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Windows volume controls disabled by BigBox run as shell?

Go to solution Solved by stigzler,

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Posted (edited)

Hi folks. I'm looking for a way to preserve the normal windows volume controls whilst running BigBox as shell. I have WinPac set two shifted functions to vol-up and vol-down. If I run in windows shell and I press these keys, it turns the windows volume up and down (essentially acting as vol up/down keyboard buttons). 

However, if I run BigBox as shell, this no longer works. Also, if I plug in a keyboard with vol up/down buttons, these don't work either. Bit if a deal breaker really. Also tried a usb volume knob - works in windows, not with BigBox as shell. 

I can, of course WinPac to two other spare keys and map these to vol up/down in BigBox, but this only controls bigbox of course, not other emulators. I need to somehow start the relevant windows processes as "also launch"

I read somewhere that starting explorer.exe triggers the win volume system, so tried the following batch script:

start /min c:\

This does start up explorer, but still no win volume. 😔 Also tried running:


Still no dice. Have checked services.msc - "Windows Audio" is running. 

Is this a bit of a major oversight or am I missing something? 


Here's some of the additional things I've tried and results:

Volume still not controlled by usb wheel/keys


Edited by stigzler

In LaunchBox - Tools < Options < Startup Applications, you set up apps to load when LaunchBox, BigBox or both start.

Not sure if this works when starting BB from shell.  Maybe you can add an application for WinIPAC.exe and whatever parameter(s) needed to load the config file (that sets the modifiers).


'Shooting from the hip' and 'grasping at straws'. 😊

Posted (edited)

Thanks Jo - yeah - already knew about the launch options - that's how I launched C:\Windows\System32\SndVol.exe and exlorer.exe. No dice. 

Yeah - it's not the winpac as all other buttons are working as mapped without launching the config app - I think the settings are stored in the WinPac itself?

Thanks for trying, though.

Edited by stigzler
  • Like 1

Given others have reported this historically and there's been no resolve, think I'll submit this as a bug and see if that fosters any solutions. I'm imagining now LB is staffed, there'd be someone on bugwatch, right?

  • 4 months later...
  • Solution
Posted (edited)

OK. Solved it. Download this:


Set is as a startup application with bigbox

Go into 3RVX's settings and set hotkeys for vol up and down to those on your cab. Bingo.

Edited by stigzler

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