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2 Screenshots

About This File


Make sure you unzip this archive with 7zip, otherwise you'll have an error prompt saying the file is corrupted. (Not sure why it does that for WinRar, but the solution is simple at least)
Unfortunately, it seems to only contain most of the footage from just A-N, and somehow became corrupt and canceled the rest of the footage that I intended to upload. It's alright, though, much better than nothing in the end.
I'll try to update these whenever I can. I have a lot on my plate currently but version 2.0.0 will have a much more completed list. Please sit tight and thanks for your patience!

Quick disclaimer:

Very few of these may not have audio.
Some of these are also in the form of montages to capture the best parts of an otherwise slow-paced game. 

If you don't mind either of those for some, then you should be fine overall. 
For the most part, these are all straightforward uncut footage cropped to fit the 3DS's aspect ratio without stretching or compressing any of the dimensions. 

As far as I know, this is the closest you'll find to a dedicated HD 3DS video snap collection on the internet, so I'll try to update these and accept requests as much as I can. 
Hope you enjoy!, here are some examples of what to expect:

Game List.txtFetching info...


These were used in my video on the most ideal way to emulate the Nintendo 3DS, if you're curious on how to capture footage this way.



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