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I need your help with my pcsx2 games. When I launch it by Launchbox with a AHK script, I have this error


If I launch directly Iso file without use an AHk, the game launch correctly, I tried with Bin and Cue and it doesn't work

This is my AHK script 

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

#SingleInstance Force 

    Run,taskkill /im "Lightgun.exe" /F

Run, D:\LaunchBox\Sinden\Sinden Wii\Lightgun.exe, ,Min
sleep, 2000

Run, D:\LaunchBox\Emulateurs\PCSX2 Nightly Shooter\pcsx2-qt.exe "E:\Games\PCSX2\Crisis Zone.iso", D:\LaunchBox\Emulateurs\PCSX2 Nightly Shooter
Sleep 5000

Process, Close, pcsx2-qt.ex
Run,taskkill /im "pcsx2.exe-qt" /F

If I launch my game directly on PCSX2, it works fine

Thx for your help


Looks like it's saying that pcsx2 can't run an AHK script.

What I suspect you're essentially doing right now is:

pcsx2-qt.exe "E:\Games\PCSX2\CZ.ahk"

Which of course doesn't work.  You need to have that game NOT use an emulator, and just run the script.  If you have AutoHotkey installed on your computer, it should work this way.

If you don't have AutoHotkey installed, you'll need to go another route.


If you simply double-click CZ.ahk in Windows Explorer, does it all run correctly?

1 hour ago, atalec said:

If I launch directly the AHK on windows, it works

OK.  Well, I assume when you edit that game (Crisis Zone) in LaunchBox, in the Launching section, ROM file it pointing to "E:\Games\PCSX2\CZ.ahk".

Go to the Emulation section and un-check Use an emulator to play this game (primarily for console games).

Save and close.  Click Play and it should now launch the AHK script directly, just as it had done from Windows Explorer. 

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