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Everything posted by WithXtraCheez

  1. I'm such a noob at using CLRMAMEPRO; that's exactly what it was; I was selecting yes! I wasn't too sure as I updated Mame Roms all the way up until .212 and this is by far the biggest set I've ever seen. Now trying to get it all to work correctly... wish me luck! I'm hoping that the Bezel project does some updates for the other systems soon as I'm totally digging these gnarly bezels.
  2. Anyone ever get this error in CLRMAMEPRO when trying to scan? I'm just not too sure on exactly what it's asking that I have to make all of these in subfolders with individual paths?
  3. Thank you for the Video Lordmonkus, I was on that struggle bus trying to get all my disk based Emulators to work, with this video it fixed all the issues I had in one fell swoop! Big ups to you!
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