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So I have a bunch of roms.  Probably a ton I'll never play, and while it would be nice to have the full list somewhere, Id rather not see them all as I scroll through the categories in big box.   How do you guys handle that?  I see there is a hide checkbox, and I suppose I could delete the rom, but I'm just curious what everyone else does..


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1. Only keep the ones I've vetted as worth having on my local drive, the rest I stash in storage and will probably just delete. The ones on my local drive are visible to LaunchBox.

2. Of those in #1, I HIDE (via checkbox in LB) games I'm unlikely to play because there is a better version on another system. E.g., Metroid Prime vs the Trilogy.

All very subjective. I don't like clogging up my LaunchBox with stuff I'll never use.

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If you're never gonna play them, in most cases, just don't import them. Because, if you download all media (images, music, manuals and video), then we're talking some potentially serious file space here. No to mention, if you've got even a slightly older computer, or you have slight performance issues (besides fixing up a ton of other things), Library File Size is the primary factor to any of that.

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I was thinking the same thing about not importing them.   My only concern was what to do if someone came over and said hey do you have xyz?   Is there a way to search through the files that aren't imported?  The names on my rom files don't make it easy to figure out which one is which?   


How is do you guys handle that?

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