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ProjectTalk:- Bezels Bezels Bezels

Like many people here I am a RetroArch whore :)

That means I use Overlays to add borders to some things...To fair I dont actually use many overlays but then again my setup has never been polished and tends to be a testing ground more than an actual game machine. Cant help but tinker....


Anyway I totally love bezel artwork and enjoy collecting bezels for all systems (not so much Arcade)


I would love to put a big global pack together in Metalzoic's Mega Bezel Pack style (if your familiar) for everything except Arcade.....PM me if your interested.

I guess the size of a pack like that will probably need a home on a decent server. I expect EmuMovies is the obvious place if they will have it.


So here are my ongoing projects....

Adding Overlays to the Libretro Repo's...They are free to download from the below links. Just click "clone" and "download as zip"

Console Type Mainly or Collections like @Nyny77 and @nosh at the moment.


Arcade Type (RetroArch is well suited to Arcade Overlays....best use MAME or RocketLauncher)



I also just started helping out @JamesBaker with his Bezel efforts

All that info will be here eventually


or his YouTube



@MetalVinnie are you cool for me to share your New Black Box NES bezels in the above places? (When time permits)

If you missed those they are here




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 Just giving you an idea of what I've been working on, lately.  So far, I have 28 new NES game bezels made. Still need to add TV frames for the Thin TV and Thick TV sets.  Just stopping in to give you guys a heads-up for the work in progress.    595c5695b4b4e_NESKonamiWallpaper.thumb.png.94b94e1a5e04a918146b8740d5dd5547.png

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Those look sweet.....not many people make game bezels and these look very impressive.

thanks for the heads up

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I am also a huge fan of bezels and have always had them in MAMe since they were implemented.

Two Questions?

has anyone added the realistic arcade MAME Bezels


Are there config files for Retroarch bezels that apply the shading, Aspect Ratio view without having to tweak it within the UI for 1920 X 1080?   How does this work with cores that support multiple systems?  I haven't added bezels to consoles and handhelds yet.  My focus has always been on the arcade side and any consoles games I played as is. 




Thanks for the info. I am just currently trying to get system overlays and the right shader I want per system. I am also interested in overlays/bezels that have instruction cards on them like fighters movesets for say Street Fighter Games, etc

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