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bezel project/bezel and overlays launchbox/retro arch for android

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just wondering about getting bezels to work on the android side ? is it as simple as just copying the config and bezel folders to retroarch onto the retroarch folder in android?



  On 1/12/2020 at 3:56 PM, tallpr24 said:

just wondering about getting bezels to work on the android side ? is it as simple as just copying the config and bezel folders to retroarch onto the retroarch folder in android?




Pretty much. You may need to point Retroarch to the config and overlay directory.

Posted (edited)

damn, i dont think it will work, i just read on a youtube forum that each bezel has a config file associated to it in the config folder.   That file has a path in there thats setup for windows path, there is a guy on youtube i found posted the bezels but he reconfigured the config files to point at the android path, here is the url and files needed.   








Edited by tallpr24

so some of them worked on android but the following did not.  The roms are the same exact ones im  using in windows so the names are all correct.  The following systems wont load bezels.


gameboy --gambette
atari lynx-- handy
gamegear --genesis plus gx
atari jaguar-virtual jaguar
sega saturn--crashes
gameboy color-gambette
wonder swam
gameboy advance

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  • 4 years later...
Posted (edited)

The problem, BezelProject does not recognize the phone as a drive D:, E: etc. in my win11 in 2024

the solution,

1 install retroarch on the PC, then use BezelProject to Download all the Paks of our interest (Nes, Sega, etc.)

2 we can see that all the files generated in the Config Folder, if we access an emulator for example Nestopia, it saves a .cfg with the configuration of each game and the Relative access path for the Layout ":/" , even if we change it to "../" another way to express a relative path like this ":/overlays/GameBezels/NES/Batman Returns (USA).cfg" will not work, but if we write a fixed path then the layout does appear automatically, I use this route

"/storage/emulated/0/Retroarch//overlays/GameBezels/NES/Batman Returns (USA).cfg"

Each phone may use a different path, you just have to look at the names of the access paths to your files in your phone's Retroarch.

3 Use a free program that AUTOMATICALLY performs the search and replace of the following string in all configuration files within your Config folder

Find->   : /   
Replace->  /storage/emulated/0/Retroarch/

This is the Program that I used

you can use advanced add files to search the Complete Config Folder at one time


4 Copy the "config" and "Overlays" folders containing your PC retroarch to your phone

the Config folder they only need to copy the folders of the emulators they use, such as Nestopia, bsnes, SwanStation

5 on your phone, go to retroarch options, folders, and make sure to indicate the path of your "config" and "overlays" folder that you just copied

ready !


Now you can enjoy thousands and thousands of bezels on your tablet or phone or Android TV :) with the last upgrade of the project


To move files to the phone, make it compressed in a single .rar file so the transfer speed will be very high :)


If you want to add games that are not on the list, translations, hacks, etc., you just have to create a .cfg file with the name of the game, inside the config folder of the emulator you use, and inside put the path of the image you want to appear, much faster than editing each game one by one!


This is my Config for my phone, a few systems like GB, GBC, GBA, NES, SNES, MASTERSISTEM, GENESIS , PSX,  if it helps to someone




Edited by Nagual2012

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