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Bug - Running Launchbox as administrator disables ps4 mouse input from touch pad


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Not sure if this is a bug or an understood interaction.

When I run launchbox normally, my ps4's (through ds4windows) touchpad can be used as a mouse. When I run launchbox as administrator, this no longer works. The touch pad button is my exit button so this is kind of annoying.

I was running launchbox as admin because visual pinball needs to be run as admin (shitty design, needs it for pinmame and writing files). I wanted to avoid the UAC prompt every time a visual pinball game started.

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Unfortunately you will run into a LOT of issues running LaunchBox as administrator because it messes with how we determine what path the app is ran from which can cause a LOT of downstream issues. You should be able to go to the exe in file explorer for the application you're trying to load and right click it and go to properties then tell Windows to run the executable as admin and have it work that way. Though I'd be wary of using ANYTHING that REQUIRES admin level access. If it needs that access to write files the app probably wasn't written correctly.

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7 minutes ago, C-Beats said:

Unfortunately you will run into a LOT of issues running LaunchBox as administrator because it messes with how we determine what path the app is ran from which can cause a LOT of downstream issues. You should be able to go to the exe in file explorer for the application you're trying to load and right click it and go to properties then tell Windows to run the executable as admin and have it work that way. Though I'd be wary of using ANYTHING that REQUIRES admin level access. If it needs that access to write files the app probably wasn't written correctly.

Makes sense.

Ultimately, giving my non admin user full control over the visual pinball install directory was enough to not need to run it as admin anymore.

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