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Hope this is the right place to put this, I don't post to fourms very often so please excuse if this is out of place. Basically I have had launchbox running perfectly for pretty much everything I want it to which has been great, but with a major exception with things that are MAME/MESS exclusive. See I use a Nintendo Switch Pro controller w/bluetooth and a wired hori pad switch controller for gaming. Annoyingly, these don't seem to work with most emulators, and just non-steam programs in general. The work around for me has just been to use steam big picture mode, which has exceptional support for my controller, and I would just open launchbox (or anything really) through steam to get controller support tacked on. However whatever is converting my controller to a readable input in steam isn't recognizable within mame/mess. I can run MAME/MESS games with my controller support if I start BigBox/Launchbox/Mame/Mess outside of steam, but then I can't get like 90% of my other emulators to recognize my controller inputs. Ideally I'd just like to have a uniform way to play games, and hopefully I'm not the only one with this issue. I'd much appreciate any input or suggestions you guys might have, as I've been wanting to explore some of these more obscure platforms for years now, and the added convenience of a universal frontend with my controller to play them would be perfect if i can just manage to set this up. Thank you for reading !

Posted (edited)

The main problem you're having is that those controllers are D-input, and you need them to be X-input. I'm actually thinking of converting to the Switch Pro controller soon; as I just bought a blue tooth dongle specifically for that. It's a great, versatile controller.

A free option you have is to get https://www.x360ce.com/

This program will essentially transform your D-input controllers into X-input controllers (should work for both of the above mentioned controllers). It will essentially make windows think your Switch Pro controller is an Xbox 360 controller. In this way, you will have native support in all programs that use X-input, which is most at this point, MAME included.

There are a few problems as I see them, and I haven't made the switch yet as I want to do more research. The first problem is I don't know what kind of functionality the Switch Pro has on windows yet (as in does it support gyro etc.) I'm pretty sure using the above program would nullify that support if it exists(but not totally sure, I haven't tried yet)

Secondly, you're set up using steam basically to get around D-input limitations. This might not cause any problems, but switching your controller to xinput might force you to change how you have launchbox set up through steam (again, not sure).

Another option, it isn't free, but its the one I use/will use for this is Rewasd: https://www.rewasd.com/ This is a program originally designed for remapping xinput (similar to xpadder and joy2key), or mapping keyboard functions to xinput buttons, but in my opinion lightyears better than both. I actually use this program in place of Steam mappings (which are admittedly really awesome). Recently they just released support for the switch pro controller. I just got confirmation from them that not only do they support D-input switch pro controller, they have a virtual xbox  remapper (x-input wrapper) as well, which means you can do both D-Input and X-input in the same program. 

Hard for me to recommend a best method at this point as I haven't done the setups yet, but this should give you enough to think about. I'll post more as I learn more. I've been using the Xbox Elite controller which is just basically easier than using D-input controllers on windows.   

Actually, I want to ask you a question if that's alright? I have my computer and nintendo switch in the same room on the same TV. Perhaps as a result... my PC didn't seem to be seeing the Pro Controller via bluetooth when I tried it a couple days ago (that's actually why I didn't go further with it) I'm thinking having the switch in here is causing interference? Is there a way to have both in the same room while still keeping a pro controller dedicated only to the PC, so that the Switch doesn't steal control over it?


Edited by fromlostdays

I downloaded this program before to set up another game a few weeks ago, but for some reason it didn't work the way I wanted it to, though as it wasn't for emulation Ill try it it again today and see. If I recall correctly for whatever reason it would map everything except the d-pad and the two triggers but that could just be that I didn't re-configure it for steam properly. This other program looks interesting and if I can't get x360ce to work I'll gladly pay for a program to fix this issue, thanks a ton for the heads up on this and for your help. Hopefully if one of the two programs can start automatically in the tray so I don't have to worry about reconfiguring everytime I want to play a game, this will fix all of my controller woes.

As for your question, as long as you connect it with the sync button to your pc it should be fine, I have the two fairly close and haven't had this problem. However it is a bit annoying to have to resync everytime I want to use it for my switch.

Posted (edited)

Rewasd can start automatically with windows, it's always in my tray. You can also set up different profiles to start automatically on a per exe basis (Xpadder for sure also does this, but to my knowledge no xinput wrapper, though it might be worth investigating further as I haven't used it in ages).

Personally, depending on how well this works I'm going to invest in probably 2 maybe 4 extra pro controllers just for retrogaming haha. So I'm glad to hear they stay synced unless you manually intervene. I've been trying to find a wireless solution with an awesome D-pad and Analog for like 8 years haha. Maybe this will be the answer. 

I'm going to go ahead and paste what the Rewasd sent me when I asked, for reference:

Hello! Once you install reWASD, its driver helps register the controller in the system properly. That is about DirectInput: so the games that support DirectInput will see Switch Pro without any additional software. If you need XInput, I advise you to use our Virtual Xbox 360 controller for reWASD. To enable it, pick any Switch Pro button (let's say Home) and map it to Home from Xbox controller in reWASD mapping section (you will need to scroll a lot, virtual contoller buttons are at the end of the list). Then, press Apply and choose "Yes, hide my gamepad" in the confirmation that you will see. After that, your controller will operate as usual Xbox 360, so any game that sees XInput will work with it.


Edited by fromlostdays

so this REWASD program fixed exactly my problem, can't thank you enough. However oddly enough now im having another issue. Now retroarch doesnt detect my analog stick in the menu (a minor problem I can live without but weird that this happens now) and more importantly my second controller, a wired usb hori-pad for switch, wont work in retroarch at all as a player 2 controller. Both seem to work fine in other platforms (Dolphin, PCSX2, Steam, Mess/Mame, etc.) just not in retroarch oddly. It responds to the inputs I give it when binding controls, but wont actually work in any games or in the menu.


Actually turns out the second controller DOES indeed work, just not within the retroarch menu (i have it set to allow all users to control the menu) and dolphin core in particular for whatever reason (which is fine since I launch from the dolphin standalone in launchbox) but still odd that it wont detect in the core. Maybe it has something to do with being loaded as Controller port #1 instead of 2 ? (my P1 controller is at port#0 instead of 1, not sure how to change that). And the analog stick still not detecting at all in the retroarch menu for whatever reason. Either way this is workable, just a minor issue. Thanks again for your help !

Posted (edited)

I'm not totally sure this is the problem, but in the retroarch/input menu there is an option for "analog to digital" or something similar. Set that to left stick, it might give you analog control over the menu, and it will give you the option to use analog instead of the Dpad in game. 

No problem! I'm glad you got it working. 

I messed with it a little bit yesterday, and also ran into a few problems with Retroarch. It gave me a selectable "Ninendo Switch Pro" controller, which did nothing because I was using Rewasd xinput wrapper. So I had to manually switch it to Xbox 360 in the input menu. I... the part in the above dev's message about hiding the switch pro controller, I think I did, but retroarch seems to see it anyway. Or I clicked too fast and didn't actually hide it, so Retroarch now sees two controllers when my Switch Pro is connected. I'll tackle all that later haha. 


Edited by fromlostdays

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