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This is a basic Script that mounts XISO using xbox-iso-vfs  and Dokan v2, so that you can use CXBX-Reloaded with ISO's

As i have been using Xemu as a daily driver i always like to check in with the other Emulators out there, as updates are happening quickly, i did not want to have an extracted ISO folder and an ISO folder, so this was my solution to have my cake and eat it too!

I used the excellent RPCS3-ISOLauncher as a base. (https://github.com/ptmorris1/RPCS3-ISOLauncher-Launchbox)
And of course https://github.com/x1nixmzeng/xbox-iso-vfs

A massive thank you to ptmorris1 and to x1nixmzeng  and @LukeUsher (for CXBX-Reloaded )


  1. Download Dokan v2 - x64/x86 or all releases
  2. Run the Dokan installer
  3. Download xbox-iso-vfs - latest version

Posted Below is the Script for any Powershell Experts out there (please note i am not one of them 😄)

# Will get ISO param from Launchbox
param (

# Put script in same folder as cxbxr-ldr.exe or change to direct path
$cxbcr = "D:\Emulators\CXBX\cxbxr-ldr.exe"
$command = "D:\Emulators\CXBX\xbox-iso-vfs.exe"
$drive = "S:"

# Created the $path variable to the default.xbefile for lanching in Cxbx-Reloaded
Start-Process -FilePath $command -ArgumentList `"$ISOpath`", $drive -NoNewWindow:$false
# Created the $path variable to the default.xbe file for lanching in Cxbx-Reloaded
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
# Created the $path variable to the default.xbe file for lanching in Cxbx-Reloaded
$path = "$drive\default.xbe"
# Lanches Cxbx-Reloaded with default.xbe path
& $cxbcr /load $path
# sleeps 2 seconds until Cxbx-Reloaded has a chance to start
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
# Waits for cxbx to be closed
Wait-Process cxbx
Stop-Process -Name xbox-iso-vfs

Some items to update before using , these are mandatory (unless your setup is exactly like mine, then full steam ahead!)

$cxbcr = (Update to your Location of CXBX-Reloaded)
$command = (Update to your location of xbox-iso-vfs)
$drive = (which ever drive you would like to mount your XISO to)

Just like the RPCS3-ISOLauncher, this will mount the ISO launch CXBX-Reloaded and once you exit it will release the mount and close it self


  1. Download Dokan V2 & Xbox-iso-vfs with Links Provided, Download and this Script from Here
  2. Modify Powershell Script to reference your locations and timings
    $cxbcr = "This will be the location of you CXBX-Reloader Location (cxbxr-ldr.exe)"
    $command = "This will be the location of you xbox-iso-vfs Location (xbox-iso-vfs.exe)"
    $drive = "This will be the Drive Letter of your choice (S:)"
    Depending on Your System specification you can modify the Start-Sleep to be quicker than 2 seconds or Longer


  3. Setup Launch box emulator like below screenshot.


    (Emulator name can be whatever you want.)

    Set application path to Powershell.exe. (Make your choice based on whichever you Prefer)

    Powershell 7 application path - Must be installed
    C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe

    WindowsPowershell application path - Built into Windows


    Default Command-Line Parameters:

    -noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -WindowStyle hidden -file "Update to your location\CXBX-ISO-LaunchBox.ps1"

    Please note after this will be your location you have the powershell Script

  4. Make sure to associate with platform tab:  Microsoft Xbox (or What ever you have this set too)

  5. This will allow you to Right Click on a Game and and Select your Alternative Emulator

  6. Start playing ISO games with CXBX-Reloaded under Launchbox!



Edited by Raindupon
  • Like 2
  • Thanks 1

Only a pleasure, right now at this moment I think that Xemu is in the lead of terms of compatibility, and honestly I haven’t messed around with enough games to say that this game may run better on CXBXR than Xemu, and that’s why I created and shared this so that anyone, myself included, could start testing more thoroughly 

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