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This sounds quite obvious but is there a way to achieve the above?

e.g. if I have 100 files in a Game folder for a platform, but when I import them all I only get 95, how can I identify and/or remove the rogue 5?

Performing a "Scan for Removed..." doesn't work because the 95 identified games are still there.

The rogue 5 aren't "disk 2" or non-game files. All 100 should import so I'm interested to see which/why the rogue 5 exist.


If you move those files to another folder and reimport them to Launchbox (select "move the files to my Launchbox games folder"). The files that are not importing should be left over


Alternatively you could use the menu option in the Tools > File Management menu that moves files for you. Select all the games in that platform, and then use the tool to move those rom files to a different folder, games left over are your orphan files. Though it IS possible those files WERE imported, but were combined into additional apps. I'd run an audit of the platform and then sort by the Additional apps column and see if any of the files got placed under a parent game.

4 hours ago, C-Beats said:

Alternatively you could use the menu option in the Tools > File Management menu that moves files for you. Select all the games in that platform, and then use the tool to move those rom files to a different folder, games left over are your orphan files. Though it IS possible those files WERE imported, but were combined into additional apps. I'd run an audit of the platform and then sort by the Additional apps column and see if any of the files got placed under a parent game.

Thanks for your suggestion. Only one of the ROMs had an additional app so I'm happy to proceed, however when I select all the games and click File Management, I'm a little confused because I can only either:

i) "Change ROMs Folder Path" which won't move the files, only repoint them to a new folder where they won't exist, or

ii) "Export/Copy ROM Files to New Folder" which will create a copy of all the "genuine" ROMs in the new folder, leaving me to manually identify the extra ones in the existing directory amongst the originals. I suppose I could use a folder comparison tool to do this.

Or option iii) would be to Export/Copy to a new folder, then Change ROMs Folder Path, then delete all files in the original folder, then Export/Copy back to the original folder, then Change ROMs Folder Path back to the original folder. This should fix it but seems a long way around (plus I won't be able to identify the rogue ROMs and have a look into why they won't import in the first place).


The tool has an option that MOVES the file, not COPIES and so the only thing left would be the orphan files. Then you can do what you wanted with them and move the other files back. Agree it's a bit long-winded but gets you where you're wanting.

5 minutes ago, C-Beats said:

The tool has an option that MOVES the file, not COPIES and so the only thing left would be the orphan files. Then you can do what you wanted with them and move the other files back. Agree it's a bit long-winded but gets you where you're wanting.

This ought to be obvious but I can't find how to only move the files. Apologies, which menu option should I be using, "Change ROMs Folder Path" or "Export/Copy ROM Files"? Neither of them ask whether I want to move only. I'm on LB 13.12.

2 minutes ago, C-Beats said:

Hmm, you're right. I may be remembering things wrong then, I was thinking that tool would move files as well.

Hopefully one for 13.13 then :) thanks for your suggestions, I'm sure a solution will present itself soon.

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