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The Papaw

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Files posted by The Papaw

  1. Details

    Hey ya'll. This here's another Bigbox theme called Details. It was designed for big screens. It uses the 16:9 aspect ratio, and geared more for using on large 4K TV's.
    I'm still working on this one and it's not finished. I plan to add more views like a Marquee, Coverflow, etc., I'm just not that far along yet. 
    Best to use Windows Media Player in BigBox for the colors to match the "Colorful" video snaps correctly UPDATED: (see changelog below) The first 4 screenshots were added in last update just to show some of the newly added badges.
    Included Views:
    Platform 1 (horizontal wheel-bottom) *Platform 2 (vertical wheel on left side) *Platform 3 (vertical wheel on right side) Platform Text View Horizontal Games 1 (horizontal wheel on bottom) *Horizontal Games 2 (horizontal wheel on bottom with different alignment) *Vertical Games 1 (vertical wheel on left side) *Vertical Games 2 (vertical wheel on right side) Full Cover Flow Games Game Text View *Wall Game View Settings (*included in SE version only)
    Assets Used in the video: (SE version used in the video)
    Jarvis Sound Pack: https://bit.ly/46qXWXA
    Jarvis Startup Video: https://bit.ly/46qXWXA
    Details (SE) Startup/Shutdown Theme: https://bit.ly/46qXWXA
    Details (SE) Pause Theme: https://bit.ly/46qXWXA
    This one has more time and work put into it, more than any theme I've done to date. From graphics to unique views. There are somewhere around 300 view files used in the theme so far and still counting.
    I've done 100 or so custom wheel items/images for the platform and playlists wheels so far.
    This time, I went with controllers and year for the wheel items of the platform/playlists views, and game cartridges and discs for wheel items on games views. I love how Launchbox allows us to download our artwork, but I was going for a more consistent look with the game cartridges and discs. I have spent 100's of hours trying to replicate each of the media types used so far, trying to add as much detail to each as I possibly could without going overboard and crippling the theme.
    I tried keeping the look fairly simple, but this theme is very complex in design.
    Unlike most themes, I'm not using 2 or 3 fonts. So far, it uses 57 different fonts, as I tried matching fonts that pertained to each included platform or platform clear logo. I tried to match them as best I could.
    I also tried to throw in a bit of history you might say with some of the artwork. Or making Retro, as Retro can get. Like in some of the art I used in the Arcade platform. I used images of the very first arcade machine ever made for public use. It was called "Computer Space". Or with "Future Pinball", I used a wooden pinball machine.
    I put a lot of research into this one, even details such as the years that the store fronts were founded in the Store Front playlists.
    I also set it up to work well with some of the best platform videos out there, the Colorful Platform/Playlists Video Snaps.
    You don't have to use them, so if you prefer different ones or none at all (choosing none will show random snaps), that's no problem. However, if you don't plan on using the Colorful videos set, you need to DELETE or RE-NAME a folder in the theme called "Colorful" (..\LaunchBox\Themes\Details (SE)\Media\Colorful).
    This theme relies Heavily on "Fanart Backgrounds" and "Clear Logos". It also needs good metadata for things like ESRB Ratings. The ESRB ratings are used quite a bit on much of the media replication I've done. (I also included an extra PEGI folder for those folks that use that system as well. You may need to do a little file renaming and moving to get them going as you need too, but they are included.)
    The biggest problem with this theme is the Playlists views. They can be slow. The more platforms used in a specific playlist, the slower the loading. This is because of the way LB/BB is using a "default" view when it's loading everything for that playlist. LB/BB will be loading many different types of cartridges and discs from different systems all at the same time, well, it can get slow.
    BTW, the little animated trophy means that game has Achievements if you use Retro Achievements.
    Well that's about it for now. Leave comments, suggestions and Reviews here on the forums. If you watch the video, don't forget to like, share and subscribe to help out the channel. 
    If you have a minute, make sure to check out our Buy Me A Coffee page for all the latest updates and information on how gain access to exclusive content to the PSGC and PSMC collections, and while you're there, maybe you'll buy me a cup of coffee or maybe become a member.
    Or maybe you might make a donation through PayPal.
    All donations are to be used for my grandson's college fund. On a side note about Papawson, (my nickname for my grandson), I'm awful proud of the little feller. We started home schooling him starting in the 1st grade, he is only 10 now and should finish the 7th grade in  just a couple months. He tells me all the time, Papaw, you know you will have to drive me to college everyday, because I won't be old enough to drive.

          • The Papaw  🙏❤️🙏


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  2. 3D-Details

    This theme is similar to the Details (SE) with a lot of shadowing going on giving it a 3-D effect.  I'm still tinkering with it. I tried shadowing the text wheels and it really looked great, but the theme is just way to slow.
    Best to use Windows Media Player in BigBox for the colors to match the "Colorful" video snaps correctly If you don't plan on using the Colorful video snaps, you need to DELETE or RE-NAME a folder in the theme called "Colorful" (..\LaunchBox\Themes\3D-Details (SE)\Media\Colorful)  
    Included Views:
    Platform 1 (horizontal wheel-bottom) *Platform 2 (vertical wheel on left side) *Platform 3 (vertical wheel on right side) Platform Text View Horizontal Games 1 (horizontal wheel on bottom) *Horizontal Games 2 (horizontal wheel on bottom with different alignment) *Vertical Games 1 (vertical wheel on left side) *Vertical Games 2 (vertical wheel on right side) Full Cover Flow Games Game Text View *Wall Game View Settings (*SE version)
    Assets Used in the video:
    Jarvis Sound Pack Jarvis Startup Video 3D-Details (SE) Startup/Shutdown Theme 3D-Details (SE) Pause Theme Leave comments, suggestions and Reviews here on the forums. If you watch the video, don't forget to like, share and subscribe to help out the channel. 
    If you have a minute, make sure to check out our Buy Me A Coffee page for all the latest updates and information on how gain access to exclusive content to the PSGC and PSMC collections, and while you're there, maybe you'll buy me a cup of coffee and become a member.
    Or maybe you might make a donation through PayPal.
    All donations are to be used for my grandson's college fund.

          • The Papaw  🙏❤️🙏


       (0 reviews)



  3. Super Mario Galaxy theme for BigBox

    Based off of my Super Mario Galaxy skin for PSMC and Kodi. This theme includes animations both on the main views as well as some on the wheels themselves. Rotating Coins (wheel images) have different metadata on opposite side
    Originally designed for kids, both young and old!
    Video to PSMC's companion theme:
    The latest Super Mario Galaxy (SE) version has:
    3-Platform views 3-Horizonal Game Wheel views 3-Horizontal Game Wheel views 3-Game Wall views 1-Fullscreen Coverflow view 1-Platform Text view 1-Vertical Text view Startup/Shutdown theme Pause theme and matching system messages Includes 2 versions of background music, the melody (used in video), as well as one that is original digital version. Assets Used:
    Super Mario Galaxy Sound Pack: https://bit.ly/46qXWXA Super Mario Galaxy Startup Video: https://bit.ly/46qXWXA Super Mario Galaxy Startup/Shutdown Theme: https://bit.ly/46qXWXA Super Mario Galaxy Pause Theme: https://bit.ly/46qXWXA Downloads for SE version: https://bit.ly/46qXWXA

    Comments, reviews, questions and suggestions are always welcome. 
    Please consider supporting these projects with a "cup of coffee" by becoming a member: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/zizzlezazzle
    A donation of any size via PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/ncp/payment/HAG9334S3WDAN
          • The Papaw  🙏❤️🙏


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  4. Jarvis

    The Jarvis themes focuses much on the audio aspect as well as the visual side which is something different to BigBox. It's still a work in progress, as I am still learning the AI model I'm using for the audio clips I am creating. It includes some animation in some of the wheels thx to @y2guru and recent updates he has done with CTC .
    Sample Video:
    The Jarvis Basic version has 1 each of the following views (see screenshot below). The selected item rotates.
    Platform Full Cover Flow Horizonal Game Wheel Vertical Game Wheel Game Wall
    The Jarvis (SE) versions have:
    2 additional Platform views 2 additional Horizonal Game Wheel views 2 additional Vertical Game Wheel views 2 additional Game Wall views Assets Used:
    Jarvis Sound Pack: https://bit.ly/46qXWXA Jarvis Startup Video: https://bit.ly/46qXWXA - I will customize and replace all PSGC logos within the theme with your own logo if you're a current BMAC member for FREE)  Custom made audio clips for Platforms and Playlists and announcements (included) The SE version has two flavors (one that uses sounds on all the Wheel views (used in the video and more a proof of concept, but can get a bit annoying) and the other one doesn't and both are available for download to my BMAC members.
    Download SE version: https://bit.ly/46qXWXA
    Comments, reviews, questions and suggestions are always welcome. 
    Please consider supporting these projects with a "cup of coffee" by becoming a member: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/zizzlezazzle
    A donation of any size via PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/ncp/payment/HAG9334S3WDAN
          • The Papaw  🙏❤️🙏


       (0 reviews)



  5. PSGC Platform / Category / Playlists Video Set (with PSGC logo)

    These are the Platform, Platform Category and Playlists videos in HD (1920x1080). I made to go with the PSGC theme. I will be uploading a 2nd set of Platform Videos without the PSGC Logo shortly and will provide the link once they are done.
    I'm also considering making a new set replacing the cloud background with matching colors to what I used in the fanart images. Give me some feedback in the comments section about that idea.
    The videos mostly utilize the BigBox Cinematic videos but re-done to display in the upper right corner of the screen rather than full screen. A couple use videos borrowed from Colorful that were downloaded via LB, some I made and some were found here in the forums or the net.
    I may make additional videos in the future or per request.
    For more information on the entire setup, visit the download page of PSGC Theme here in the forums.
       -The Papaw


       (0 reviews)



  6. Fading Elegance

    I have brought the Fading Elegance themes "up-to-date" to work better with the newer versions of Bigbox. Covers over 200 platforms and 60 common playlists. Other cosmetic changes and fixes. (last 8 screenshots are SE only)
    Feature: Slow changing color background
    Feature: various fading in-and-out information areas
    Includes: over 300 custom made genre and play mode images (includes a PS template)
    Updated: added or replaced some badges, controllers and artwork.
    Updated Video: (12-04-23)
    Assets used in the video (already included in the SE version of the theme)
    Stephen with Reverb - Platform Audio Clips PSGC Commercials - video snaps (download separately) PSGC Genre & Play Mode Images Startup Video PSGC Quiet Sound Pack some custom made Playlist videos The reason I had called the theme "Fading Elegance" was that I went for an elegant look, sharp edges and straight lines and designed certain information sections to be displayed for a few seconds, then fade out while fading in something new. Like in the platform views, it may start showing an image of the platform device, it will fade out, as the maximum number of players will fade in. These will rotate between the two. You will see this throughout the themes with various types of information. They have a smooth, slowly color changing background and have most all the bells and whistles that are available.
    Just a heads up, the Fading Elegance themes are pretty resource hungry as there are some "behind the scenes" videos going on and all animations that are used. Feel free to give them a try on low end systems, if you have issues, you may be able to delete the audio clips and background videos to gain some improvement. 
    - To activate LAN - add LAN as a new "Play Mode" for the desired game(s)
    - To activate ROM - add ROM as a new "Source" for the desired game(s)
    - To activate Karaoke - add Karaoke as a new "Genre" for the desired game(s)
    (bulk edit is easiest way to add new badges)
    If you would like to use the new badges in Launchbox, you will need to download the Badge pack.
    The SE version is being used in the video. The SE versions of my themes always have additional views and include Platform & Playlist audio clips. And of course, my supporters can change many of the assets by downloading them from the download section of my BMAC page.
    Listen to sample clips of the New voices
    Listen to sample clips with Reverb
    380 Platform/Playlist Audio Clips (SE versions only)
    215 Platform Devices Included:
    65 Playlists Devices Included:
    196 Conrollers/Keyboards Included:
    Requires BigBox Version 13 or above
    Assets used in theme:
    many COLORFUL Hardware PNG media for devices (thx @viking)  
    Comments, reviews, questions and suggestions are always welcome! Please like and Follow.
    *SE versions are only available to Members that have subscribed on my BMAC page (similar to Patreon). All my "Coffee Buyers" and "Members" will be recognized in all my future themes and the ZizzleZazzle website.
    Please consider supporting these projects with "buying me a cup of coffee" or even better yet, Subscribe and have access to ALL the SE versions of all my themes with additional features, views, audio pack, video snaps and more personal support and customization.
          • The Papaw  🙏❤️🙏


       (1 review)



  7. PSGC +Arcade

    PSGC +Arcade is about the same as PSGC with an Arcade twist. The PSGC +Arcade themes have been updated with even more custom made Platform/Playlist backgrounds, Audio Clips and Controllers. New screenshots (1-12 basic theme 13-26 SE version) (see changelog below for all the info).  PSGC was made to match one of my themes (skins) done for the PSMC media player. 
    PSGC +Arcade is a Netflix type theme that is great for a home theater experience. The custom colorful fanart backgrounds transition to random Platform/Game artwork on the left side of the screen and to Platform/Playlist/Game video snaps on the right side of the screen after a couple seconds.
    SE versions include all the bells and whistles; multiple views, textured backgrounds. SE users also have available to them: 13 platform/playlist audio packs, the platform/playlist video snaps, choice of backgrounds, custom badges that can be used in Launchbox, sound packs, custom made playlists used in the videos, and more.
    Listen to sample clips of the New voices
    Listen to sample clips with Reverb
    380 Platform/Playlist Audio Clips
    215 Platform Backgrounds and Devices Included:
    65 Playlists Backgrounds and Devices
    195 Conrollers/Keyboards Included:
    Requires BigBox Version 13 or above
    Updated Video: (11-20-23)
    Startup Video

    Assets used in video (will link things as I upload everything):
    Startup Video PSGC Quiet Sound Pack Pause Theme is a slightly modified version of @Retro808's "Pulse Pause" theme Startup Theme is a modified and updated version of @Hazuki's "Starting The Game" theme NEW PSGC Video Snaps (work in progress) some custom made Playlist videos  
    Assets used in theme:
    many COLORFUL Hardware PNG media for devices (thx @viking)  
    Special thanks goes out to @faeran for letting me use some of his stuff from his awesome CoinOp theme
    And I can't forget @y2guru for the incredible job he has done with CTC, thanks Dave
    Comments, reviews, questions and suggestions are always welcome! Please like and Follow.
    *SE versions are only available to Members that have subscribed on my BMAC page (similar to Patreon). All my "Coffee Buyers" and "Members" will be recognized in all my future themes and the ZizzleZazzle website.
    Please consider supporting these projects with "buying me a cup of coffee" or even better yet, Subscribe and have access to ALL the SE versions of all my themes with additional features, views, audio pack, video snaps and more personal support and customization.
          • The Papaw  🙏❤️🙏


       (0 reviews)



  8. PSGC

    The PSGC theme has been updated with even more custom made Platform/Playlist backgrounds, Audio Clips and Controllers. New screenshots (1-10 basic theme 11-20 SE version) (see changelog below for all the info). PSGC was made to match one of my themes (skins) done for the PSMC media player. 
    PSGC is a Netflix type theme that is great for a home theater experience. The custom colorful fanart backgrounds transition to random Platform/Game artwork on the left side of the screen and to Platform/Playlist/Game video snaps on the right side of the screen after a couple seconds.
    SE versions include all the bells and whistles; multiple views, textured backgrounds. SE users also have available to them: 13 platform/playlist audio packs, the platform/playlist video snaps, choice of backgrounds, custom badges that can be used in Launchbox, sound packs, custom made playlists used in the videos, and more.
    Listen to sample clips of the New voices
    Listen to sample clips with Reverb
    380 Platform/Playlist Audio Clips
    215 Platform Backgrounds and Devices Included:
    65 Playlists Backgrounds and Devices
    195 Conrollers/Keyboards Included:
    Requires BigBox Version 13 or above
    Updated Video: (11-20-23)
    Startup Video:

    Assets used in video (will link things as I upload everything):
    Startup Video PSGC Quiet Sound Pack Pause Theme is a slightly modified version of @Retro808's "Pulse Pause" theme Startup Theme is a modified and updated version of @Hazuki's "Starting The Game" theme NEW PSGC Video Snaps (work in progress) some custom made Playlist videos  
    Assets used in theme:
    many COLORFUL Hardware PNG media for devices (thx @viking)  
    And I can't forget @y2guru for the incredible job he has done with CTC, thanks Dave
    Comments, reviews, questions and suggestions are always welcome! Please like and Follow.
    *SE versions are only available to Members that have subscribed on my BMAC page (similar to Patreon). All my "Coffee Buyers" and "Members" will be recognized in all my future themes and the ZizzleZazzle website.
    Please consider supporting these projects with "buying me a cup of coffee" or even better yet, Subscribe and have access to ALL the SE versions of all my themes with additional features, views, audio pack, video snaps and support.
          • The Papaw  🙏❤️🙏


       (0 reviews)



  9. Haunted Woods (this is a Novelty theme)

    A year or two back when @faeran was making the "theme videos", he had done a halloween theme. I was cleaning up a bunch of my old theme stuff and ran across this one I had done back then but never uploaded. I did open it up in the current version of CTC and re-published it to see if it still worked.
    I was brand spanking new at themes and CTC back then, but I was having so much fun with it and I most certainly got a bit carried away with it.
    If you decide to download it and check it out, it will go on and on and on, but hang in there. Eventually it might grab a hold of ya.
    WARNING 1: It's silly, but might be a bit scary to the little ones
    WARNING 2: if you navigate to a new platform, the video sequence starts all over again, you been warned !
    WARNING 3: If you watch the video, I reckon you won't have a reason to download the theme  
    WARNING 4: Please leave a comment, if you don't, there won't be any comments  
     - Enjoy 
    Please consider supporting these projects by donating a cup of coffee at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/zizzlezazzle or scanning the QR code below. Generosity like yours is rare to find these days. I thank you in advance for your support. I am very grateful for EVERY donation and every subscriber and truly appreciate your kindness!
        • The Papaw  🙏❤️🙏 
    If you would like more information on the type of projects I do, visit: https://zizzlezazzle.com


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  10. Neon Skyline & Neon Brick Skyline

    Do you remember neon lights from the 50's and 60's? (Yes, I know I am old) They were everywhere on about every store. The flickers, the sounds? With this theme I tried to capture as much of that as I could figure out how. All the backgrounds are animated as to replicate the flicker of a neon bulb of the platform name and device coming on. (the intro startup video I made even includes the sounds). Also has a second set of backgrounds that replace the neon city with a dark brick as optional download.
    I sure am not a graphics designer and can use all the help I can get . But I have attempted to create more glass looking clear logos, added lighting and reflections of the neon stuff and attempted to make the light pass through in all the info boxes I used best I could. Between what I could do in photoshop and CTC, this is what I have so far. This theme is the most extensive theme I have done to date. 
    Version 2.0.0 doesn't need the backgrounds like version 1 did. Choose from Neon Skyline or Neon Brick Skyline
    OPTIONAL (only needed for version 1): If you would like to use the other backgrounds, they are named:
    BrickBackgrounds - Just dark brick wall
    Neon Brick Skyline - I combine the brick wall with the neon skyline to make it look like a mural on the wall.
    To change the backgrounds, just rename or delete the files in the ..\Launchbox\Themes\Neon Skyline\Media\Backgrounds folder.
    Extract the replacements and drop them in the same place as the originals
    I was planning on doing all the platforms, but I might wait to see if there is enough interest there before I spend that much time on it. It takes me sometimes hours to do a single platform (I'm old, remember ).
    Let me know in the comments what ya'll think. Watch the video, download and try it. 
    BTW: Theme has most of my usual stuff (shows partial gamepad support like Steam, little popups for Completed, Broken, Needs Installed, etc.) and runs very smooth on my large BB rig, even in the Arcade platform on my older PCs. Only tested with 16:9 so not sure how it looks on others
    Sample Video:
    Startup Video (I have 4K version if anyone is interested)

    Comments, reviews, questions and suggestion are welcome! If you have found any of my efforts useful, let me know! If you'd like to buy me a cup of coffee, I would really appreciate it (via PayPal donation)
       The Papaw


       (0 reviews)



  11. PSGC Platform / Category / Playlists Video Set (no logos)

    These are the Platform, Platform Category and Playlists videos in HD (1920x1080). I made to go with the PSGC theme. This is the 2nd set of Platform Videos without the PSGC Logos.
    The videos mostly utilize the BigBox Cinematic videos but re-done to display in the upper right corner of the screen rather than center screen. A couple use videos borrowed from Colorful that were downloaded via LB, some I made and some were found here in the forums or the net.
    I may make additional videos in the future or per request.
    For more information on the entire setup, visit the download page of PSGC Theme here in the forums.
       -The Papaw


       (0 reviews)



  12. PSGC Startup Videos

    Startup videos for PSGC theme.
    Download 1080p or 4K and rename to startup.mp4 and place it in your LB video folder.
    Download the PSGC Theme
       -The Papaw


       (0 reviews)



  13. PSGC Sounds

    Sounds that go with the PSGC themes (PSGC Theme)


       (0 reviews)



  14. Game On (Redux)

    MAJOR OVERHAUL (requires BigBox v13.0 or higher)
    User friendly with "easy to see" custom genre & play mode icons. Designed for Large Screens & 4K in mind. Did some remodeling with the Animated backgrounds and house interiors. You can choose to have the male or female gamer on the left or right. Choose video effects to make it look like the ambient room light is changing, kinda like a TV does in real life or not. (change the views, 2 each).
    The gamers in the background are actually moving, looking like they are playing games.  I carried over some of my genre icon artwork I made for Fading Elegance v1+.
    I used a updated the voice files for platform names and added a little reverb, they sound pretty decent (over 230 platform/playlists mp3 files).
    This theme looks great on a big screen TV!
    The screenshots can't show how it functions, so check out the video.
    Has 4 Platform views, 2 with Male gamer on left, 2 Female gamer on left. 4 Game views (same), 4 wall views and Full Cover Flow view. Slide In-n-Out navigation buttons
    WATCH Sample Video of Game On! (Redux) on Rumble:
    Download, unzip, copy the folder " Game On (Redux)" into your Launchbox "Themes" folder
    Instructions to use Split Screen, PvP, LAN and Online Play Icon features: (not required)
    To get these to work in the theme is really pretty easy.
    Create the 4 Custom Fields below in Launchbox, just edit any single game in your collection and pick Custom Fields on the left panel. Copy-n-paste one of the 4 custom fields below and press <ENTER>. Then enter Yes in the value section press <ENTER>. Copy-n-paste the other 3 Custom Fields and do the same. Then press OK

    Now the fields should be ready and Yes is now a choice in Bulk Edit. Close Launchbox and re-open just to be safe. Then you can go back to the game you used to set up the custom fields and delete the Yes's if you need to. You can leave the field blank for NO so no need to worry any of them but the ones that apply, they will need to be YES.
    What I did, was to sort my collection different ways like genre or playmode. I had a genre set up for MMO, so I bulk edited all the games in that category, first I chose Play Mode, making sure they all had multiplayer added as a value. Then I said yes to make more changes, and then chose the newly created Custom Field: Online Play and just select Yes in the dropdown to add value. The theme will now display the animated globe for all those games in the views that use it.
    Do that for the other 5 Custom fields using similar sorts. Of course any game can be edited manually as well. 
    The custom fields you can add:
    Split Screen

    *Controller Mapping:
    The only thing that needs changed is Button 3 (that's the "X" button on Xbox controller or square button on DS4 controller). It is set to "Play" by default, so if you use this, you will need to assign a different button to it. Now assign Button 3 to "Filter". That's it.

    If you get a blank area in the one of the Genre images (like where the Yellow arrow is pointing in the screenshot below), it just means that game is using a genre that I did not create a icon for.
    If you have Photoshop,  you can use the simple template I included in the ..\LaunchBox\Themes\Game On v1\Media\Genres folder to create anything you need. Just open the template, drop a image in the template (re-size to taste), change the text and save. If you don't have PS, let me know and I can try to get ya fixed up.

    Big Thanks to @y2guru for moving forward with the Community Theme Creator and the changes he shared with us with v2.5.5.5. Without him, this wouldn't exist. And thanks to @faeran for all his troubleshooting help as well. And lets not forget @Jason Carr and the rest of the LB team and especially the server changes!
    Feel free to leave comments, questions and reviews
    - Enjoy & thanks for trying the theme! 
     - The Papaw


       (0 reviews)



  15. Neon Looking Platform Clear Logos for LB & BB

    I made these for one of my themes and thought I would share them with the community. They look decent in most Launchbox & Bigbox themes if you like the neon look.
    2.0.0 includes around 250 clear logos (Platforms, Platform Categories, a few Playlists as well as some extras like TV Shows, Movies, Comics, etc.).
    -The Papaw 


       (0 reviews)



  16. Simple Touch & Simple Desktop

    I wanted to change the theme to a more Retro look in Version 4. See changelogs and last few screenshots. I will only be going forward with the two v4 version as it has been to much to keep up with all the versions. I will try to update most of the screenshots soon. I plan on adding vertical and coverflow views soon. I'll leave v3 online as they look quite a bit different. Looking back, I probably should have separated them as different themes
    Simple Desktop v4 - Uploaded Simple Touch v4 - Uploaded (last 2 screenshots) Simple Desktop v3 (light) - FINAL Simple Desktop v3 (dark) - FINAL (screenshots close to end) Some of the features:
    New custom Neon platform, platform categories and few playlist Clear Logos  (close to 200 of them). Also available in separate DOWNLOAD now. device bezels for game videos (200+ platforms) - (special thanks @Duimon for many of them). Also extra ones in a folder named "unused" and a psd template added Partial Gamepad badge support like Steam does (add a custom field in LB named "Partial Gamepad Support" with a value of "Yes") - dll file below displays nice little message when no game notes are present (see screenshot 5) displays colorful "No Video image" when no game video is present in the bezel ability to choose scratches & smudges on game videos (delete "Scratches.png" file in ..\Themes\Simple Desktop v3 (light)\Media\Overlays) font changes for better visibility colorful 3 second popup for games marked as Completed, Broken or Not Installed in Horizonal & Wall views (see screenshot 7,8,9) Audio announces 200+ Platforms New matching neon "Startup" videos Clean, with a modern look. Works well with all the screen sizes I have been able to test, including large screens and 4K TVs. Responsive and simple, thus "Simple Touch".
    I needed this for a A-I-O Touch Screen PC I will be installing in a false wall soon. I'll be doing a home remodeling project soon and thought a touch screen jukebox in the wall would be a cool look. I found a great deal on a Lenovo 700 22ish touchscreen on ebay and have been setting it all up before I start the remodel. I wanted to create a BB theme with a similar look to the Jukebox (media center) software I put on the PC.
    (Most of the Platform videos in the videos in v3 and previous were the Bigbox Cinematic videos, in v4 they showcase the Colorful videos with a few I made)
    NEW VIDEO: Simple Desktop v4 (11-04-22)
    VIDEO: Simple Desktop v3 Light (10-07-22) - Sorry it's so long, I was trying to show all the bezels I used to show the game videos for all the platforms.
    VIDEO: Simple Desktop v3 Dark (10-13-22)
    Here is the dll file for adding the "Touch Badge" in Launchbox. Drop it into your ..\Launchbox\Plugins folder. (not required, just shows the Touch Badge in Launchbox)
    Badge Touch.dll
    Startup Videos: (10 seconds)
    NEW - Simple Desktop (available in 1080 & 4K)

    BigBox Simple Desktop (3840 × 2160 px).mp4 NEW - Simple Touch (available in 1080 & 4K)
    * (you can disable the audio by renaming or deleting the Audio folder within the ..\theme name\Media\Audio folder. If you want to remove the family logo image in the settings page, you can do the same thing with it, located in the ..\theme name\Media\Images folder)
    "Simple Touch v3" (light or dark), "Simple Desktop v3" (light or dark) are the older versions.
    * Simple Touch Vertical (vertical version) This one is more of a test version. It's made using 3:4 aspect ratio per request. I had to re-size some things and move a few things around a bit, but pretty much the same. I have nothing to test it with, so not sure how well it will look or work on a actual vertical screen. If you give this one a try, feedback would be awesome (especially some screenshots or a video).
    As always, special thanks goes out to:
    @JoeViking245 for helping me with the touch issues
    @y2guru for sharing CTC with us, thank you
    @faeran for allowing me to use a bit of his code
    @Johnny T for all the MFME Fruitbox Machine help
    @viking for the awesome Colorful stuff and sharing some of his knowledge with me
    Don't forget to leave feedback, post comments, questions or suggestions. Will do the best I can to get back.
    - Enjoy! 

    BigBox Simple Desktop (1920 × 1080 px).mp4


       (0 reviews)



  17. The Game Zone (Multiple BB Instances via AHK script)

    Allows you to Easily use multiple instances of Bigbox on each PC to improve speeds in navigation by splitting up platforms and running them from a single app. Also allows you to customize each instance to use different themes, platform videos, etc.. Includes a ReadMe in the folder
    I wrote this AHK script to make it easy to run multiple instances of Bigbox on the same PC.
    The reason I did this was I noticed my main LB/BB rig was getting so big that navigation was starting to slow down, especially in arcade using the newer themes. It was even worse on the older PC's thoughout he house. I got the idea that maybe if I split the platforms up into different copies of LB/BB I might get a smoother experience, especially on older PC's and it worked.
    The script can be easily changed and customized to your needs. It's simple to change the images, background, layout, number of instances, etc. with much more than Notepad++. It takes a little work to set things up, but works pretty well after your done.
    Just extract it and put the "The Game Zone" folder where you want. 
    Here is what you need do to Prepare: - this is most of the work
    1. Make a copy of your Launchbox folder before doing anything just as a backup in case you have a boo-boo and something gets messed up. That makes it easy to go back. I'd leave it alone until finished.

    2. If your game media, including roms, (images, videos, music, manuals) is within your Launchbox folder, you will need to move or make a copy of it all to a centralized location Outside the default Launchbox folder. This excludes your Platform Categories, Platforms, Playlists folders and startup videos. Mine is actually on a shared NAS folder. This keeps you from creating and having multiple copies of your roms and game media in a later step.

    3. Next, you need to edit the paths to each of them in the "Folders" section of Launchbox by right clicking on a platform, then Edit > Folders (tab) and navigate each of them to where you put the media OR edit the Platform xml (../Launchbox/Data/Platforms) files with Notepad++ so Launchbox uses the new centralized media locations. Notepad++ is faster and easier, but more chance of errors. 

    4. After your media is in a centralized location, you can delete it all from your default Launchbox folders.

    5. Next, make multiple copies of your edited Launchbox folder and rename them the following (only if you wish to use the script "As Is"):
    by default the script uses your normal Launchbox instance for the Master system.

    6. Lastly, you will need to edit the AHK script to match the different path instances that you have chosen. Mine are as follows and what the script is using by default:
    D:\Gaming\Apps\LaunchBox (master system with all platforms)
    After everything is all set up and working, you can play with modding to your taste and needs.
    I do all my maintenance work in my master instance and use Syncthings to copy the appropriate platform xml files to the appropriate LB instances, that way I do the work once and the other instances are updated automatically. Yep, I'm lazy! There is a shortcut in the folder to drop on the desktop. You might have to fix the icon for it (copy of it in the "The Game Zone" folder), since my paths may be different than yours.
    I think that's it. This is my first AHK script and was fun learning about AHK. You can do much more with it than I imagined.
    Feel free to post questions, comments, suggestions and share what you come up with.


       (0 reviews)



  18. Dark Bounce

    This theme uses a dark rock wall background with blue-ish white shadows. This one works great on larger gaming rigs and folks that have their gaming media stored on a NAS. The video below was made on my main rig with 22,000+ games and all the media and roms being stored on NAS using mapped drives, Launchbox was installed on mechanical HDD.
    The video does much better showing the theme than the screenshots. (the bouncing and the slides)
    I used my custom icons for genres, play modes, number of players, custom controllers, etc..
    I designed this one mainly for Large Screens and TVs (16:9), but this time I created it in Stretch Mode in CTC. This is the first theme I have tried using the Stretch mode, so if you run into strange looking issues let me know, preferably with screenshots, I am not sure how to properly test the other screen ratios yet, but from I was able to do, the theme was looking decent on the different views in CTC.
    This time I put a more focus on the Arcade (MAME) platform, using game specific Arcade Cabinets and the Arcade Controls (looks will depend on your artwork) as well as play modes specific to the Arcade platform. (the ones like 2-Player Alternating or 2-Player Simultaneous) if you use them.
    My custom Genre Icons have grown to over 300+ now (includes the PS template to make more if you need them) and I have over 100 controller images in this theme.
    The Platform audio I used was a male voice. I increased the volume a bit and added some reverb.
    Video: (wall views in video are showing original version, version 2 is different-see changelog below)
    Download, unzip, copy the folder "Dark Bounce" into your Launchbox "Themes" folder.
    The Windows Media Player in Bigbox will work best with this theme
    You can also set the theme up to show if the game can be played in Virtual Reality, Online, PvP, etc. if you want. Artwork is included and already in place. Instructions for setting up the 4-5 custom fields can be found on my "Game On" theme page. (https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/file/3256-game-on/). It's pretty simple.
    Thanks goes out to @y2guru, @faeran for there awesome contributions to CTC/LB/BB work and videos. Also @viking for his great stuff as well as @RetroNi. Some of the logos and videos used from their contributions. And of course anyone else I may have un-intendedly forgot to mention.
    Leave comments and suggestions and I'll see what I can do. Spring is here, so gonna be slowing down with this stuff. If I can keep away from it 
    -Enjoy & thanks for trying the theme!


       (1 review)



  19. MASSIVE - 1000's of Clear Logos focusing on Genres/Categories (Part of The Papaw TV Collection)

    This is a MASSIVE collection of clear logos focusing on Genres (categories) and with some Collections included. There is a download pack for 40 different platforms. There are 1000'S of clear logos in this collection. They work fine with all the available themes that I've tried. There is a separate download pack for each platform. Each downloaded zip contains 2 folders (one is a folder with the clear logos which is pretty much a drag-n-drop thing, the 2nd is a folder with matching playlists (auto-generated) if you wish to try them, (keep in mind the playlists are far from perfect and still being updated), along with Readme.txt that explains where everything goes. I was inspired to do this when I switched to the Retro Console Theme by cemfundog and some logo work done by scooter1974. It got me started when I wanted to create a couple for myself and well, that couple just keeps growing now.... Thanks to both of you for your help.
    Per request, I added the complete set in a single file called for easier downloading. It contains everything that's in all the individual downloads. (it is the very last file in the downloads or use the link)
    Complete Collection v4.1.1.zip (at the bottom of the list)
    You can get the matching videos here:
    Extreme Gamer Collection (works with COLORFUL and most other themes) Ultimate Playlist Beginner Setup Guide & Starter Collection (with New Video Sets, smaller in size and easier to download) Massive #1 - 100's of Videos that match these clear logos - The screenshots above are NOT using the matching videos  Massive #2 - Another set of almost 500 genre/category Videos that match these - Cemfundog  and I collaborated on this and using his design I created these to go with his animated Retro Console Theme v2. TV Commercial Platform Videos Download Retro Console Theme: Retro Console Theme  or Retro Console Theme V2
    These logos really pop if you set BigBox to use Platform Categories as the view. Of course, the better your genres are defined, the better your playlists (and logos) will work for you. That's why I included my matching playlists to help you get started if you have been putting it off like I did for years..haha. Make copies or backups of your files (the one mentioned in the Readme) then you can try these and if you don't like them, you can delete them and easily put things back like you had them.
    As it stands right now, there are close to 20,000 files in the collection. If you are working with limited storage space, you can always download the systems you need, pick out the ones you want to use and delete the rest.
    Each system download has the same content concerning the genres/categories, meaning if one system has a clear logo for "Baseball", every system will have a clear logo for "Baseball. I done it this way so if you add a new game and you choose a new genre for it that is new to your setup, and the genre files have already been installed from here, they will be picked up automatically for you.  (If I create a new category, genre or collection, it will be added it to all the systems.)
    Concerning the Play Mode images:  I have tried to make all the images that pertain to the # of players, local, online, single player, multiple player, local co-op, split screen, 2-Player Alternating, etc., specific to each individual platform. Like the Xbox 360 images have 360 controllers on them or the Wii U images have a Wii U on one side and the Wii U Controller on the other. Just a added touch. All systems will play mode images for up to 8 players (starting in version 2) in both Simultaneous and Alternating, so I tried to fit many different setups, as we all have have different likes.
    My objective it to finish through my library with the genres I have, then I will either begin all over again maybe focusing on Collections I have or try to make matching video snaps, not sure yet.
    I will try to accept requests now for other genres/categories....I ask you be patient as I am only one old feller and I'll do the best I can. PLEASE keep requests to things that will have at least 5-10 games that will pertain to it. I am trying to focus it around single word genre/categories best I can.  
    This is a work-in-progress and on-going I'm sure. The better the metadata, the better searches and organization it makes.
    Here are the systems included so far:  (Updated to v4 on 06-15-20)

    3DO Interactive
    Atari 2600
    Atari 5200
    Atari 7800
    Atari Jaguar
    Atari Lynx
    Atari ST
    Commodore Amiga
    Mattel Intellivision
    Microsoft Xbox
    Microsoft Xbox 360
    NEC TurboGrafx-16
    Nintendo 3DS
    Nintendo 64
    Nintendo DS
    Nintendo Entertainment System
    Nintendo Game Boy Advance
    Nintendo Game Boy Color
    Nintendo GameCube
    Nintendo Switch
    Nintendo Wii
    Nintendo Wii U
    Sega 32X
    Sega CD
    Sega Dreamcast
    Sega Game Gear
    Sega Genesis
    Sega Saturn
    Sharp X68000 - NEW
    SNK Neo Geo AES
    SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color
    Sony Playstation
    Sony Playstation 2
    Sony Playstation 3
    Sony Playstation 4 (no playlists) - New emulators are starting to show progress now so just preparing
    Sony PSP
    Super Nintendo Entertainment System
    Wonderswan Color
    Feel free to leave comments, questions and suggestions and I will get back as soon as I can.


       (4 reviews)



  20. Extreme Gamer Video Collection - ARE YOU READY??? (focusing on Genre/Categories)

    My biggest request has been a video set that would work well with the COLORFUL bigbox theme. Well.......
    HERE YA GO! Grab your controllers, snacks, drinks, and all the other necessaries you need and prepare to game!!!
    These are "center screened" genre/category/collection based videos. Of course designed to match and work with my Clear Logos & Playlists Sets. You can download the individual files or the Entire Set of almost 500 video snaps (6 files at the bottom, doesn't include Platform & Platform Categories videos, they are in the download list).
    They look real good in the Unified Redux theme too, as well as most of the other themes I have tried that like videos?. 
    Sample Video: (it's kinda long, I was trying to show the different views)
    Many, many thanks to Viking for creating this awesome theme and giving me permission to incorporate some of his work into the making of this video set. My favorite setup so far!!!
    My Other Stuff:
    Clear Logos Sets 1000's of Genres/Categories clear logos
    Ultimate Playlist Beginner Setup Guide & Starter Collection (with clear logos, auto generated playlists & video sets, smaller in size and easier to download)
    Massive #1 - 100's of "full size" genre/category videos that match my clear logo sets
    Massive #2 - 100's of "right side" genre/category videos that match my clear logo sets (Cemfundog  and I collaborated on this and using his design I created these to go with his animated Retro Console Theme v2.
    TV Commercial "Platform" Videos (set of 40 platforms)
    Enjoy!  All comments, reviews, questions and suggestions are much appreciated!!!
    Playlists.7z.001 Playlists.7z.002 Playlists.7z.003 Playlists.7z.004 Playlists.7z.005 Playlists.7z.006


       (0 reviews)



  21. Platform & Platform Category Images Set (cleaned and adjusted)

    Couple hundred .png images in this set. I believe it includes all the Platforms & Platform Categories (see list below). I think most of them are from @viking's collection, but there are others I had found or created as well. Like Nintendo GameCube has both the purple one and a black one.
    The screenshot shows this collection on the top and originals on the bottom.
    I done some re-sizing (most are between the 400-600 pixel range or larger), some cleanup and some color adjustments on them trying to make them look more realistic and vivid in color. Brighter whites, darker blacks, etc.. Not a huge difference, but a little better.
    All excess transparency has been cropped off making the image size more accurate to what you see when using them. All the work was done in Photoshop (2022)
    These can be used in your regular rig as well, but you will have to copy them to the appropriate folder one at a time. (I made these more to drop into a theme you might be working on without all the individual platform folders)
    I had done these for the themes I work on and just thought I would share 'em.
    What's In The Set:
    3DO Interactive Multiplayer.png
    1292 Advanced Programmable Video System.png
    Aamber Pegasus.png
    Acorn Archimedes.png
    Acorn Atom.png
    Acorn Electron.png
    Amstrad CPC.png
    Amstrad GX4000.png
    Amstrad PCW.png
    APF Imagination Machine.png
    Apogee BK-01.png
    Apple Bandai Pippin.png
    Apple I.png
    Apple II.png
    Apple IIGS.png
    Apple III.png
    Apple Lisa.png
    Atari 800.png
    Atari 2600.png
    Atari 5200.png
    Atari 7800.png
    Atari Falcon.png
    Atari Jaguar CD.png
    Atari Jaguar.png
    Atari Lynx.png
    Atari Pong.png
    Atari ST.png
    Atari XEGS.png
    Bally Astrocade.png
    Bandai Playdia.png
    Bandai WonderSwan Color.png
    Bandai WonderSwan.png
    BBC Bridge Companion.png
    BBC Micro.png
    Bit Corporation Gamate.png
    BrezzaSoft Crystal System.png
    Camputers Lynx.png
    Capcom Power System Changer.png
    Casio Loopy.png
    Casio PV-1000.png
    Coleco ADAM.png
    Coleco Telstar.png
    Commodore 64 Games System.png
    Commodore 64.png
    Commodore 128.png
    Commodore Amiga CD32.png
    Commodore Amiga.png
    Commodore CDTV.png
    Commodore MAX Machine.png
    Commodore PET.png
    Commodore Plus 4.png
    Commodore VIC-20.png
    Creatronic Mega Duck.png
    Dragon 32.png
    EACA EG2000 Colour Genie.png
    Elektronika BK.png
    Emerson Arcadia 2001.png
    Entex Adventure Vision.png
    Entex Select-A-Game.png
    Epoch Cassette Vision.png
    Epoch Electrotennis.png
    Epoch Game Pocket Computer.png
    Epoch Super Cassette Vision.png
    Exelvision EXL 100.png
    Exidy Sorcerer.png
    Fairchild Channel F.png
    Fujitsu FM Towns Marty.png
    Fujitsu FM-7.png
    Funtech Super A'can.png
    Future Pinball.png
    GamePark GP2X.png
    GamePark GP32.png
    GCE Vectrex.png
    Hartung Game Master.png
    Interton VC 4000.png
    iQue Player.png
    Jupiter Ace.png
    Konami Picno.png
    Lviv PC-01.png
    Magnavox Odyssey 2.png
    Magnavox Odyssey.png
    Matra and Hachette Alice.png
    Mattel Aquarius.png
    Mattel HyperScan.png
    Mattel Intellivision.png
    Memotech MTX512.png
    Microsoft MSX.png
    Microsoft Xbox 360.png
    Microsoft Xbox One.png
    Microsoft Xbox Series S.png
    Microsoft Xbox Series X.png
    Microsoft Xbox.png
    Milton Bradley MicroVision.png
    NEC PC-8801.png
    NEC PC-9801.png
    NEC PC-FX.png
    NEC SuperGrafx.png
    NEC TurboExpress.png
    NEC TurboGrafx-16.png
    NEC TurboGrafx-CD.png
    Nintendo 3DS.png
    Nintendo 64.png
    Nintendo 64DD.png
    Nintendo Color TV-Game.png
    Nintendo DS.png
    Nintendo Entertainment System.png
    Nintendo Famicom Disk System.png
    Nintendo Game & Watch.png
    Nintendo Game Boy Advance.png
    Nintendo Game Boy Color.png
    Nintendo Game Boy.png
    Nintendo GameCube.png
    Nintendo GameCube-purple.png
    Nintendo Pokémon Mini.png
    Nintendo Satellaview.png
    Nintendo Sufami Turbo.png
    Nintendo Switch.png
    Nintendo Switch-orig.png
    Nintendo Virtual Boy.png
    Nintendo Wii U.png
    Nintendo Wii.png
    Nokia N-Gage.png
    Northstar Advantage.png
    Oric Atmos.png
    Othello Multivision.png
    Philips CD-i.png
    Philips VG 5000.png
    Philips Videopac+ G7400.png
    Pioneer LaserActive.png
    RCA Studio II.png
    RDI Halcyon.png
    SAM Coupé.png
    Sega 32X.png
    Sega Beena.png
    Sega CD 32X.png
    Sega CD.png
    Sega Dreamcast VMU.png
    Sega Dreamcast.png
    Sega Game Gear.png
    Sega Genesis.png
    Sega Master System.png
    Sega Nomad.png
    Sega Pico.png
    Sega Saturn.png
    Sega SC-3000.png
    Sega SG-1000.png
    Sharp MZ-2500.png
    Sharp X1.png
    Sharp X1-orig.png
    Sharp X68000.png
    Sharp X68000-orig.png
    Sinclair ZX Spectrum.png
    Sinclair ZX-81.png
    SNK Neo Geo AES.png
    SNK Neo Geo CD.png
    SNK Neo Geo MVS.png
    SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color.png
    SNK Neo Geo Pocket.png
    Sony PlayStation 2.png
    Sony PlayStation 3.png
    Sony PlayStation 4.png
    Sony PlayStation 5.png
    Sony PlayStation Portable.png
    Sony PlayStation Vita.png
    Sony PlayStation.png
    Sony PocketStation.png
    Sord M5.png
    Super Nintendo Entertainment System.png
    Tandy Memorex Visual Information System.png
    Tandy TRS-80 Color Computer.png
    Tandy TRS-80.png
    Tapwave Zodiac.png
    Telegames Personal Arcade.png
    Texas Instruments TI-83.png
    Texas Instruments TI-99.png
    Tiger Game.com.png
    Tiger R-Zone.png
    Tiger Telematics Gizmondo.png
    TimeTop GameKing.png
    Tomy Tutor.png
    Unisonic Champion 2711.png
    View-Master Interactive Vision.png
    VM Labs Nuon.png
    VTech CreatiVision.png
    VTech Socrates.png
    VTech V.Flash.png
    VTech V.Smile.png
    Watara Supervision.png
    Worlds of Wonder Action Max.png
    ZAPiT GameWave Family Entertainment System.png


       (0 reviews)



  22. Santa's Accident

    This is Christmas holiday theme. It's more of a novelty theme I suppose, since it won't be used all the time. I haven't seen one and my grandson asked me to make one for him.
    It starts up as to be looking out a window on a cold, windy and snowy day when Santa appears and has a bad day with the weather and his reindeer.
    It contains a little bit of video vintage footage of the "Lost Toys" from Rudolph and Frosty as well in some of the TVs used in the different views
    If you want a little holiday spirit in your gaming setup at this time of year, check it out.
    Since it is seasonal, I only did a couple different views. If there is enough interest, I may add more views to it.
    Thanks to @y2guru for making it so easy and sharing CTC. If you haven't tried it, you should, I through this together yesterday. (can't wait for 2.3)
    Seasons Greetings!
    The Papaw


       (0 reviews)



  23. Platform Voice Packs - 190-200 Platforms in Each Pack

    These are Platform Voices & Voiceover packs I made to use in themes I have been working on in @y2guru's Community Theme Creator. Each pack has the 190+ platforms and Categories with a couple extra variations for a few of them.
    From 3DO Interactive Multiplayer to ZiNc. They also have a few playlists like "Favorites", "Recently Added", "Broken", etc. They're all in the MP3 format (48kbs)
    136 different voices and voiceover packs. Half were made using a single female voice, made using Amazon Polly (Salli) and the bottom half which were made using a male voice Amazon Polly (Mathew). I think the male voices turned out better, but some of the female ones turned out pretty cool as well.
    Some of the voiceovers variants are:
    Radio Chatter
    Space Squirrel
    Various Male and Female
    Whiney Squire
    Samples made using a male voice:
    Nintendo GameCube (Mathew).mp3
    Nintendo GameCube (Dwarf).mp3
    Nintendo GameCube (Android Male).mp3
    Samples made using a female voice:
    Nintendo GameCube (Salli).mp3
    Nintendo GameCube (Dwarf).mp3
    Nintendo GameCube (Android Male).mp3

    Each pack Includes:
    3DO Interactive Multiplayer.mp3
    3DO Interactive.mp3
    Aamber Pegasus.mp3
    Acorn Archimedes.mp3
    Acorn Atom.mp3
    Acorn Electron.mp3
    Amstrad CPC.mp3
    Amstrad GX4000.mp3
    APF Imagination Machine.mp3
    Apogee BK-01.mp3
    Apple II.mp3
    Apple IIGS.mp3
    Apple iOS.mp3
    Apple Mac OS.mp3
    Atari 800.mp3
    Atari 2600.mp3
    Atari 5200.mp3
    Atari 7800.mp3
    Atari Jaguar CD.mp3
    Atari Jaguar.mp3
    Atari Lynx.mp3
    Atari ST.mp3
    Atari XEGS.mp3
    Bally Astrocade.mp3
    BBC Microcomputer System.mp3
    Camputers Lynx.mp3
    Casio Loopy.mp3
    Casio PV-1000.mp3
    Coleco ADAM.mp3
    Commodore 64.mp3
    Commodore 128.mp3
    Commodore Amiga CD32.mp3
    Commodore Amiga.mp3
    Commodore CDTV.mp3
    Commodore MAX Machine.mp3
    Commodore PET.mp3
    Commodore Plus 4.mp3
    Commodore VIC-20.mp3
    Dragon 32_64.mp3
    EACA EG2000 Colour Genie.mp3
    Elektronika BK.mp3
    Emerson Arcadia 2001.mp3
    Entex Adventure Vision.mp3
    Epoch Game Pocket Computer.mp3
    Epoch Super Cassette Vision.mp3
    Exelvision EXL 100.mp3
    Exidy Sorcerer.mp3
    Fairchild Channel F.mp3
    Fujitsu FM Towns Marty.mp3
    Fujitsu FM-7.mp3
    Funtech Super Acan.mp3
    Future Pinball.mp3
    Game Wave Family Entertainment System.mp3
    GamePark GP32.mp3
    GCE Vectrex.mp3
    Hartung Game Master.mp3
    Hector HRX.mp3
    Interton VC 4000.mp3
    Jupiter Ace.mp3
    Magnavox Odyssey 2.mp3
    Magnavox Odyssey.mp3
    Matra and Hachette Alice.mp3
    Mattel Aquarius.mp3
    Mattel HyperScan.mp3
    Mattel Intellivision.mp3
    Mega Duck.mp3
    Memotech MTX512.mp3
    Microsoft MS-DOS.mp3
    Microsoft MSX.mp3
    Microsoft MSX2+.mp3
    Microsoft Xbox 10.mp3
    Microsoft Xbox 360.mp3
    Microsoft Xbox One.mp3
    Microsoft Xbox X.mp3
    Microsoft Xbox.mp3
    Namco System 22.mp3
    NEC PC-8801.mp3
    NEC PC-9801.mp3
    NEC PC-FX.mp3
    NEC TurboGrafx-16.mp3
    NEC TurboGrafx-CD.mp3
    Needs Installed.mp3
    Nintendo 3DS.mp3
    Nintendo 64 Disc Drive.mp3
    Nintendo 64.mp3
    Nintendo 64DD.mp3
    Nintendo DS.mp3
    Nintendo Entertainment System.mp3
    Nintendo Famicom Disk System.mp3
    Nintendo Game & Watch.mp3
    Nintendo Game Boy Advance.mp3
    Nintendo Game Boy Color.mp3
    Nintendo Game Boy.mp3
    Nintendo GameCube.mp3
    Nintendo Pokemon Mini.mp3
    Nintendo Satellaview.mp3
    Nintendo Switch.mp3
    Nintendo Virtual Boy.mp3
    Nintendo Wii U.mp3
    Nintendo Wii.mp3
    Nokia N-Gage.mp3
    Not Installed.mp3
    Oric Atmos.mp3
    PC Engine SuperGrafx.mp3
    Philips CD-i.mp3
    Philips VG 5000.mp3
    Philips Videopac+.mp3
    RCA Studio II.mp3
    Recently Added Games.mp3
    Recently Added.mp3
    SAM Coupé.mp3
    Sammy Atomiswave.mp3
    Sega 32X.mp3
    Sega CD.mp3
    Sega CDX.mp3
    Sega Dreamcast VMU.mp3
    Sega Dreamcast.mp3
    Sega Game Gear.mp3
    Sega Genesis.mp3
    Sega Hikaru.mp3
    Sega Master System.mp3
    Sega Model 1.mp3
    Sega Model 2.mp3
    Sega Model 3.mp3
    Sega Pico.mp3
    Sega Saturn.mp3
    Sega SC-1000.mp3
    Sega SC-3000.mp3
    Sega ST-V.mp3
    Sega System 16.mp3
    Sega System 32.mp3
    Sega Triforce.mp3
    Sharp MZ-2500.mp3
    Sharp X1.mp3
    Sharp X68000.mp3
    Sinclair ZX Spectrum.mp3
    Sinclair ZX-81.mp3
    SNK Neo Geo AES.mp3
    SNK Neo Geo CD.mp3
    SNK Neo Geo MVS.mp3
    SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color.mp3
    SNK Neo Geo Pocket.mp3
    Sony Playstation 1.mp3
    Sony Playstation 2.mp3
    Sony Playstation 3.mp3
    Sony Playstation 4.mp3
    Sony Playstation 5.mp3
    Sony Playstation Portable.mp3
    Sony Playstation Vita.mp3
    Sony Playstation.mp3
    Sony PocketStation.mp3
    Sony PSP Minis.mp3
    Sony PSP.mp3
    Sord M5.mp3
    Super Nintendo Entertainment System.mp3
    Taito Type X.mp3
    Tandy Trash-80.mp3
    Tandy TRS-80.mp3
    Tapwave Zodiac.mp3
    Texas Instruments TI 99_4A.mp3
    Tiger Game.com.mp3
    Tomy Tutor.mp3
    TRS-80 Color Computer.mp3
    Virtual Reality.mp3
    VTech CreatiVision.mp3
    VTech Socrates.mp3
    Watara Supervision.mp3
    Web Browser.mp3
    Windows 3.X.mp3
    WonderSwan Color.mp3
    WoW Action Max.mp3


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  24. Fading Elegance Pause Theme - Designed with 4k Large Screens & TVs in mind.

    PauseTheme that matches the Fading Elegance theme. Designed with 4k Large Screens & TVs in mind. 
    "Fading Elegance v1" and "Fading Elegance v1+" Theme
    Matching Startup-Exit Theme - can be used with any theme of course
    The pause button in the center is animated. It loops from Pause to Play.
    Includes a text file with instructions
    Funny Fact - Look at the Play Count on the screenshot; well I used the 4 different 007 games in Gamecube to test my changes every time I would make a change. Between the 4 games in my collection, I have played them 430 times when you add them together. Thats a lot of starting and stopping. - 
    The video shows the Startup, Pause and Exit
    Thanks @faeran & @Retro808 for the help


       (0 reviews)



  25. Fading Elegance - StartupTheme - Designed with 4K Large Screens & TVs in Mind

    Startup/Exit Theme that matches the Fading Elegance theme. Designed with 4k Large Screens & TVs in mind. 
    "Fading Elegance v1" and "Fading Elegance v1+"  Theme
    Matching Pause Theme - can be used with any theme of course
    The star-burst smoothly slides in from the right resting behind the Clear Logog and then continues to rotate making it look like a live star.
    There's a green animated loading bar above the "NOW LOADING (not in real-time)" 
    Funny Fact - Look at the Play Count on the screenshot; well I used the 4 different 007 games in Gamecube to test my changes every time I would make a change. Between the 4 games in my collection, I have played them 430 times when you add them together. Thats a lot of starting and stopping. - 
    The video shows the Startup, Pause and Exit


       (1 review)



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