projecttalk ProjectTalk:-Libretro Docs Update
I was checking out discord the other day and I believe it was @lordmonkus that linked to a git repo of images previewing the majority of default retroarch shader effects.....
Que a week of Atom text editting and GitHub learning!!
I added all the availiable images to the Libretro Documentation website found here
Under Shader Previews
I thought the info needed a more visible loacation. Give your thaks to HunterK of Libretro forums for the hard work making the images originally
Side note there has been some nice additions to the documentaion this week. Markwkidd added an availiable input drivers guide amd a MAME2003 core library guide/overview.
All in all a good week and a Libretro docs is a nice little project for the inexperienced like me to give back to.
Have a good weekend all
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