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Possible to make it where hitting escape does not close Launchbox?


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I have a ton of different emulators and PC games and they use different settings for escape some use alt+F4, some use escape I made like a super escape key with autohotkey that makes it where almost every game (that doesn't disable changing keyboard keys) can exit using escape. However what happens a lot is when the game closes it ends up closing Launchbox too. Is it possible to make escape not close Launchbox? 


So maybe it's not possible because I don't want to disable escape key for all apps, only for Launchbox. 

Edited by Jayinem
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2 minutes ago, Jayinem said:

I have a ton of different emulators and PC games and they use different settings for escape some use alt+F4, some use escape I made like a super escape key with autohotkey that makes it where almost every game (that doesn't disable changing keyboard keys) can exit using escape. However what happens a lot is when the game closes it ends up closing Launchbox too. Is it possible to make escape not close Launchbox? 


So maybe it's not possible because I don't want to disable escape key for all apps, only for Launchbox. 

Escape does not close Launchbox, however ALT-F4 would. So it sounds like whatever scripts you are using are the issue i'm afraid and sending ALT-F4 after the emulator has closed and therefore closing Launchbox. Also ALT-F4 is not a good way to close Launchbox period as it will write files when closed correctly.

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1 minute ago, neil9000 said:

Escape does not close Launchbox, however ALT-F4 would. So it sounds like whatever scripts you are using are the issue i'm afraid and sending ALT-F4 after the emulator has closed and therefore closing Launchbox. Also ALT-F4 is not a good way to close Launchbox period as it will write files when closed correctly.

So there's no way to prevent it? 

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Just now, Jayinem said:

So there's no way to prevent it? 

Not unless you fix or remove your scrips that are causing it. This is not a Launchbox issue, as i say Escape will not close Launchbox, but ALT-F4 will, like it will a lot of programs, so your scripts are sending that command. Launchbox when setup to use automation to close emulators will send Escape first, and if that doesnt close the program it will then send ALT-F4. So it sounds like your scripts are sending multiple commands even if the emulator has actually closed.

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So far from my testing, which is preliminary, !F4::Return does seem to solve the issue. Some of the same games that my super escape key (which again yes also has alt+F4, or did) caused it to escape, doesn't anymore.  But I was able to use alt+f4 in at least one other game, but I think it's because that game disables all changing of keyboard keys. So most likely the script does disable alt+f4 in general but I haven't found that to be an issue yet. 

Do you know of any emulators that will only close with alt+f4 and not escape? I would like to test it on one. 

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I was able to make a script that constantly checks if Launchbox is open and if it's not, reopens it. This could be helpful to other people for different reasons. Just change the path of my Launchbox to your own, and throw it in startup then you have a guaranteed always running Launchbox.

#SingleInstance, force

Sleep 3900 ;
Process, Exist, Launchbox.exe
If (ErrorLevel = 0)
  Run, D:\Jayinem\LaunchBox\Launchbox.exe
 Sleep 5


Edited by Jayinem
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