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Streets Of Rage Remake fullscreen


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This game is really good but i cant run it properly in fullscreen.

Its horribly stretched out on my widescreen monitor, or i can run it in a window but can see all the desktop, not ideal.

i tried a borderless window utility which is problematic, and gives no control over the resolution or placement of the window.

Anyone have this game setup in some kind of 4:3 mode through launchbox ?

I thought maybe i could change the resolution at runtime with a script.. then change it back when quitting and hopefully not messing up the desktop in the process ?


Any ideas with this ?


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Not sure of this is the same thing you're referring to, but it looks like this person wrote a full screen launcher for a streets of rage remake (windows port).  If this is the same game you're referring to, then it looks like this might what you want.  You would simply point your game file in LB to the launch I assume, and then the launcher would then open the game and put it into full screen mode.  (there's a link to download on the reddit page I found this on: 


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