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Hi guys. My name is Dan from Pictou, Nova Scotia, Canada. Im about to buy a launchbox license and going to make the jump from HS for my cabinet. I have multiple questions so I figured id put them in one thread. Okay so here goes:

1-I understand there is support now for a dual monitor/dynamic marquee setup, how do I implement this? Right now in HS i use Hypermarquee/EDS and have all the marquees for my games and systems....will i have to rename a bunch of stuff?

2-I have most of the artwork/video snaps from setting up HS, will launchbox find what I already have and download what im missing?

3-Will i need to purchase or setup an account at emumovies again to download missing artwork?

4-For my full size cab am i better off using bigbox?


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You shouldn't have to rename much, if anything, but it depends. So LaunchBox will prefer the LaunchBox games database first, over EmuMovies for metadata and media. When it comes to video, you need both Premiums in order to download from within LB. If you have the video (and this goes for any media), as long as you put it in the right location (../LaunchBox/Video/Insert Platform Name/), and the video is named after the name of the game in LaunchBox or the rom file name, it will automatically attach it's self. You can also edit platforms to look in different locations for media rather than the defaults, but keeping it at the defaults will be much cleaner. There are tons of other topics related to this on the forums too, so searching will help some more as well.

As for your cab, if you have an upright cab with an arcade stick, Big Box will be the better option. You should still keep a keyboard and mouse nearby just in case you need to get in to LB, as most of the maintenance and upkeep happens in there. Once it's up and running though, unless something comes up, you shouldn't need to load in to LaunchBox much.

When you import your games make sure to uncheck all the media boxes if you want to try and import your games and give it the media you already have. Don't uncheck the LaunchBox Games Database box, but the boxes for the two pages after that. Then, if you want to run your collection through the process: Click on a platform on the left, then click on a game in that platform. Press Ctrl + A to highlight everything, then go to Tools -> Download Metadata and Media. Choose the second option from the multiple choice, and it will update everything that has holes. Not everything exists, but this will update any missing fields. If you'd rather have it pull metadata and media as a replacement or to update it, choose the first option. This will take much longer obviously.

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Okay awesome, thanks for the reply :), but what about the marquee support for a second display, Is that difficult to implement for big box, and yes i have a full size cab with joysticks, spinner, trackball and buttons.

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