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25 Screenshots

About This File

Do you remember neon lights from the 50's and 60's? (Yes, I know I am old) They were everywhere on about every store. The flickers, the sounds? With this theme I tried to capture as much of that as I could figure out how. All the backgrounds are animated as to replicate the flicker of a neon bulb of the platform name and device coming on. (the intro startup video I made even includes the sounds). Also has a second set of backgrounds that replace the neon city with a dark brick as optional download.

I sure am not a graphics designer and can use all the help I can get ;). But I have attempted to create more glass looking clear logos, added lighting and reflections of the neon stuff and attempted to make the light pass through in all the info boxes I used best I could. Between what I could do in photoshop and CTC, this is what I have so far. This theme is the most extensive theme I have done to date. 

Version 2.0.0 doesn't need the backgrounds like version 1 did. Choose from Neon Skyline or Neon Brick Skyline

OPTIONAL (only needed for version 1): If you would like to use the other backgrounds, they are named:

BrickBackgrounds - Just dark brick wall
Neon Brick Skyline - I combine the brick wall with the neon skyline to make it look like a mural on the wall.

To change the backgrounds, just rename or delete the files in the ..\Launchbox\Themes\Neon Skyline\Media\Backgrounds folder.
Extract the replacements and drop them in the same place as the originals

I was planning on doing all the platforms, but I might wait to see if there is enough interest there before I spend that much time on it. It takes me sometimes hours to do a single platform (I'm old, remember :P).

Let me know in the comments what ya'll think. Watch the video, download and try it. 

BTW: Theme has most of my usual stuff (shows partial gamepad support like Steam, little popups for Completed, Broken, Needs Installed, etc.) and runs very smooth on my large BB rig, even in the Arcade platform on my older PCs. Only tested with 16:9 so not sure how it looks on others

Sample Video:


Startup Video (I have 4K version if anyone is interested)


Comments, reviews, questions and suggestion are welcome! If you have found any of my efforts useful, let me know! If you'd like to buy me a cup of coffee, I would really appreciate it (via PayPal donation)

   The Papaw


Edited by The Papaw

What's New in Version 2.0.0   See changelog


  • Version 2 doesn't need the extra backgrounds
  • Re-done the look of the neon images in both themes (named newer version) - I left older version as well
  • Replaced startup video and updated sample video
  • other minor changes
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