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Hi whitoxx Zinc is command line based (no GUI), and a very odd command line it is. You should really run Zinc with a frontend designed for it. But it can be run within LaunchBox. Unlike other emulators which use the game's rom name in the command line, Zinc uses a game number to specify a game to load. Games are numbered from 1 to 71. Take the game Raystorm (US 2.06A) as an example. The rom is raystorm.zip and it's Zinc game number is 35. So to run it from the Zinc command line you need to use zinc.exe 35 Using zinc.exe raystorm.zip will not work. As you can see Zinc can't be used with the Use Emulator box ticked, since the ROM file (Emulation is enabled) box cannot point to a number. Instead with the Use Emulator box left empty, the Launcher tab entries can now be set as follows For the Application Path box just browse to the zinc executable. And for the Application Command-Line Parameters box just type in the game's number. If you want to use Zinc in LaunchBox Emulator mode with the Use Emulator box ticked and the rom name in the ROM file (Emulation is enabled) box, then you will need to write a batch file that will take the rom name and convert it to a number and then call zinc with the number as a parameter. Apart from the game number, the command line can handle other parameters if needed (see the text file that comes with Zinc).
Hi whitoxx As far as I know, Zinc can't handle input from analog controllers. To use something like a PS/2 or XBox controller with Zinc you could use XPadder (or similar) to make a game profile to map the controller's buttons to Zinc's game keys. The LaunchBox Additional Apps feature can be used to open a profile before the game runs and to close the profile once you quit the game.
  • 2 weeks later...
Hi again whitoxx I take it you're having a problem with setting up the Application Path box. What goes in here is the path and name of the Zinc emulator exe file. Use the browse button to find your copy of ZiNc.exe and click to set it. I've posted a screenshot of a game as an example. http://i.imgur.com/NRDkc5z.png In my example I have my ZiNc emulator in the folder LaunchBox\Platforms\Zinc11 And in the Application Command-Line Parameters box I type the game's number. If you get setup like that and you still can't get ZiNc to work, then you may be missing something in your install of ZiNc. Maybe nothing happens, or ZiNc box opens and closes again quickly. Let me know and I'll do a post of how I installed my ZiNc. You may already have the list of games supported by Zinc version 1.1, but just in case you don't. I've added them here. The game number at the left is the command line value used to launch the game. 1 Star Gladiator (US 960627) [starglad, BIOS cpzn1] 2 Street Fighter EX (US 961219) [sfex, BIOS cpzn1] 3 Street Fighter EX (JP 961130) [sfexj, parent sfex, BIOS cpzn1] 4 Street Fighter EX (Boss Hack) [sfexbh, parent sfex, BIOS cpzn1] 5 Street Fighter EX Plus (US 970407) [sfexp, BIOS cpzn1] 6 Street Fighter EX Plus (US 970311) [sfexpu1, parent sfexp, BIOS cpzn1] 7 Street Fighter EX Plus (Boss Hack) [sfexpbh, parent sfexp, BIOS cpzn1] 8 Street Fighter EX 2 (US 980526) [sfex2, BIOS cpzn2] 9 Street Fighter EX 2 (Boss Hack) [sfex2bh, parent sfex2, BIOS cpzn2] 10 Street Fighter EX 2 PLUS (US 990611) [sfex2p, BIOS cpzn2] 11 Street Fighter EX 2 PLUS (JP 990611) [sfex2pj, parent sfex2p, BIOS cpzn2] 12 Street Fighter EX 2 PLUS (Boss Hack) [sfx2pbh, parent sfex2p, BIOS cpzn2] 13 Plasma Sword (US 980316) [plsmaswd, BIOS cpzn2] 14 Star Gladiator 2 (JP 980316) [stargld2, parent plsmaswd, BIOS cpzn2] 15 Rival Schools (ASIA 971117) [rvschola, parent rvschool, BIOS cpzn2] 16 Justice Gakuen (JP 991117) [jgakuen, parent rvschool, BIOS cpzn2] 17 Rival Schools (US 971117) [rvschool, BIOS cpzn2] 18 Strider Hiryu 2 (JP 991213) [shiryu2, parent strider2, BIOS cpzn2] 19 Strider 2 (ASIA 991213) [strider2, BIOS cpzn2] 20 Kikaioh (JP 980914) [kikaioh, parent techromn, BIOS cpzn2] 21 Tech Romancer (US 980914) [techromn, BIOS cpzn2] 22 Battle Arena Toshinden 2 (US 951124) [ts2, BIOS cpzn1] 23 Battle Arena Toshinden 2 (JP 951124) [ts2j, parent ts2, BIOS cpzn1] 24 Tetris The Grand Master (JP 980710) [tgmj, BIOS cpzn2] 25 Sonic Wings Limited (JP) [sncwgltd] 26 Beastorizer (US) *bootleg* [beastrzb, BIOS psarc95] 27 Beastorizer (US) [beastrzr, BIOS psarc95] 28 Bloody Roar 2 (JP) [bldyror2, BIOS psarc95] 29 Brave Blade (JP) [brvblade, BIOS tps] 30 Psychic Force (JP 2.4J) [psyforcj, parent psyforce, BIOS taitofx1] 31 Psychic Force (World 2.4O) [psyforce, BIOS taitofx1] 32 Psychic Force EX (JP 2.0J) [psyfrcex, parent psyforce, BIOS taitofx1] 33 Magical Date EX - sotsugyou kokuhaku daisakusen (JP 2.01J) [mgcldtex, BIOS taitofx1] 34 Raystorm (JP 2.05J) [raystorj, parent raystorm, BIOS taitofx1] 35 Raystorm (US 2.06A) [raystorm, BIOS taitofx1] 36 Fighters Impact A (JP 2.00J) [ftimpcta, BIOS taitofx1] 37 G-Darius (JP 2.01J) [gdarius, BIOS taitofx1] 38 G-Darius Ver.2 (JP 2.03J) [gdarius2, parent gdarius, BIOS taitofx1] 39 Dancing Eyes (JP) Ver. A [danceyes] 40 Xevious 3D/G (JP) Ver. A [xevi3dg] 41 Star Sweep (JP) Ver. A [starswep] 42 Kosodate Quiz My Angel 3 (JP) Ver. A [myangel3] 43 Tekken (JP) Ver. B [tekkenb, parent tekken] 44 Tekken (WORLD) Ver. B [tekkena, parent tekken] 45 Tekken (WORLD) Ver. C [tekken] 46 Tekken 2 (JP) Ver. B [tekken2a, parent tekken2] 47 Tekken 2 (World) Ver. A [tekken2b, parent tekken2] 48 Tekken 2 (World) Ver. B [tekken2] 49 Soul Edge (JP) SO3 Ver. A [souledga, parent souledge] 50 Soul Edge (JP) SO1 Ver. A [souledgb, parent souledge] 51 Soul Edge Ver. II (JP) SO4 Ver. C [souledge] 52 Dunk Mania (US) DM2 Ver. C [dunkmnia] 53 Dunk Mania (JP) DM1 Ver. C [dunkmnic, parent dunkmnia] 54 Prime Goal EX (JP) Ver. A [primglex] 55 Wedding Rhapsody (JP) Ver. JAA [weddingr, BIOS konamigv] 56 Hyper Athlete (JP) Ver. 1.00 [hyperath, BIOS konamigv] 57 Powerful Baseball 96 (JP) Ver. 1.03 [pbball96, BIOS konamigv] 58 Susume! Taisen Puzzle-Dama (JP) Ver. 1.20 [susume, BIOS konamigv] 59 Fighting Layer (JP) Ver. B [fgtlayer] 60 Ehrgeiz (US) Ver. A [ehrgeiz] 61 Tekken 3 (JP) Ver. A [tekken3] 62 Mr Driller (JP) Ver. A [mrdrillr] 63 Aqua Rush (JP) Ver. A [aquarush] 64 Paca Paca Passion (JP) Ver. A [pacapp] 65 Gallop Racer 3 (JP) [glpracr3, BIOS tps] 66 Shanghai Matekibuyuu (JP) [shngmtkb, BIOS tps] 67 Cool Boarders Arcade Jam (US) [cbaj, BIOS tps] 68 DOA (Boss Hack) [doappbh, parent doapp, BIOS tps] 69 Tondemo Crisis [tondemo, BIOS tps] 70 Monster Farm Jump (JP) [mfjump, BIOS tps] 71 Heaven's Gate [hvnsgate, BIOS atluspsx]
Yes, you are right. When I put the lines onto the box like you, a dos box quick flashes and disappear. Anything I can do? How can I set up the render and controller in this case? Please advise. Also, I will raise another post about taito type X and X2, as I cannot figure it out either. Many thanks.
Here is how to get Zinc up and running. Download these two files (you'll find them on The Emulator Zone website). Zinc 1.1 emulator (zinc11-win32.zip). OpenGL and D3D renderers 1.2 plugin (d3d-ogl12.zip). Unzip the emulator. Unzip the renderers plugin. Inside this are 2 folders with D3D and OpenGL versions of the Zinc renderer. They have the same filename but are different. Decide which version of the renderer.znc file you want to use and copy it into the root of your Zinc emulator folder. Copy the renderer.cfg file into the root of your Zinc emulator folder. Overwrite the existing file when asked. Now get your games. Remember that most will need a bios file, and clones will need the parent rom. Game and bios roms all go in the emulator's roms folder - leave them zipped. And this is what my Zinc emulator folder looks like. I renamed it to Zinc11 http://i.imgur.com/nx0b0Ft.png The games will run in a 640x480 window. You can edit the renderer.cfg file to enable full-screen, among other things. With the above basic install, all you need in the command line parameters is the game's number. By the way, the Zinc games list on the Emulator Zone is for Zinc 1.0 and is out of date for Zinc 1.1.
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