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I was wondering if there is currently a method to match for example all the fanart and box images for the snes platform against what you already have in your collection with the games database? For instance I know a lot of the images on the database are getting changed daily to better quality images and things like new fanart is being added. I would like to be able to sync a platform in bulk against the database and it adds images that I don't have or downloads better quality images against what I have. Is this currently possible or is this feature coming in the future?
Yea right now the only way to do this is to download new Media for all of your games, and obviously that is less than ideal. There is a BitBucket ticket and is planned to be able to update only the items that have changed since your last scrape so you only download the differences and not the entire collection all over again. Jason said he should be working on the Database intergration more this week. I am unsure if this is something that will happen this coming week exactly, but you never know.
  • Vlansix changed the title to Resolved - Match with Games Database - Informational
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