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With my hope that LB and BB was more stable than HS I just uploaded a system, went to BB to see if it looked ok then BLAM!! crash of BB.

Result MS-DOS vanished and so did my new instal... 4000+ games vanish along with the systems.

BB wont load without errors and my system icons have vanished as well... 

I noticed that as i reached 100 systems and 40K games the whole thing started to slow down..

Not sure what to do now.. ?????




If your folders are all there then your data is still all there can you copy and paste the error message you are getting as it can help us figure out what is going on.


Humm... After the whole HB and BB crashed and I reset my PC and still no good, another reset and all is back to normal... bet it was memory as this beast is a memory hogger..


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