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Hi, I'm just starting to use this frontend. I have been using Dfend Reloaded for years to run everything--all my windows, dos, emulators. I also use it to keep track of my console games--even though they don't have an actual file, it gives me someplace to keep manual PDFs and eguides etc. DFR is getting a bit older though, and isn't being updated much, so it seems time to make a switch. I've read in various spots on the website about an import function for DFR--but I can't find it. Is it stiill there? Also, is there a way to add a documents folder for each game like in DFR? I see where manuals and music go, but how about other random documents like guides, faqs, etc? Thanks!
A DFend Importer hasn't been in LaunchBox for over a year. It was taken out and replaced with more competent DOS importing a long time ago now. It was extremely buggy. Honestly, it is not even needed anymore. You found the right location for PDF's, but really only one can be used right now from that folder. You can set them up with the Additional Apps feature, but you have to do that manually. If you want to suggest features like this (even though I believe this one has been suggested before), click send feed back at the top of the page. That takes you to our BitBucket. You can submit bugs or feature requests. You can also search tickets to make sure that what you want hasn't already been requested. If it has, you can vote on it.
Okay, thanks, some things to consider. When importing game metadata, DFR has a function where it lists titles found that are close to yours--in case there isn't an exact match. I sometimes rename some of my roms and there can be trouble finding them. Is there a way to do that in launchbox?
grus2002 said Okay, thanks, some things to consider. When importing game metadata, DFR has a function where it lists titles found that are close to yours--in case there isn't an exact match. I sometimes rename some of my roms and there can be trouble finding them. Is there a way to do that in launchbox?
Not in the way you expect from D-Fend. Just right click a game and edit it. You can do everything from in here 1 by 1 like you would have in D-Fend if you need to do this. Also, right now our Database was based on The Games DB and we haven't made too many upgrades to it. They had it to where DOS games were called PC games... which is totally stupid. We will get this resolved in the very near future but still, for now, DOS games may try and get re-labeled as PC if you edit their metadata 1 by 1. You can also re-run the import process by clicking a game, Ctrl + A to highlight them all, then at the top Tools -> Download Metadata and Images. Make sure to select "Only for metadata that is missing" so you don't have to re-download all of the data again. This is good in several cases. If you need some more help, we have some YouTube tutorials that you can find if you follow the link in my signature.
Okay, so I am making progress. I imported my d-fend data from windows profiles in an unorthodox way. I found an old version of the software, used it to import the d-fend profiles, then updated that software to the present version. Problem solved. I also bought a license. However, I am still left with the problem that there are no individual attached directories for each game--a place to store other documents. I can create them individually by adding explorer.exe as an additional app under each game and pointing it at a document folder--but doing that for hundreds of profiles is going to be terribly tedious. Is there a way to automate this? Perhaps editing the XML file directly?(For the Gamebase.exe databases I used to do this by editing the database files directly in microsoft access. Saved a ton of time--but I don't know of a way to do that with XML)?
No LaunchBox isn't set up for this per se. You can have a manual attached to a game, put them in the proper folder with the right name, but there is no way to do how you asked except for the additional app's. We've also never had someone make a big update like that, so if you see any problems let us know, but if anyone else read's this, I wouldn't suggest it. The D-Fend importer was really broken which is why It was taken out and replaced with just a DOS importer.
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