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About This File

Scan your list of games by platform and type of media, and get a detailed list of games that do not have their box, video, data id base, this repeated, etc.

- Specify folder Launchbox
- Select platform
- Select media type
  -> Analyze

you will have:
- List of games
- Id database of their games
- If the game has any type of media
- Route media type
- Route Game
- Wikipedia game

this we can filter by:
- Repeated game
- Type of media: all, none, or only has.
- Repeated games.

and everything can export to Excel.

It works perfect for me and I hope to help you any.


I want to share a small grassy develop in order to be able to order and complete the multimedia components (images, videos, etc) from my collection.

mainly I needed to know which games had not associated an ID, plus your images, etc. this in every collection. for this, create "ReadLaunchBox" to get the information from my collection and to complete it.

Try them and I welcome your comments and any advice for improvement.

sorry for my English, but my language is Spanish.


Analiza tu lista de juegos por plataforma y tipo de media, y obtendrás una lista con el detalle de los juegos que no tienen su caja , vídeo, id base datos, esta repetido, etc.  

les quiero compartir una pequeña heramienta que desarrolle con el fin de poder ordenar y completar los componentes multimedia (imagenes ,videos, etc) de mi coleccion.

principalmente necesitaba saber cuales juegos no tenian asociada una ID , ademas de sus imagenes, etc. esto en cada coleccion. 

para esto, cree "ReadLaunchBox" para obtener la informacion de mi coleccion y poder completarla.

pruebela y espero sus comentarios y cualquier consejo para mejora. 

perdon por mi ingles, pero mi lengua es español.

2016-10-31 22_51_10-.png

2016-10-31 22_53_33-.png

2016-10-31 22_54_09-.png

2016-10-31 22_54_49-ReadLaunchBox_Sega Saturn_Disc.xlsx - Excel.png

What's New in Version 1.5v   See changelog


new version 1.5v.

  • Export to text
  • Export to xls (excel), now with a new free library with which office is not dependent.

The export to text, is not the best ... its visualization can be confusing because that the name of the game, and directories changes the size of the colums, to help in this adds ";" ... is an option that can help.

Questions, comment!2016-12-04 14_37_03-ReadLaunchBox 1.5v.png



new version 1.0v now complete, at least is what I wanted, to analyze my game and know what you have all your boxes, videos or id in database, etc. in order to complete it.

- Specify folder Launchbox
- Select platform
- Select media type
  -> Analyze

you will have:
- List of games
- Id database of their games
- If the game has any type of media
- Route media type
- Route Game
- Wikipedia game

this we can filter by:
- Repeated game
- Type of media: all, none, or only has.
- Repeated games.

and everything can export to Excel.

It works perfect for me and I hope to help you any.



nueva version  ya completa, por lo menos es lo que buscaba, poder analizar mi lista de juegos y saber cuales tiene todas sus cajas , videos o su id de basedatos, etc. con el fin de completarla.

- indique carpeta launchbox
- seleccione plataforma
- seleccione tipo de media
 -- > Analizar

usted tendra:
- lista de sus juegos
- id database de sus juegos
- si el juego tiene o no tipo de media
- ruta de tipo de media
- ruta del juego
- wikipedia juego

esto lo podra filtrar por:
-  juego repetidos
-  tipo de media : toda, no tiene, o solo tiene.
-  juegos repetidos.

y todo lo podra exportar a Excel.

para mi funciona perfecto y espero le ayude a alguno.

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User Feedback

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· Edited by Seymour

   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

Thank you very much! very useful tool, As Britxcdn said: exactly what I was looking for!

Muchas gracias compañero, me parece que la voy a usar mucho para limpiar y apañar la colección! ^_^


   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

Wow, exactly what i was looking for. Such a pain going through and trying to find games missing artwork. This is amazing! Thank you so much


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

This is great. I wish I downloaded this years ago. So convenient.

Dark Watcher

   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

This is a simple and fantastic tool that helped us identify missing media, identify duplicates, and prune media that was not required.

Thank you


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

(not to be a copy cat of others remarks... but...)  This utility is exactly what I've been looking for!  It's simple and very thorough.

One of the 1st things I found when testing it was that not all my games had a "DatabaseID".  Meaning if anything, those game were only associated wiki. Thus lacking pertinent LB information and media/images.  Very useful util.


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Thanks, made me realize the Launchbox scraper is not 100% failproof :)


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