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A little help required for a Marquee screen please :)

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Hiya guys!

I've brought one of these monitors I believe a few of you have used in several builds, its a 19" LCD Display and I'm going to incorporate it into my bartop hopefully soon!

I've opened up my bartop, I am using a nVidia 1060 gfx card, hooked up the marquee screen, and have successfully managed to get it working, albeit it says my main display is No2 (despite it being the primary) and the Marquee screen is No1 ( I think it has something to do with connections, DP HDMI and DVI are different in Priority my monitor is currently DVI and the Marquee is DP)

I wanted to ask a couple of things...

1) When the Bartop Boots up to Windows 10 I have my primary showing my desktop and my Marquee shows it too, just not all the desktop icons, it has the wallpaper and then the bottom task bar and icons along the bottom and I have the Start Button too

Is that normal?

Please bear in mind im 59 years old lol and this is new to me

2) I went into Bigbox (I usually use Launchbox to be honest) and set the monitors up in there but using BB I didn't seem to get anything on the marquee screen at all? I dont know whether it works in Launchbox either? Didn't get time to test as the wife's calling lol

If you could spare some time to help it would be greatly appreciated!

Kindest regards


Edited by C-Beats
Edited the color format to make the text readable.

1) is a personal preference and really doesn't matter since Big Box will presumably be open the entire time you're using the device and so you won't be accessing the desktop or start menu anyway.
2) To get Big Box to work as well as possible in Windows Display settings place the marquee to the right of your primary screen. When doing so the upper right corner of your primary monitor should be right next to the upper left corner of the marquee.

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