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I'm starting from scratch and want to know what computer requirements are needed to have a good gaming experience without spending top dollar.

Mostly only interested in retro games for my arcade build. I just don't want to go too cheap and have a bad set up.



First question what is your budget ? What are you willing to spend ?

Second question would be what sort of stuff are you wanting to emulate ? Is it just arcade and console up to PS1 or are you wanting to do Gamecube / Wii, PS2 and maybe some of the newer stuff coming like Wii U ?

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You should be able to pick up or build something for that sort of budget. I use an old computer that was my parents old machine that is now about 10 years old. It has an AMD FX CPU @ 2.4 GHz, 2 Gigs of Ram and I threw an old graphics card I had in it (Radeon 7850 1 Gig DDR5 vram).

If you want to use shaders in Mame or Retroarch to replicate scanlines you will want a semi decnt GPU like the one I put in the old PC. If you don't care about shaders at all then you do not need anything special at all for a video card.

Mainly for specs I would look for something that has as close to a 3 GHz CPU as possible, 4 gigs of ram and enough hard drive space to hold all your games. Graphics card is optional like I said above.

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