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About This File

A tool to import movies and tv show episodes into LaunchBox.

You'll need to apply for a TMDb API v3 key in order to use the application.

Trailers for movies and theme songs for tv shows can optionally be downloaded in case a YouTube Data API key is supplied.



  1. finds all the movie files in the given directory + subdirectories
  2. fetches the movie title + year based on the filename
  3. queries TMDb for the release date, synopsis, actual title and a backdrop and poster image
  4. automatically generates / fills an .xml-file in the launchbox/data/platforms folder
  5. downloads images to the 'Box - Front' and 'Fanart - Background' folders
  6. optional trailer download
  7. (all the required and optional keys are freely available)



What's New in Version 1.5.0   See changelog


Added the option to download clear logos from FANART.TV.

Fixed bug that broke the xml when no releasedate was found.

Added a video quality option for trailers.

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User Feedback

You may only provide a review once you have downloaded the file.



Great importer, Great Program. if you are looking to use this you need to get an TMDb api key, youtube api key , and fanart.tv api key. All are free ! just take your time and you will be able to get the keys.




This is fantastic!

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