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Seeking a way to shutdown windows games from both hotkey combo & pause screen

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34 minutes ago, klepp0906 said:

not sure if this is possible since the windows "platform" only allows for one overarching AHK as opposed to a "running" and "exit" one like individual emulators do.

Not the best thing to do for Windows games. It should always be exited from the games menu option. So you likely will not see us recommend it. 

BUT, If you must  and Escape does not exit a game than see if Alt+F4 does. If it does then you can try the script below. Since the button combo basically sends Escape. This AHK will then send Alt+F4 when the combo tries to send Escape. Still do not recommend as it can corrupt save files. 

 Send !{f4}



yea ive given it some work since posting in discord, had also tried that.  Seems theres just waaay too much variance between games to make this work properly.

for example, in witcher 3 alt F4 is disabled entirely lol.

unless theres a way to guaranteed force close the running process in a manner that looks clean and works for all games - like you said - might as well use the exit games menu.

even found the shutdown screen will work in say, divinity 2, but not in witcher 3.

all my ocd wants is uniformity :P

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