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3 Screenshots

About This File

Ok, so this is a re-make of the PausePie theme by @faeran. He made a very nice and clean pause theme that I love and have used since it was first released, Thank you Faeran! I modified and tweaked it quite a bit so that it would match the startup theme I made called Simple Detailed Startup. Credit goes to faeran for the original work, most of which is still in use. Please enjoy this pause menu and keep on gaming!

@faeran, I will be glad to remove this if you request at anytime.

What is it?

  • This is a very simple pause menu with some basic animated GIF's.
  • It displays info about the game and artwork. 
  • Designed to go best with the Colorful Theme by @viking

How to use it:

  • Just unzip this to your Launchbox PauseThemes folder and then select it in BigBox and Launchbox.

I hope I am not forgetting anything, please let me know if you have any problems or questions.

PS: I have also made a Startup Theme to match.

What's New in Version 1.0.2   See changelog


Updated: Just made better image alignment and place holders. Little smoother now.

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