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Set AHK script to do 3 command in a row, not only ESC/EXIT...possible?


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I know the script to press ESC to exit an emulator...but I'm wondering it is possible to add the key presses (RIGHT ARROW), and then (ENTER) KEY in that order just after the ESC press?  

I have an emulator that prompts to save a save state when you exit, and it's important the answer is always NO.... because the state needs to always start at the beginning of the game....it defaults to YES with the prompt, so a right arrow press and enter would say NO and finally close it out.   (The emulator is XM6-TypeG, for Sharp X68000)


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you could do it if you run a line before the game/emulator close line that runs an external ahk script file. that ahk script file will keep running until your code in there exits that script.

Edit: oops didnt notice your second post. maybe you can just have ahk send keys to save state before the ESC script close line runs?

Edited by ckp
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