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Hi guys, really hoping you can help me.. I am setting op Launchbox on my new pc and have the following issue. 

I have imported a full MAME 0.263 non-merged romset via the full set importer. (all roms and chds validated throught clrmamepro). All works great. But I wanted to make separate platforms for CPS1, 2 and 3. So I deleted these games from the arcade folder in both  LB and the actual folders the roms are in. And put the neccassary roms in seperate folders marked cps1, 2, 3. And imported these as seperate platforms in Launchbox using the same Mame as emulator.

Now for some reason CPS 1 and 3 work great, but all the games in CPS 2 will not start up on Launchbox (black screen then back to LB). The platform settings look to me to be exactly the same for all 3, all using the same emulator (mame 0.263 installed through LB). Platforms are all associated. And all games work perfectly in Mame running by itself, so I assume it does concern a setting in LB. (added a screens of the associated platform and details page)

I must be doing something wrong, but I really have no clue what...  Hoping somebody does?

Thanks in advance!

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Schermafbeelding 2024-04-14 185439.png

1 hour ago, Sjors said:

And all games work perfectly in Mame running by itself

If indeed the CPS2 games all work directly from within MAME (from their 'new' ROM location)...

You most likely have all the paths (to the regular ROMs, CPS1, CPS2, CPS3...) listed in mame.ini's 'rompath' (good job for doing that. :))

What's happening is that LaunchBox is overriding mame.ini rompath with [only] the folder that the ROM your launching is actually in, via the Command-line Parameter (-rompath %romlocation%).  And you probably don't have "qsound_hle.zip" in with the CPS2 ROMs.


IF your rompath is indeed setup as it should be in mame.ini (to include all the different ROM folder locations), you can safely remove the last part of the Command-line Parameters (-rompath %romlocation%).  Alternately, you can just copy "qsound_hle.zip" into your CPS2 ROMs folder.


Thank you very much JoeViking245!

I did indeed alter the .ini file to the correct rompath locations a few hours ago, as reading another topic here. So now removed the command-line parameters as suggested by yourself, and everything works great through LB now :) Thank you soo much! Was already assuming I had to start all over.. Glad you understood the pictures as well as the language is in dutch.

Thanks again for your fast help! Really appreciate it! :) : )

PS> do you happen to know how I get the side bar icons adjusted? I want make them as they were in the playlists LB generates.  

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Schermafbeelding 2024-04-14 211202.png

  • Game On 1
4 hours ago, Sjors said:

do you happen to know how I get the side bar icons adjusted? I want make them as they were in the playlists LB generates.  

Copy those images into the Platforms folder.  Then make sure they're the same Name as the actual Platform.  i.e. Capcom Play System I.


6 minutes ago, Sjors said:

Ah ok, then it will be fine, once all systems are added I was going to get premium anyway.

Thanks again for your advise Joe!

That being a premium feature was an something that I almost forgot about.  There are quite a few quality-of-life enhancements (visual and function) with the paid version.  But if what you have works for your needs, you're probably good-to-go.

Just one request, once you do add all your systems, don't forget to actually play the games too, ;) 

Always glad to help. 😎


Yes sir, I will be playing them for sure! :) (once at least all arcade systems are up and running)

I have just set up Sega model 3 according to a full set up guide here as well, and it works like a charm. Only Sega Model 2 seems to be giving me issues, saying it is missing files in roms, so I will check my rom set. (strange it is missing files as I use the same Mame 0.263 non-merged set which I fully checked with CLRMamePro) So if I can't get that fixed, I will open a new post for that soon ;) 

Thanks again Joe and enjoy your evening!

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