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Files posted by CriticalCid

  1. Aeon MQ7 [Preview Version]

    This is a loose port / interpretation of the Aeon MQ7 skin for Kodi. It’s one of my absolute favorite skins for Kodi and was a huge inspiration for my first BigBox theme: CriticalZone
    After @NJDave71 already brought Aeon Nox to BigBox I thought it would be time to bring Aeon MQ as well.
    This theme was designed for 16:9 and 16:10 aspect ratios and tested on 1920x1080 and 1920x1200 resolutions!
    This is just an early preview version that I built last September. Due to my new job I hadn’t much time to finish it up as an extensive theme like CriticalZone. I used the holidays to polish the Views that I already had as I don’t want to just sit on it any longer and I have definitely planned to add a ton of new Games Views to this, but I don’t know when I will find the time to do it. So for now just take it as it is and tell me what you think about it and what do you wish for potential updates.
    This theme currently features 4 Platforms and 3 Games Views.
    How to install:
    1.    Just download the archive and extract it to:  “..\LaunchBox\Themes\”
    2.    Go to the “Plugins” folder inside of the extracted folder and right-click on of the .dll file. Choose Properties -> Click on “Unblock” at the bottom of the window. Close the window. If the "Unblock" button isn't there than you are already good to go.
    3.    Open the Options menu in BigBox -> go to “Views” and change the Theme to "Aeon MQ7".
    IMPORTANT: This theme requires at least LB v9.4 to work properly!
    Showcase video of the Game Views by @pipes78
    I like to thank the following persons for their indirect help to create this theme:
    @eatkinola for his guide on how to add fonts as a plugin
    And of course everyone who was working on the original Aeon MQ skin!
    Known issues:
    - The navigation for the game boxes doesn’t work in the Horizontal Wheel Platforms View 1
    - The available space for the horizontal scrolling text gets smaller the higher the DPI settings are on your PC.


       (4 reviews)



  2. Unified

    This theme is a port of the HyperSpin Unified Widescreen Megatheme project, which was originally started by gibbawho and continued by many other talented artists over the years. It’s supposed to bring a unified look (hence the name) across all platforms while giving every platform it’s own individual touch.
    I’ve tried to stay very close to the original look and feel but also took some creative freedom, especially when it comes to the new fading info panel at the bottom of the screen.
    This theme was designed for 16:9 screens and display resolutions only. Big Box will automatically scale itself to a 16:9 aspect ratio when you use a different aspect ratio on your machine.
    Individual Artwork for a lot of different platforms and playlists + some alternatives you can choose from Matches with the Unified platform video set from EmuMovies Fully animated wheel pointer Spinning discs for disc-based platforms Various other custom animations Templates to build your own platform artwork are included as .psd files Brings a small taste of the HyperSpin feeling to your Big Box setup  
    Currently featured Views:
    Games Text List View: 3D Box Games Vertical Wheel View 1: 3D Box Games Vertical Wheel View 2: 3D Box + static cart/disc Games Vertical Wheel View 3: 3D Box + rotating disc Games Vertical Wheel View 4: Fullscreen video  
    Platform Vertical Wheel View 1: Fullscreen video + scrolling text Platform Vertical Wheel View 2: Fullscreen video without scrolling text More Views are planned, so stay tuned.
    The theme includes artwork for the following 498 Platforms/Playlists:
    The theme will also display a default artwork for Platforms/Playlists which are not yet covered or wrongly named.
    How to install:
    This theme only works on LaunchBox version 9.4 or higher!
    Just download the archive and extract it to:  “..\LaunchBox\Themes\” Go to the “Plugins” folder inside of the extracted folder and right-click on the .dll file. Choose Properties -> Click on “Unblock” at the bottom of the window. Close the window. If the "Unblock" button isn't there than you are already good to go. Open the Options menu in Big Box -> go to “Views” and change the Theme to "Unified". Change the “Games List View” and “Platforms List View” to one of the currently featured Views that are listed above. Make sure that in the Big Box Options -> Views –> “Show Games List Title” is enabled. Info: Never rename the theme folder! The theme folder has to be named exactly "Unified" or the theme won't work properly! (that's btw. an universal tip for all other themes as well)
    Known issues:
    The logo of the Platform/Playlist and the individual video border don't show up in the Game Details screen and the theme displays the generic Big Box logo and metallic video border instead when it gets opened through any other Games View than the Text List View.
    Tips for tweaking your LaunchBox setup for this theme:
    In LaunchBox: Tools -> Options -> Cart Front Priorities -> Select all Cart and Disc related entries, deselect everything else. In Big Box: Options ->Transitions -> Change "Game Image/Video Transition” to “Fade” In Big Box: To avoid spinning cart art go to: Options -> Views -> Make sure that „Remember separate View for each platform” is checked. Than go either to the Keyboard Mappings or the Controller Buttons settings and set up a key/button for “Switch View”. Now you can go back to your platforms and switch the games Views for each platform individually on the fly. Use the Unified Platform videos from EmuMovies for an overall uniform look. You can either download them as free user from the EmuMovies website or if you are an EmuMovies premium user you can get them directly through LaunchBox under: Tools -> "Download Platform/Playlist Theme Videos".  
    Individual platform artwork not showing up?:
    The media files that are inside the “..\LaunchBox\Themes\Unified\Images\Theme\..” folder have to be named exactly like your platforms inside LaunchBox. I've went with the HyperList/RocketLauncher naming conventions for the filenames in this package.
    If Big Box doesn’t show any individual artwork for a system that is listed above you may need to manually rename the relevant files for that platform in all four sub-folders.
    Also make sure that in the Big Box Options -> Views –> “Show Games List Title” is enabled!
    Discs are not spinning / showing up?:
    Make sure you have the right Games List View selected and Disc images in your Cart Image Priorities enabled (see the tips section of this download description).

    Thanks and Credits:
    @ninja2bceen for creating the default and various other pointers All the artists who created the original HyperSpin themes, pointers and other work that helped me to create this theme (please contact me if I have forgotten someone!): Gibbawho @Styphelus Unknown50862 @Klopjero Neonrage @knewlife @Creloce Ghostlost https://www.youtube.com/user/GhostlostGames @ninja2bceen @THK adamg @RetroHumanoid http://retrohumanoid.weebly.com/ Rkh Rondar @scooter1974 Zinger19 Aloner187 @guyverjay MetalThrix SophT Ledgerewskie hoscarconh https://www.youtube.com/user/hoscarconh @viking @bmonomad @Jason Carr  


       (40 reviews)



  3. CriticalZone / CriticalZone - BlueBox

    Here you can download alternative versions of the CriticalZoneV2 theme that comes bundled with every LaunchBox installation.

    CriticalZone is a BigBox theme designed for the usage of widescreen platform videos and utilizes videos as backgrounds.
    This theme was designed for widescreen displays with 16:9 aspect ratios and optimized for a display resolution of 1920x1080. It will also work with other widescreen resolutions and 16:10 aspect ratios but it may not look as polished.
    Available Versions:
    - CritcalZoneV2 - BlueBox: A blue color variant of CriticalZoneV2. It features blue texts instead of green and has a different Default background created by @SentaiBrad
    - BackgroundVideoOnly: All Views, except the TextList Views, will only use video loops as backgrounds. Also available as BlueBox version.
    - BackgroundFanartOnly: All Views will only use Fanart images as backgrounds. Also available as BlueBox version. -> Use this version if you have performance problems!
    - 1.8: The original and now old version of CriticalZone. It's officially EOL and won't get supported by me in any way. It's just still here for archiving reasons.
    There’s also a red 80’s/Cyberpunk themed version of CriticalZone called “CityHunter”. It’s maintained by @keltoigael and can be found here:
    How to install:
    Just download the version of choice and extract the archive into:
    Open the Options menu in BigBox -> go to “Views” and change the Theme to the version you just have installed.
    IMPORTANT: CriticalZone V2 requires LaunchBox v7.11 or higher!
    Known issues:
    - The description texts in all Platform Views and CoverFlowWithDetails Games View won’t fill the whole space of the descriptions box when you use CriticalZone with a higher DPI setting than 100% or a lower display resolution than 1902x1080. It gets progressively worse the higher the DPI settings and/or lower the resolution is.
    Thanks & Credits:
    Thanks to @SentaiBrad for creating the new Default background video for the BlueBox variant.
    Background video of the standard version: In The Deep - FREE Video Background Loop HD 1080p by NIZ.co (http://niz.co/wp/)


       (5 reviews)



  4. Script for removing ESRB logos from Steam trailers

    It seems that many people find it annoying that many trailers which get downloaded by LaunchBox from Steam begin with an ESRB or PEGI logo before the actual trailer starts. With this ffmpeg script you can batch remove the first seconds of all your trailers and cut these logos out of the videos without the need to re-encode them.
    Besides this script you’ll need the free program ffmpeg. You can get it here:
    You won’t have to install it. Just download the static version and extract it somewhere on your PC.
    How to use it:
    1.    Put my script in the “bin” folder of your ffmpeg installation.
    2.    Open the .cmd file with any text editor and edit the paths for your Steam/WIndows video folder and the output folder (where it should save the edited videos). Only change the placeholder names in capital letters and leave the rest as it is.
    3.    The number after the –ss command is the length you want to cut out at the beginning. I set it to 5 seconds but you can change it as you like.
    4.    Save the file and start it with a double-click. Wait until it’s finished.
    5.    Overwrite your old video files with the new ones from your output folder.


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