read the attributes of the file--of course it couldn't, because the path it was given didn't have the extra space in the folder name. To further test this, I went to a game I've launched a hundred times: Castlevania - Symphony of the Night on PS1. I launched the game successfully, then exited. I located the folder with the BIN/CUE and added an extra space to it. In Launchbox I edited the metadata, went to the Launching section and browsed to the new location of the .CUE file. I confirmed that the folder now showed the extra space. I saved the settings and tried to launch the game. It did not launch. I renamed the folder to remove the extra space, re-browsed to/selected the .CUE and saved the settings. I successfully launched the game.
  3. I think I've found the problem: Starting in Launchbox 13.15 something appears to have changed with how it passes characters in a file path to the emulator. In all of my testing I'd either just copied the folder with the MvC2 CHD over to the new installation, or--when trying CHDs from different sources--replaced the file that was there (even changing its name but not its folder). In my fresh 13.20 install however, I'd only placed the CHD file in the Sega Dreamcast folder rather than having it in a subfolder for the game. In continuing testing this morning I happened to notice what appeared to be double spaces before (USA) in the folder name. I removed the extra space, updated the game's launch path, and the game launched fine. So it looks like although Launchbox can see the extra space (it's visible when viewing the path in the launch location) it's not passing that on to Retroarch when telling it to launch the game. This is shown in the log console I posted before, where it said it couldn't read the attributes of the file--of course it couldn't, because the path it was given didn't have the extra space in the folder name. To further test this, I went to a game I've launched a hundred times: Castlevania - Symphony of the Night on PS1. I launched the game successfully, then exited. I located the folder with the BIN/CUE and added an extra space to it. In Launchbox I edited the metadata, went to the Launching section and browsed to the new location of the .CUE file. I confirmed that the folder now showed the extra space. I saved the settings and tried to launch the game. It did not launch. I renamed the folder to remove the extra space, re-browsed to/selected the .CUE and saved the settings. I successfully launched the game.
  4. Well, I have a little more information that may be helpful, but I still don't understand the issue. I went into retroarch.cfg and set log_verbosity to True, then did a screen recording to get what flashed on the screen on a failed load. I've tried disabling the "Extract ROM archives before running" option but it doesn't make a difference. The same .CHD file copied to my fresh 13.20 installation loads fine.
  5. So, a fresh install of 13.20 launched the game without issue. Creating a second fresh install of 13.19 in another directory does not launch the game. I updated my 13.14 install to 13.20 and it does not launch the game. I updated the fresh install of 13.19 to 13.20 and it does not launch the game. Same issue as before--I'll see retroarch.exe show up in Task Manager for about 1-2 seconds, then it disappears. Launching RetroArch manually and then loading the core -> game still works fine. Actually, retroarch.exe will show up, then another copy, then they both disappear. I've tried adding -v --log-file retroarch.log to the command-line parameters of the emulator, but it must exit/crash before any logging occurs--I can only get logs with this if I launch the emulator directly (which doesn't have the problem, so there are no errors to log).
  6. I can report that the same thing happened after trying the above steps. I'm not sure what I could/would be doing wrong. I can easily reproduce it by just installing 13.19 (or any version since 13.15) and doing nothing but importing the Marvel vs. Capcom 2 CHD for Dreamcast. I've tried letting LaunchBox install RA and I've also downloaded it separately and told LaunchBox to use that install, but it just will not launch from LaunchBox. Opening RA itself (either directly or from within LaunchBox) then loading the core/loading the content it runs fine. Because of this I'd think anyone here would be able to do the same thing and reproduce it as well. I've also sourced other copies of the game elsewhere. I can see that LaunchBox starts RA (as I see the process appear then disappear). Is there some logging I can enable in RA to see what happened?
  7. I can give that a shot, however I have this issue on a fresh install of LaunchBox in a different location (or on a different machine). No plugins installed and only this one game added, albeit it loads fine if I launch RetroArch itself and load it.
  8. The problem was with multiple games in multiple systems; MvC2 is just the one I remember the most and what I was using for testing. These are the same settings I have. I did try unchecking the "hide console" box but no dice. It's strange, as I can reproduce every time with every version of LaunchBox from 13.15. Just a fresh install, install RetroArch, import that one game, and it won't launch. I do same steps using 13.14 and it loads without issue.
  9. I'd previously posted an issue about launching some titles that has apparently occured since 13.15. There are several titles that I'd run across, but the only one I remember (and can readily reproduce) is Marvel vs. Capcom 2 for Dreamcast. I just updated to 13.19 to see if the game would launch, but I still have the same issue. - Launching the game from LaunchBox/BigBox fails (retroarch.exe shows up in Task Manager, then closes with nothing ever showing up on screen). - Launching RetroArch by itself, loading the Flycast core, then loading the game works fine. - I also tried a fresh install of 13.19 to a different location, imported Marvel vs. Capcom 2, let LaunchBox install RetroArch. Same problem. - Going back to 13.14 the game works without issue. What should I be looking at? I've seen similar posts on the forums but so far nothing to indicate what the issue could be.
  10. I'd made Favorites playlists in the past and had no issue updating the logo at the top as well as the background for the playlist. I'm trying to make one just for a particular game series (Castlevania) and having a heck of a time. I named the playlist Castlevania Games. I saved a background image to \Themes\Unified\Images\Theme\Background\Castlevania Games.png. I saved a logo image to \Themes\Unified\Images\Theme\Logo\Castlevania Games.png. I can get the logo to show up, but the background never showed up. I have confirmed that the logo has a transparent background, though the background didn't show up even before I'd had the logo (it'd just have BigBox at the top and a black background). Are there specific requirements for background images? **EDIT** Disregard. I decided to open it in paint and save the background as a .jpg and that worked, so I expect there's something wonky with the file I had.
  11. I have confirmed issues launching various games on all of the systems I had that had been updated beyond 13.14. I see other folks with posts in the last 6 months having similar issues. Do we have any idea what the issue is? The only game I remember wasn't launching was Marvel vs. Capcom 2 for Dreamcast, so that's the barometer I was using for my testing. I can confirm it will not launch from Launchbox (using Retroarch) in any version after 13.14, but launches fine when loaded from within Retroarch itself. To confirm my testing method: I would install a fresh copy of LaunchBox in a new folder. I would import the Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Dreamcast .chd file, telling it to use Retroarch and allowing it to install it, using flycast-libretro core (I also had tried downloading Retroarch from their site and instructing LaunchBox to use that, but it didn't make a difference). Once imported I tried to launch the game. The retroarch.exe process showed up in Task Manager, then after a few seconds disappeared. I launched Retroarch directly, loaded the flycast-libretro core, then loaded the Marvel vs. Capcom 2 .chd and it worked fine. I repeated those for every version from 13.14 through 13.18 and from 13.15 onward I had the same problem--13.14 is the last one that worked.
  12. I posted about this same thing yesterday, but it isn't nearly as widespread for me as what you experienced. For me it's a game here or there. For example, out of 15 Dreamcast games I tried to launch only Marvel vs. Capcom 2 had the issue. Like you, it worked fine in 13.14, but not at all in later versions. I don't know how many games are affected on my system; so far Marvel vs Capcom 2 is the only one I've seen.
  13. I'm having an issue launcing Marvel vs. Capcom 2 for Sega Dreamcast. Other DC games launch fine, but I can't get MvC2 to launch. It's worked fine in the past. In Task Manager I can see the retroarch.exe process start, then stop after a few seconds. After poking around at it for the last hour I determined that I could load the game fine if I did it manually from within Retroarch, but it didn't load if I ran it from Launchbox. Other Dreamcast games had no issue loading from Launchbox using the same core. This led me to believe it was possibly something in Launchbox. It's been awhile since I've played the game (7-8 months) and my Launchbox has been updated several times since then. On a hunch I decided to install a new instance of Launchbox in a different location, but using an older installer from around a time I know I'd successfully played it (13.12). I imported the game, let Launchbox install RetroArch, and copied the bios files over. The game launched fine. I then updated Launchbox to 13.18 and after doing so the game no longer launched. To see if the issue was caused by something during the update process, I then deleted the installation and did a fresh install of 13.18. The game would not launch. I have a mini PC with 13.16 on it which I tried and it didn't work on that either. I did a fresh install of 13.16 on my desktop and it also would not launch. Next, I deleted the 13.16 installation and installed 13.15. The game would not launch in this version either. Finally I deleted the install and installed 13.14. The game launched normally. So it would seem that the issue was introduced starting with 13.15. Is this a known issue? I was searching around and couldn't find anything about it, but I can repeat the problem on several different computers. **EDIT** I can confirm that I re-ran the 13.14 setup to downgraded the 13.16 install on my mini PC and the game launched successfully again in 13.14.
  14. Using Launchbox for Windows version 13.11. I'm unable to login to Emumovies from Launchbox. I can log into the Emumovies website and FTP, and their site indicates all servers are up and online, but if I try to login from Launchbox (either while importing a rom or through the Options -> Integration -> Emumovies) I get the error that it can't connect. When connecting via FTP (FileZilla) I did get a notice to update the saved certificate, so I'm not sure if that's the issue.
  15. I'm wondering what program Big Box is using to play videos. On my gaming laptop it won't display the videos (I can hear them), and I'm guessing it's because Big Box is using my Nvidia card but the video player is trying to use the the onboard Intel video. If I knew the executable it was using to play the videos I could set that executable to also use the Nvidia to test. Failing that, if anyone else has had this issue on a multi-gpu machine, let me know how you resolved it. Thanks.
  16. How do I copy the view over? That's what I was trying to do. I did download the theme creator and tried to open the Woodpanel theme, but nothing showed up. I think copying the view is the easiest, but I couldn't figure out what it was I needed to copy. EDIT: I got it to load in the creator--I wasn't aware there was a different theme download for such things (I'd just copied it over from Launchbox), but I still don't see how to do what I want to do. If I make a change to a TV it makes it the default TV for all platforms, so I'd rather just copy/paste something in the config file if possible.
  17. How about TurboGrafx-CD? I've been poking at things to get it added and have the console image showing up in the wheel and in the game list, but after selecting the platform it defaults to the NES images. I made a copy of the TG16 device view image and named it NEC TurboGrafx-CD.png, but I don't know how to get the TV to be a 90s TV (so my TG-16 image is floating an inch above the TV, heh). I was trying to find where it got the console information so it'd know it was a 90s console but I was lost looking at the XAML files trying to find that info. Panasonic 3DO would be nice as well. Thanks for a great theme!
  18. Hi there. Long time user, first time poster. I'm incredibly thankful for the outstanding community that has submitted all the wonderful images, artwork, screenshots, boxes, etc to make our Launchbox libraries look fantastic! While rebuilding my setup I've noticed that the 3D box art for the Colecovision version of Moonsweeper is incorrectly spelled "Moonswepper." My Photoshop skills are pretty rudimentary, so I was wondering how to go about requesting an update/corrected image for this? It's obviously a minor thing but I thought I'd ask about it. I see this is the same art that's at EmuMovies so I'm unsure of the source (or where to ask a question like this). Thanks again!
  19. I just installed Launchbox and imported some SNES games and am experiencing the same thing. For example, My first four games in the list are ActRaiser, ActRaiser 2, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Eye of the Beholder, then Aladdin. - When launching Big Box Mode and bringing up my list of Super NES games, ActRaiser is selected by default. The .mp4 video is playing in the background, the box art is displayed, but there is no screenshot. - If I move down to ActRaiser 2, the box art and background video changes, but there is still no screenshot. - If I move down to Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Eye of the Beholder, the boxart changes, but I now I have a title screenshot. - Moving down to Aladdin however the box art and background video will change, but the screenshot will stay on the Eye of the Beholder screenshot. Moving back up through the games (EotB, ActRaiser 2, ActRaiser) the Eye of the Beholder screenshot will persist. It definitely looks like it has something to do with background videos being enabled. As I go through the titles in the library the Eye of the Beholder screenshot will not change until I get to another game that does *not* have a background video. At that point the screenshot will change to the title screen for that game, and then that screenshot will persist until I get to another game without a background video. The Eye of the Beholder screenshot stayed there until I got to my English translation of Dragon Quest I.II. Then my background switched from the previous listing's video to a static art screenshot, and the title screenshot for Dragon Quest I.II was shown. Next on the list is the English translations for Dragon Quest V and VI, neither of which have videos for the background and both of which updated the title screenshot. Continuing to Earthbound the Dragon Quest VI screenshot remained. **EDIT** However, after giving up and disabling the option to show the background video, I believe it's by design. By disabling the background video I see that the default behavior is to play the videos in that spot where the screenshot is non-persistent. I didn't notice this because I'd thought I'd already had the videos downloaded prior to turning on the option to play them in the background. Once I saw it wasn't working I then noticed I didn't actually have the snaps, so I grabbed them and then noticed the above behavior. I realize now that the default intent is to have these snaps playing below the box art, not have a screenshot below the boxart, and that's actually fine with me.
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