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About This File

It seems that many people find it annoying that many trailers which get downloaded by LaunchBox from Steam begin with an ESRB or PEGI logo before the actual trailer starts. With this ffmpeg script you can batch remove the first seconds of all your trailers and cut these logos out of the videos without the need to re-encode them.

Besides this script you’ll need the free program ffmpeg. You can get it here:
You won’t have to install it. Just download the static version and extract it somewhere on your PC.

How to use it:
1.    Put my script in the “bin” folder of your ffmpeg installation.

2.    Open the .cmd file with any text editor and edit the paths for your Steam/WIndows video folder and the output folder (where it should save the edited videos). Only change the placeholder names in capital letters and leave the rest as it is.

3.    The number after the –ss command is the length you want to cut out at the beginning. I set it to 5 seconds but you can change it as you like.

4.    Save the file and start it with a double-click. Wait until it’s finished.

5.    Overwrite your old video files with the new ones from your output folder.

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