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ah really - ok thanks.. thinking out aloud here.. if all my files were read only, how was i able to change my retroarch.cfg file to get me out of the XMB view of RA....??


It is odd

Retroarch failing to save changes does make it look like a read only problem but if you can make changes and save them manually it can't be read only,

if i set mine to read only, notepad refuses to save it.

Try this, rename your config to retroarch.cfg.bak and open RA, this will create a new retroarch.cfg and see if any changes you make can be saved to the new file.


sure will do - just finished the kids, having a bite to eat, will pop on it shortly. I get the feeling, and worry that this read only windows problem may be a red herring because as you said, theres no way a read only system wouldve let me change a file. I wonder if this Windows 10 problem may make files LOOK as though they are read only yet perhaps they arent. 

What i did last year was make my default.cfg file within mame read only as windows was changing the id of my xbox pads. I dont think i read-only'd my retroarch config folder.... i may have done but dont think i did.


Ok so - i renamed the Retroarch.cfg file and forced on start up to make a new one.... i changed user to to Xbox controller user 2 - then went to  the main RA menu > configuration file > Save current Configuration and received the error : "Failed Saving Config".

to add to this, if i make a new config it seems to save a copy as CoreName.Cfg in the Configs folder. This is where it is strange, when i load this config i can quit, restart and player 2 works fine, both pads are fine, it all works perfect!.. Apart from all at default settings so all the borders, screen size is wrong but it works...

I dont want to have to redo all the various screen settings so i think i am going to pain stakingly go through Retroarch,cfg AND Mupen64.cfg side by side and just see what is different and copy/paste that over into the annoying RA.CFG file thats causing all the problems. 

Unless you have any other ideas mate.

Oh and the read only thing STILL exists but things DO save so i just dont know whats going on there.


15 minutes ago, floodie said:

received the error : "Failed Saving Config"

again this seems to imply a read only file. Can you edit the new file like before?

16 minutes ago, floodie said:

pain stakingly go through Retroarch,cfg AND Mupen64.cfg side by side

The only other thing i can suggest is to first try copy/paste the player 2 controls in the Corename.cfg to the old retroarch.cfg and see if that works.

Make a backup copy of the old cfg before changing anything so you can revert to your original setup


So this is strange - i have made and am using somehow the fresh new RetroArch.cfg and Player 2 starts a game using pad 2 like it should, and not the ipac!.. however i cannot use this new RA.CFG file as ive just remember it controls everything SNES megadrive NES etc etc... 

Surely i can make an N64 Core config file, or just make the Main RA.CFG file have player 2 as Pad and thatll work fine... Just dont know why it isnt saving


Posted (edited)

DONE IT!! - bloody done it..

Pretty much what you were saying got me thinking, and perhaps you did say exactly this... so i loaded a game as normal. Changed User 2 from Ipac to Pad 2. Went into the game to test, yep working, pulled up Retroarch again and saved a NEW configuration. Saved this somewhere and it was called something like Medfan64lib.cfg. This file had what i needed in it. I copy and pasted the contents of this Medfan64 file into a NEW Retroarch.cfg (after what you said about renaming the old one so it wasnt used - and perhaps lost its read onlyness!) and it loads everytime perfect - both my PS1 and N64 both work with analogue pads on either side fine. No missing of L2 and R2 plus the inability to use analogue thumbsticks (Which to be fair wasnt THAT much an issue on ps1 as only a few games needed them on that but hey ho)

Thanks for your help, youve saved me right at literally the 11th hour!!!! Pop me over your paypal and send over a beer

Edited by floodie
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Posted (edited)

Don't know how much help I actually was bud, it was a bit of a learning experience for me as well lol. But at least you've got it working in the end. 

I don't have PayPal but thanks for the offer anyway.

Edited by IainSA

Yes that god - it seems as though the Retroarch.cfg file just would not save anything when written to by retroarch itself - the only way i could make the file change was by opening it up in notepad myself and changing things. Seems very odd to me. Once i made a brand new RA.CFG file it would happily save from RA itself. Really odd one, but thanks for your help, finally got there!


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