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About This File

This is a theme meant to really lean hard on nostalgia. It's inspired by "New Retro Arcade Neon" and uses some of it's assets. As of right now, it consists of 1 view, and the goal is to add more platforms if there is demand for it. The platform images are "banner" images, so using a different view with this will look a little funky. 

For a little extra immersion, I have Andy Hofle's "Arcade Ambience" mp3 as the background music. Those mp3's can be found here.  -  http://arcade.hofle.com/

Thanks and I hope you enjoy it!







  • Like 15
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  • Unusual Gem 1

User Feedback

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Amazing retro theme!!!


   1 of 3 members found this review helpful 1 / 3 members

Amazing retro theme that sends chills of nostalgia down my spine! Yes there are many platforms missing but for the platforms that are made, this just makes them look sooo beautiful! I look forward to future versions of this theme with expanded themes, views and other goodies. When that happens, this theme will become a 5 star theme, unarguably.



It's Fantastic Theme the best!

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