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OK so I need some help, please.. Been googling and reading for weeks and still can't understand certain things.. Here is what I have: Downloaded Mame 161 Romset.. I then downloaded every update pack to 174.. I extracted each update pack and replaced any files in my original 161 extracted folder.. I open up mameuifx64.exe (174), add my rom folder, and it analyzes.. It says I have 8,548 games.. I have some that are green icons, some yellow icons, and some gray icons.. If I select "Metal Slug - Super Vehicle-001", which is gray, and audit it.. It says ROM check: failed.. Details below.. If I downloaded a romset, with all the updates after it.. Why am I missing files for working games? Any help is GREATLY appreciated.. Thanks
mslug : sp-s2.sp1 (131072 bytes) - NOT FOUND (neogeo) mslug : sp-s.sp1 (131072 bytes) - NOT FOUND (neogeo) mslug : sp-u2.sp1 (131072 bytes) - NOT FOUND (neogeo) mslug : sp-e.sp1 (131072 bytes) - NOT FOUND (neogeo) mslug : asia-s3.rom (131072 bytes) - NOT FOUND (neogeo) mslug : vs-bios.rom (131072 bytes) - NOT FOUND (neogeo) mslug : sp-j2.sp1 (131072 bytes) - NOT FOUND (neogeo) mslug : sp1.jipan.1024 (131072 bytes) - NOT FOUND (neogeo) mslug : sp-45.sp1 (524288 bytes) - NOT FOUND (neogeo) mslug : japan-j3.bin (131072 bytes) - NOT FOUND (neogeo) mslug : sp-1v1_3db8c.bin (131072 bytes) - NOT FOUND (neogeo) mslug : uni-bios_3_1.rom (131072 bytes) - NOT FOUND (neogeo) mslug : uni-bios_3_0.rom (131072 bytes) - NOT FOUND (neogeo) mslug : uni-bios_2_3.rom (131072 bytes) - NOT FOUND (neogeo) mslug : uni-bios_2_3o.rom (131072 bytes) - NOT FOUND (neogeo) mslug : uni-bios_2_2.rom (131072 bytes) - NOT FOUND (neogeo) mslug : uni-bios_2_1.rom (131072 bytes) - NOT FOUND (neogeo) mslug : uni-bios_2_0.rom (131072 bytes) - NOT FOUND (neogeo) mslug : uni-bios_1_3.rom (131072 bytes) - NOT FOUND (neogeo) mslug : uni-bios_1_2.rom (131072 bytes) - NOT FOUND (neogeo) mslug : uni-bios_1_2o.rom (131072 bytes) - NOT FOUND (neogeo) mslug : uni-bios_1_1.rom (131072 bytes) - NOT FOUND (neogeo) mslug : uni-bios_1_0.rom (131072 bytes) - NOT FOUND (neogeo) mslug : sm1.sm1 (131072 bytes) - NOT FOUND (neogeo)
According to the misslist you've posted, it's not that the game is missing any roms, but you are missing the neogeo bios sets which means none of the neogeo games will work for you. You should have (or try and find) a neogeo.zip with all of the above roms in.
Belgarath said According to the misslist you've posted, it's not that the game is missing any roms, but you are missing the neogeo bios sets which means none of the neogeo games will work for you. You should have (or try and find) a neogeo.zip with all of the above roms in.
Thanks a lot for the reply.. So these aren't included in the romsets, which doesn't make sense to me as they are needed.. I'll see if I can find that file.. Thank you.
I would have thought they would be, but I suppose it depends on the source where you downloaded them from. just google mame bios sets and you should find what you're looking for straight away
Belgarath said I would have thought they would be, but I suppose it depends on the source where you downloaded them from. just google mame bios sets and you should find what you're looking for straight away
Getting closer.. Now I just missing: mslug : v2.bin (131072 bytes) - NOT FOUND (neogeo) Sigh.. So much for "complete"..
That's still one of the bios files, I don't want to break any rules and link to stuff but if you google as I said. the obvious result definitely has v2.bin present in the neogeo.zip
From a CLRmamepro scan:
Missing ·Sets 215/11617 ·ROMs 826/160053 ·CHDs 647/869 ·Samples -/2832 ·Bytes 1gb/127gb Fixed Wrong Case ·Sets 0/0 ·ROMs 0/0 ·CHDs 0/0 ·Samples -/- Fixed Unneeded ·Sets 3/3 ·ROMs 0/0 ·CHDs 0/0 ·Samples -/- Fixed Wrong Name ·Sets 0/0 ·ROMs 0/0 ·CHDs 0/0 Fixed Wrong Size ·ROMs 0/0 Fixed Wrong Date Time ·ROMs 0/0 Wrong Hashes ·Wrong CRC32 ROMs 0 ·Wrong SHA1 ROMs 0 ·Wrong MD5 ROMs 0 ·Wrong SHA1 CHDs 0 ·Wrong MD5 CHDs 0 Corrupt Containers 0 --------------------------------------- Active Sets 11617/11617 ·Parents 2165/2165 ·Clones 5540/5540 ·Others 3850/3850 ·BIOS 62/62 Active ROMs 160053/160053 ·Parents 33169/33169 ·Clones 88383/88383 ·Others 35337/35337 ·bad dumps 998/998 ·no dumps 1832/1832 ·verified dumps 0/0 ·BIOS 334/334 Active CHDs 869/869 ·Parents 105/105 ·Clones 159/159 ·Others 302/302 ·bad dumps 172/172 ·no dumps 130/130 ·verified dumps 0/0 ·BIOS 1/1 Active Samples 2832/2832 ·Parents 595/595 ·Clones 2037/2037 Active Bytes 127gb/127gb
Good? Bad? Who knows!!
So in the attachment below.. I just took the first one that is "broken".. All those red files that I'm assuming are missing.. Are those missing from one of the zip files that should be in a mame romset?2016-08-02_13-51-55.jpg
Note that many Romsets (especially those labled "complete" etc) contain games that have no good dumps etc for completeness. And games that Mame can't run yet. There are several reason bios'es are not included in the rom archives themselves: 1) Its a separate piece of code with separate copyrights 2) The bios would have been part of the "machine code", not the "game code", so because mame has accuracy as its main goal it makes sense to have these separate. Especially if an error in the bios dump was discovered and you had to update the bios on all roms. -And most importantly: 3) Space: if you add the bios to each game it could potentially add up to a lot of redundant space usage. (Since you only need one for all games running on the same board.) (I know, bios files usually don't take up space, but with 10000+ Roms available and (at least in my case) the collection potentially taking several Gbs, every last bit helps ;) ) But you are definately on the right track with how to identify what is missing. Using the auditing tools in Mame is always good start.

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